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Glasgow High School Educational Trust Receives Baker Memorials

To all of those fortunate enough to call him family or friend, the late Donald J. Baker's generous spirit was well known. Now, thanks to his extraordinary bequests to numerous Montana foundations, that spirit will become a living legacy in perpetuity. One of those foundations, the Glasgow High School Educational Trust, is honored and humbled to announce the receipt of $732,791.70 ($34,886.27 to be added to an existing endowment within the trust in the names of L.J. and Jean Baker, his parents, and $697,905.44 in memory of Donald J. Baker).

Baker's investment in the education of others obviously reflects his deep respect for its value. A 1960 graduate of Glasgow High School who went on to receive a master's degree in architecture from Montana State University and to build a successful career in St. Paul, Minn., he knew what opportunities higher education offered to those who were willing to work hard and play by the rules, values that were instilled in him in his home and community. Though he traveled the world and made lifelong friends wherever he went, he clearly never left his Montana roots behind and chose to strengthen them for generations to come.

As with all donations to the trust, Baker's gifts will be invested and the interest earned used to fund scholarships for Glasgow High School alumni pursuing higher education at college, trade school, or through an accredited online program. Since its inception in 1964, the trust has awarded a total of $1,842,000.00 to 696 different students enrolled in very diverse programs across the nation. Many of these students have received multiple gifts over their courses of study, which brings the total number of gifts awarded to students to 2,194.

The Glasgow High School Educational Trust awards are not traditional scholarships offered only to those earning very high grades. Applicants must be GHS graduates who have completed one year of college or one semester of trade school, be in good academic standing, attending full-time (12 semester credits minimum), and showing steady progress toward completion of a degree or certification. A primary consideration has always been financial need. Distribution is made through a semi-annual application process administered by the trustees. Application deadlines are July 1 and October 15 of each year. The application, which lists additional requirements that must be met, is available at It must be completed properly, thoroughly, and submitted on time to be considered.

In addition to student gifts, the Glasgow High School Educational Trust also uses the interest earned on its corpus, now over $5 million dollars, to purchase equipment and programs for Glasgow High School that cannot be financed within the school's regular budget. Over the years, every department has received such gifts, benefitting all students and the public at large when it attends events at the school or uses its facilities. Some examples include upgrades to the sound and lighting systems in the auditorium, 3-D printers for the STEM programs, coding software for the business department, and a major gift toward the purchase of new kilts for the Glasgow High School Scotty Band. The gifts total 111 in number with a dollar value of $223,179.42.

Whenever the trust receives donations that total $500 in the name of a particular individual, a gift is given to a student or GHS in the name of that person. Gifts of $10,000 or more in the name of a particular individual allow for a permanent annual naming opportunity.

Donald J. Baker was a man in charge of his own life - seeking adventure, developing and sustaining meaningful relationships until the end. Through his thoughtful and generous planning, he has made it possible for many others to pursue similar paths. The Glasgow High School Educational Trust is deeply grateful for his commitment to and support of its mission and will strive to be true to his spirit.


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