Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913
Do you remember the old wooden (probably oak) telephones that hung on the wall? I vaguely remember seeing one or two of these hanging in grocery or general stores of my early days, and later at auctions (maybe auctions or items of those very fore mentioned stores). These phones had two probably brass ring mechanisms and a mouth piece on the front, the receiver was a separate piece that hung on one side and the other side featured a crank that was cranked to connect you to the operator. I do know that there were other antique style phones, but this one seemed to be most common in our area as far as memory goes.
So this thought came to my mind the other day when I broke down and purchased a smart phone. That and a flash back to a public meeting I attended some years ago, when one of the main speakers spoke of the day when we drove up to a gas station and used our telephone to pump gas. (That is really misleading, as in actuality you use your credit card app on your phone). Wow that was so far beyond my comprehension that it was hard to imagine. AND the day came, much faster than I ever envisioned. As we struggle to master these new ideas, I commend all of the young people that have the ability to keep their patience and work with those of us that think we need to “get with it.”
In line with this, I must admit an item on my bucket list would be to return to earth in future years to see all of the things our young generation will get to struggle with when they are Senior Citizens.
Oh, I might add, do not look up Antique phones on the internet because you will find so many of the ones that you were so familiar with pictured. And you are really reminded of how things have changed.
This also triggers memories of telephone operators. I would love to visit with anyone that had that experience.
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