Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Remembering Vo-Ag

Do you remember when the Glasgow High School had a Vo-Ag program and a FFA team.  Glasgow still has some of those FFA members and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of those “blue jackets” could be found in closets or trunks.  I remember hearing young men commenting on particular skills that were learned during their high school years in the Vo-Ag program.  These were and are skills that they used for a lifetime. 

I am excited to hear that Glasgow is actually considering offering this program again.  I think that schools might have offered this program (as well as Home Ec) for all of the students that would not have the ability to go on to higher education. However, skills learned in those programs do serve you well even when you choose a profession and seek higher education.  We don’t have to look far to see these programs at work as some area schools still do offer Vo-Ag and FFA.

This is remembering as well as looking to the future. Yes, let’s bring FFA back!


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