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A Representative's 'First Bill'

It is week five for the Montana Legislature, and I apologize I have not written home earlier in the session. We have passed several good bills through the House, including providing inflationary funding for our public schools, electronic communication privacy, and a few bills that expand our 2nd amendment rights.

I had the opportunity to be Chair of the Day on Feb. 6, which entails running the floor debate for bills up for second readings. It was a great learning experience, and with 13 bills on the docket, there was a lot of learning to do.

I carried my first bill on the house floor Feb. 7. It provides a definition for permanent electric fences. It passed out of the agriculture committee with flying colors, and I am hoping for the same out of the House.

Casey Knudsen is a Republican member of the Montana Legislature. He was elected to House District 33.


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