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Internet Ugliness in a Civilized Nation

This past week, my thoughts have been filled with several things. The first one I want to address is all the ugliness that’s been in the constant forefront of not only the news but on social sites on the internet as well.

Granted, there are many major issues our country is facing. I can’t help but wonder what has come over the citizens of this great land. An election was held, a president chosen. No, he was not the choice of many people, but the fact remains he was elected. I have to ask myself , would all that’s taken place since the election have happened should the other candidate had won the presidency? And, sorry to say, I think the answer is yes.

Mahatma Ghandi said, “We must be the change we want to see.” Surely there are much better ways to bring about change than what is happening at the moment.

I am fully aware sometimes it does take what seems like drastic measures to affect a change. Even a measure like protests. But why is there so much violence in the protests we have been witnessing? Marches can be held. However, there doesn’t need to be the destruction of property and looting that takes place on them.

I remember hearing a lady being interviewed after one of the protests over a police officer shooting a man. She said, “I don’t understand all of this. All the news coverage is speaking about blacks rioting for justice. Well, I worked hard, saved my money, and was able to open my own business. Now it’s totally gone. My building is a shambles and a lot of stuff was stolen. If this protest was about blacks not getting justice, why was my business destroyed? I’m black.”

It’s long been held we are a civilized nation. Isn’t it time we again show everyone we are exactly that?

With so many negative stories being reported, it’s heart-warming to hear positive ones. Such as the one of a woman who told reporters about losing her very expensive purse with all of her cash and credit cards in it. Fortunately, though, a young man working at the last store she had been in, had found the purse and turned it over to the management of the store. The woman was called and told that her purse had been turned in -- fully intact.

She went to the store to get her purse. When told who had found her purse, she offered to pay the young man a reward. He refused it. Instead, he gave her a big hug and said just consider it a blessing you received today.

There is so much good around us that we at times forget to see and be thankful. Not only is there an abundance of good, but the beauty that surrounds us is boundless.

What about the friend who not only calls us when we are sick, but will even bring us a meal? Or the neighbor, who without being asked, shovels the snow off our sidewalk and maybe even clears the driveway? Then there’s the family member or friend who offers to pick up anything we need when they are going to the grocery store. Or the person who will take us to an appointment.

And lest we forget, all the people who volunteer their time and talents to help with community needs, organizations, schools, churches, and more. Fundraisers for worthy causes could not happen were it not for volunteers.

When was the last time you simply stood outside and looked at the sunrise or sunset or took in the glorious beauty of the stars? When the geese and ducks are headed south or north, it’s really something to watch. You can hear them communicating to each other. And have you ever taken a long look at their formation? It’s a marvel, to be sure.

Taking a walk early in the morning or evening can bring relaxation and peace. It gives us time to work on any problems we are having or plans we are making and to even just clear our minds.

A walk also give us the chance to see, really see, the beauty of our surroundings. And to even acknowledge gratitude for all of our blessings.

Yes, life is full of ups and downs. We have no idea what awaits us each day we awake. It’s up to each one of us as to how we meet the happenings of each day.

May your week bring you love, smiles, and laughter.


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