Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Exemplary Representatives

Yesterday, our granddaughter assisted with the music for church by playing her clarinet. I always smile when I hear her play. It seems to add something special to the music. And it brings thoughts of the music of the people hundreds of years ago. When she plays her clarinet, I can hear the flute played by shepherds.

By the time this column is published the Honor Band will have taken place at the Glasgow High School. This special band is comprised of high school students from throughout northeast Montana. Every one of these students are exemplary representatives of their community.

They live on farms and in towns. They come from large and small families. They help their parents and their brothers and sisters. Often you will find a teenager who does not have a brother or sister, so they will help other children as much as they can.

They play volleyball, basketball, football, hockey, and track. They help with fundraisers for their schools and community needs. They are involved with the churches they attend.

They are class officers, on the student council, in Art Club, FCCLA, JMG, FFA. They work the concession stand at home games to earn money for their prom or trips such as going to art museums in large cities.

Several years ago when a high school student was injured, the students, not only in Valley County, but in schools around the state, pulled together to help with the medical bills incurred.

The students in the Honor Band work hard at their studies. They earn scholarships that help them pursue the careers they have chosen.

You can see students out and about in the community lending a hand. They help clean the sides of the highways. In one community you will find high school students helping young children put on roller skates and then walking with them as they learn how to skate.

You can always find these students working in grocery stores, restaurants, hardware stores, and more. Some of them even work in hospitals and nursing homes.

They hold car washes, donating all they make to a specific cause.

At Christmas time, you will find high school students earning money for their schools by wrapping presents.

Every one of these students is a star in their own way and are to be commended for all that they do for their families, friend, schools, organizations they belong to, their community.

Keep up the good work, young ladies and gentlemen. You definitely are an asset to where you live.

May your week be filled with peace and joy and maybe even some more precious memories.


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