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Who is Fighting Whom?

Therein lies the rub. Who is fighting whom in the Middle East? We already know some of it is Muslim against Christians. Been going on for centuries. Nothing new. Then there’s the different sects of Muslims fighting each other.

Then we have the Northern Irelanders fighting the Irelanders. The Germans were fighting Europe and Asia. Syria fighting Lebanon, Iran fighting Iraq, all seven of the “stan” countries fighting each other. Somalians fighting each other.

Some folks think we were fighting North Korea in the Korean “Conflict.” Those same folks think we were fighting the North Vietnamese in the Vietnam Lash-up. Those same BHLs think we were fighting for the Afghanistans, when in fact we were fighting against the Russkies. Fighting North Korean soldiers, North Vietnamese soldiers and Afghani soldiers who were using Russia- and China-supplied weapons. Semantics you say? The Asian SNAFU-istic FUBAR has cost the United States over three trillion buckaroos.

Now, due to very lax border security and immigration officials with their heads in the sand and the approximately 267 BHLs (Bleeding Heart Liberals) in Congress, we have members of each of the aforementioned nations firmly embedded within our borders. Are they all soon going to go to battle with each other, renewing old hurts from their home country? Or will they all be “biting the hands that feed them?” Interesting.

This brings me to my point.After reading a couple columns in last week’s World-Famous Glasgow Courier, I see there are a couple folks firmly entrenched with the BHL segment of the country.

One column called Prince, George Michael and David Bowie “Fabulous” while there was no mention of John Glenn, Janet Reno or Phyllis Schalfly. Oh my bad. I believe Ms. Schalfly, a constitutional lawyer and conservative activist who denounced feminism, was omitted for a reason of which I can only exspecturate.

There are so very many non-entertainment industry folks who deserve some recognition from the Millennials, idealist college coeds and Gen-exers. And who be-knighted and Dame-ed the actors and singers? Does being in the national spotlight in an industry that deals with fantasy, violence, the glorification of drug dealers, illicit sex and absolutely foul language (to support “realism”) make these folks all knowing advisers to American youth? Yikes!

Fabulous? I’ll tell you fabulous. John Wayne: other than the now famous “fill your hand you son-of a-bitch” while galloping full steam ahead, reins in his mouth and a carbine in one hand and a pistol in the other toward bad guy Ned Pepper in the original (and still best) True Grit, Wayne never uttered the F word in any of his hundreds of movies. And still was the number one box office draw ever in this writer’s humble opinion. Go figure!

That’s it for now folks. Thanks for listening.


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