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Local Business Profile: Josh Sand

Local businessman Josh Sand is a busy fella. The proprietor behind Sand Electric, Sandpoint Properties, Sandpoint Storage and The Ice Man, along with helping his wife, Ronica with Little Scholars Preschool, he always has something going on.

Sand graduated from Ophiem High School in 1994, and his abilities in track earned him a scholarship to North Dakota State College of Science in Wahpeton, ND. While there, he met his wife, Ronica, whom also was a track standout, and they were married their second year of college. At NDSCS, Sand earned a degree in electronics and electrical, which he put to use after graduation working for Muth Electric in Sioux Falls, SD.

The anonymity of city living coupled with the pace of life made Sand long to return to Northeast Montana, where people knew him and he could make more time for his family. Shortly after his return to the area, Sand acquired his first business from Dan Taylor in 2004 and started The Ice Man. The business, which manufactures and delivers ice to local businesses, employs three people and shares space with Hi-Line Meat Shop.

Riding the success of his first venture led Sand to buy out Harold Holten's electrician business and start Sand Electric after earning his master electrical license in 2005. This venture also included the storage units next to the business. Employing seven electricians, Sand assists in training the right employees, offering to help with cost of correspondence courses from Havre's MSU-Northern as well as giving them on the job training to become journeymen electricians.

With the his businesses succeeding, Sand seized the opportunity to get into real estate by buying properties, fixing them up and renting them out. Sandpoint Properties now consists of 22 residential and six commercial rentals. He also employs two people whom fix up and maintain the properties. Sand prides on having good renters in the properties that are seldom vacant, and when they are, word of mouth usually fills them pretty quickly. Sand's commercial properties are located on 3rd Street, which currently houses several businesses and government agencies including Tootsie's Nail Salon, The Glasgow Police Department, Little Scholars Preschool, the Misdemeanor Probation Office, City Court, and Family Connections.

With all of his business ventures going Sand still finds time for his family. He enjoys attending sporting events for his children, Natasha, age 14, and Dalton, age 12, which include swim team, football, basketball, volleyball and track. Sand also makes time to drop in to help entertain the kids enrolled at Little Scholars with Ronica. He participates in some of the fun activities, such as when gingerbread men ran away during the holidays, he lent an ear to the children as they explained how the treats had escaped from the oven and are now on the loose. Sand also enjoys spending his spare time camping and traveling with his wife and kids, as well as spending his Thursday nights during the summer on the golf course playing men's league.

If you are in need of electrical work or want to inquire about rental properties contact Josh Sand at 406-228-8333. If you would like further information on Little Scholars contact Ronica at 406-263-2848


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