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Zinke and Trump Talk "Montana Priorities"

In what was reported to be a meeting pertaining to a cabinet appointment by the Associated Press on Dec. 12, Montana's Rep. Ryan Zinke's meeting with President-elect Donald Trump was reportedly void of any such direct conversation, according to a message released by his office.

In a message to the Courier, Zinke said, "President-elect Donald Trump and I had a very positive meeting where we discussed a wide range of Montana priorities. We are both hopeful for the future." The same message listed topics discussed as sportsmen's rights, land use and ownership, Native American affairs, national security and veteran affairs.

Zinke was an early supporter of Donald Trump in the 2016 campaign, and he had even thrown his name out as a possible pick for Trump's running mate. He has shown interest in a number of cabinet positions, and has most recently floated a 2018 challenge to Sen. Jon Tester (D) of Montana.

Zinke is being considered for Department of the Interior, Veteran Affairs or Department of Energy.

At press time, some news outlets are reporting an offer of Secretary of the Interior from the President-elect. These reports are unconfirmed, but cite two transition officials and someone familiar with the offer.


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