Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

DUI Crackdown in Effect this Holiday Season

The Valley County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind motorists that they will be participating in the annual “drive sober or get pulled over” crackdown during the course of the holiday season. Law enforcement agencies across Montana will deploy extra patrols for the specific purpose of deterring and detecting impaired drivers. Saturation patrols for DUI enforcement are set for Dec. 14 through Jan. 1. Remember to buckle up, slow down and move over during your approach to an emergency vehicle, and don’t be afraid to report unsafe or unreasonable driving behavior.

DUI arrests are part of an ongoing effort to reduce deadly drinking and driving in the state. In the last decade, impaired drivers were involved in nearly 50 percent of all fatal crashes in the state of Montana.

We greatly appreciate your efforts to keep everyone safe. Please enjoy your holiday and New Year season. Extra traffic safety patrols are funded by the Montana Department of Transportation. This and other enforcement and education campaigns are combined under Vision Zero, the shared vision for zero deaths and zero serious injuries on Montana roadways. For more information, contact Charity Watt, Montana Department of Transportation at 406-444-3439.


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