Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Speech and Drama Competes in Hardin

The Glasgow Speech and Drama Team participated in their third meet of the season on Nov. 18, in Hardin. Of our ten members, eight students traveled with us and competed against approximately 350 other students from schools ranging from Broadus to Skyview.

Maria Morris, Seth Orth, and Crystal Omara competed in Dramatic Oral Interpretation; Reece Hunsley, Jrake Gutow and Kyle Southland competed in Humorous Oral Interpretation; Jordan Billingsley competed in Impromptu, and Princess Natalie competed in Pantomime.

During the meet, Princess was our lone mime and she placed seventh. Overall, the meet was a success and the team got a lot of great feedback. We have Thanksgiving weekend off, but then are back at it on Saturday, Dec. 3 in Plentywood.


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