Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

The Good Housekeeper

The thought came to my mind the other day just how much my generation’s lives were affected by our parents and grandparents. All of those crazy little things like ironing, even though we now have no-iron clothing, being aware of how much water we might be wasting as it runs from the faucet (remembering the days you packed it in a bucket from the well), always scraping the cooking pans and serving dishes clean, (I am not sure if that was to not waste food, or to prevent your dishwashing water from getting so soupy). Never throw away any fabric as you could always remove buttons, zippers, etc. and have a supply of rags. Shop rags, dust rags or even mending patches.

There were the other household things, like scrubbing floors on your hands and knees (you were able to get the corners better using this method), always doing your washing starting with the whites first.

When Revere Ware came on the scene, the Good Housekeeper always polished the bottom to keep it shiny and silverware was also polished, especially before holidays or when company was expected. I had a granddaughter tell me just how stupid that particular time consuming thing is. I also had a young grandson ask me what I was doing when I used the “on your knees method” of mopping floors and then asked why I do it that way. I guess the only answer I could come up with was “because I am old.” Actually I blame my ancestors for these crazy obsessions I have, but I can completely understand the reason for their methods. Wow, what modern conveniences have done for us all!


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