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Big Things Happening at Hinsdale School

Hinsdale Public Schools has a new superintendent this year: Ed Sugg. You probably know him as Coach Sugg from the Scotties' football team, or Mr. Sugg from the Glasgow Middle School. Gaining a heap of educational experience from the veteran educator, Hinsdale's school program has encountered many changes this year.

Sugg admits his first year in Hinsdale has definitely been a learning experience, however secretary Gwyn Funk and clerk Ernie Marinko have been helpful with the transition. Working with teaching staff, bus drivers, kitchen staff, and the maintenance crew is new to the former teacher. Believing that communication is key, Sugg draws from his 18 years of experience to relate to his teaching staff.

His open-door policy and prior experience make it easy for him to recount his prior experiences and impart his knowledge with them because he has most likely been there before, and he can relate to what they are going through.

Sugg likens his new role to that of when he was coaching and, in a lot of ways, it is the same: looking at the situation as a team, letting them know his expectations of them, and giving them the motivation to do their respective role on the team.

Although he was able to pursue a position as a school administrator, one he has been qualified to pursue since acquiring the proper credentials in 2011, he abstained until now because he knew that he would be no longer able to coach. One day, Sugg hopes to make his return to coaching high school sports. For now, it seems Coach Sugg has found his new team, formed from the staff at Hinsdale public schools, the students, and their parents.

Sugg has all the same duties as a superintendent as he would at any larger school, including over-seeing maintenance, preparing paperwork, forms and meeting deadlines. He must create school policies and prepare school handbooks for the students, not to mention filling teaching positions that have been left vacant like many other smaller school districts in the area.

He had a busy summer as he had to hire five new teachers, a daunting task that took up most of July and August. The new teaching staff includes: Josh McCrossin; science, Matt Gruener; fifth- and sixth-grade elementary, Kyle Volkman; English, Rachelle LaGree; math, and Hinsdale native Taylor Olson teaching physical education.

The school in Hinsdale has gotten a face lift recently. The front of the school is adorned with both a new bench surrounding the bell and a new digital sign. A mill levy was passed last May for funding to build a new roof. Construction is to begin this Oct., and according to estimates should be completed for less than originally expected.

Most of Hinsdale's sports programs have been combined with neighboring towns, Saco and Whitewater, forming the Maverick co-op. Having the programs combined means that each town takes turns hosting practices and games, making an extra bus route during sports seasons. This created the need to hire an additional bus driver. This season, Hinsdale will get their share to host two home games for both basketball and volleyball.

Sugg still feels very much a part of the Glasgow community, but is excited to integrate his family into the Hinsdale community. He acknowledges the changes will mostly be on his kids, with smaller combined elementary classes. They will also be shifting from a five-day school week to a four-day school week running Monday through Thursday.


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