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So what does the 2nd Amendment say? “A Well Regulated Militia Being Necessary To The Security Of A Free State, The Right Of The People To Keep And Bear Arms, Shall Not Be Infringed.” (Pretty specific words.) Remember we had just fought a war against the militia and our new government gave the people the right to keep and bear arms. It didn’t give that right to the militia, in case the people needed to defend itself against the militia. The Bill of Rights gave us rights that can’t be taken away. But Congress and the Courts seem to be working hard to undermine their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution. Remember the 2nd Amendment was not about hunting.
With all the recent calls for more restrictions on the 2nd Amendment we must remember that it comes down to simply “Victim Disarmament” We disarm victims who in turn may be harmed by these restrictions.
Of course we forget that in any given week, more then 20 children die due to doctor’s errors or the unintended side effects of those drugs. In any given week more, then 20 children die from crashes of flimsy cars because of federally mandated fuel efficiency standards, making cars less safe.
Because of the violence we see more legislation being proposed to ban guns and provide for a universal background check. I have to wonder why we need permission from the Government for a right we already have in the 2nd Amendment.
So what are the solutions? Several groups including the Libertarians have proposed getting rid of “Gun Free Zones.” Noted author John Lott (More Guns, Less Crime) pointed out that the recent killings of 12 movie-goers in Aurora Colorado, the suspect James Holmes had a choice of seven theater complexes within a 20 minute drive of his home. The theater Holms chose happen to be the only one with a sign saying it banned concealed-handgun permits. All the other theaters allowed the 4 percent of Colorado adults with permits to enter with their weapons.
More proposals, similar to Austria’s buy back system haven’t worked. Hillary Clinton has been pushing this proposal but many point that in Victoria state, the year after the buyback program, firearms homicides tripled and with in two years, Australian armed robberies rose some 73-percent and kidnappings by 38-percent.
Gay rights gun organizations like the Pink Pistols have come out against Victim Disarmament saying, “At a time of tragedy, let us not reach for the low-handing fruit of blaming the killer’s guns. Let us stay focused on the fact that someone hated gay people so much they were ready to kill or injure so many. A human being did this.”
Let’s work to protect the 2nd Amendment and our right to keep and bear arms. I’m on the side of the 2nd Amendment, which side are you on?
Mike Fellows writes from Missoula and is the chairman for the Montana Libertarian Party, and a candidate for U.S. House. Mike is a board member of Missoula Community Access Television and American Legion Post 27.
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