Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913
On LaMancha
I’ve always thought about writing a review and sharing my experiences, but life gets in the way and I never get it done. That said, when I heard about the disapproving comments made about “Man of LaMancha,” I just had to say something. We all must realize reviews are subjective; however, the more experience/information a reviewer has, the less subjective it becomes.
I have been fortunate to have seen “Man of LaMancha” three previous times. Once on the east coast, once in Missoula and once again in Spokane (where Robert Goulet played “Cervantes” aka Don Quixote).
No theater has a record of always producing smash hits year after year, but let me say this, the Fort Peck Theatre has “hit it out of the park” more times than not and this production of “Man of LaMancha” was one of their best.
Pam Veis’ production was intuitive, highly descriptive and amazingly dramatic. It goes without saying that she captured the foreboding feeling of the inquisition. The music was written to draw you into the plot and it was performed flawlessly. Step for step, note for note, Dulcinea pushed back at Quixote as strong and determined as he was with her. In the end, it was love that conquered all even providing the strength to walk tall with the guards.
My only suggestion to the FPT would be better advertising. Perhaps if more people knew the story line, there would have been less misunderstanding. Kudos to all.
Linda Kaveshan
Fort Peck
Just a Few Thoughts
The Fair: The cement walkways are so good and they make it so much easier to get around and enjoy the fair. All the booths under the grandstands really added enjoyment. The 4-H and other booths are always appreciated and enjoyed. Thank you to the many who put in a lot of hard work.
The Volume: I have heard many comments and I agree that the volume levels for events at the fair and downtown have become downright painful because of the excessive volume. Why is it needed? Too loud is just as difficult to understand as too low. The excessive volume makes attending an event unpleasant and hinders conversation and communication that is desperately needed in today’s society. It is a real injustice to babies, toddlers, young or ANYONE.
Hot Vehicles: An outdoor temperature over 75 degrees F leaves an inside vehicle temperature too hot for any baby, child or pet. Twenty-one children in the USA have died this year from being left in hot vehicles, as reported on TV daily news. Leaving windows open or air conditioning on does not cool enough. It can still be over 100 degrees F inside the vehicle. If it is over 70 degrees F, LEAVE your pet at HOME with water and shade. In the back of a pickup truck is NOT any better, especially with a bare metal or dark-colored pickup truck bed. This is inhumane!
Other Animal Notes: If pavement is too hot for your BARE FEET, it is too hot for your dog’s paws! WALK your dog on cool surfaces, preferably when it is cooler out. The streets that have had new chip applied are like walking on broken glass. Protect your pet’s paws or avoid these streets with your pet.
It is good to lock yard gates or kennels where pets are kept to avoid having mischievous or malicious children or adults letting your pet out to run loose or become lost.
Cats do well being indoor cats. They tend to live longer. They are not as apt to be attacked by dogs running loose or feral cats. They are protected from being run over or being killed in other ways by those who despise cats. Unfortunately, there are such people in our town. Unfortunately, there are also those who like to torture animals. It has been proven that such people are highly likely to be abusive/violent or will kill other humans.
Be thoughtful. Be kind. Be caring. Be courteous to all humans and creatures.
Pat Welsen
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