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Extension Office Roundup

The Glasgow MSU Extension office has a trio of events coming up in the Valley County area.

Exhibit Workshop

MSU Extension and the Valley County Fair Commission are hosting a free workshop on Monday, July 18, from 6 - 8 p.m. at the Valley County Courthouse. The workshop will focus on entering and exhibiting horticultural and gardening projects in the Northeast Montana Fair. We will be having guest speaker James Sagmiller, who has been gardening and exhibiting both flowers and vegetables since the mid- sixties. He will cover how to select the best item to exhibit and how to arrange the flowers and vegetables for exhibition. Tasha Mix will be providing instruction and assistance on entry forms and exhibit tags. The workshop is free and open to anyone that is interested in attending. We are hoping to encourage people to exhibit at the fair and increase the horticultural exhibits section. Light refreshments will be served.

Heirloom Gardening

in Montana

The Gumbo Gals Garden Club is hosting an "Heirloom Gardening in Montana" workshop on Thursday, July 21, at the Fort Peck Interpretive Center at 7 p.m. The featured speaker will be James Sagmiller, a native Montanan that has been gardening and exhibiting heirloom plants since the mid 1960s. Sagmiller resides in Ronan where he manages the greenhouse operations for Westland Seed Inc. He specializes in unusual, old and rare varieties of plants that he raises organically and sells including vegetables, small fruits, flowers, trees and shrubs. He has gardened in several different climates in the western United States including coastal (Sequim, Wash.), high desert (Las Vegas, Nev. and New Mexico), low desert (Palm Springs, Calif.), inter-mountain west of Montana, and the northern plains of North Dakota. He is a member of the Heritage Rose Foundation, The Historic Iris Preservation Society and the American Primrose Society. Sagmiller has a bachelor of fine arts degree from the University of Montana and a master's degree in anthropology from UNLV. His thesis work showcased ancient corn varieties grown by the Pueblo dwelling Anasazi Indians of the Southwest. Light refreshments will be served and the Interpretive Center will be open for viewing that night. If you are interested in car-pooling, please contact the Extension office at 228-6241.

Annual Wheat Plot Tour

The Annual Wheat Plot tour will be held on Friday, July 22nd beginning at 9 a.m. at the Courthouse. MSU Extension Agent Shelley Mills will be discussing narrow-leaf hawksbeard control, glyphosate resistant horseweed (marestail) and wheat streak mosaic virus. The tour will visit several fields around southern Valley County as well as the Eastern Ag Research Center wheat research plot at Bill Lauckner's farm north of Nashua. Lunch will be provided at Will and Peggy Lauckner's home and door prizes will be given. Private applicator points have been applied for.

If you have any further questions, call the MSU Extension office at 228-6241.


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