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Reader Letters Prompt Questions for Burns

The race for Montana House of Representatives District 33 has been heating up in recent weeks. As the primary voting deadline approaches, Courier readers have been asking questions about a bulk mailer sent out district-wide by candidate Michael Burns on May 4. The mailer, which is split into two sections, makes contentious claims about Burns' Republican opponent, Malta's Casey Knudsen, and his stances on various issues. To clear the air of rumor and speculation, we've taken your concerns straight to the source for further clarification. The following questions are taken directly from reader correspondence:

COURIER: Why did your mailers come with a Colorado postmark?

BURNS: I helped a conservative get elected during the last election in Colorado. I told him I was running and he said I needed to use his guy because it was the cheapest printing and shipping in the nation. I trusted him as a friend I had helped and figured [...] that I could get my message out to the most people using that connection. I had nothing to hide, and I honestly didn't think it was a big deal because it was a connection I had made with a friend, but I will definitely be knocking on the doors of the Buzz for any future printing needs.

COURIER: What sort of fallout have you experienced as a result of the mailer?

BURNS: I have seen some disappointment in people and I have felt it as well. I understand where people are coming from and I never intended to be divisive and for that I am sorry. I fully intend on supporting whoever wins this election and will always try to promote conservative politics and unity in our district.

COURIER: There have been rumors that a Washington DC policy house is interested in getting you into the Montana House. Can you speak to that?

BURNS: There is no DC policy house. My campaign manager Gunnar is a college kid who I met at the Leadership Institute in Virginia. When I first started my campaign, I went to a one week mini-school that teaches you how to fight for conservative values and defeat Democrats in elections. We were two passionate political newcomers who hit it off and he promised me he would come down and help me with my campaign. He was only here for two weeks in January for his Christmas break and he's here now since he is on summer break. He doesn't have some big business. He's just an ambitious kid who made a good website and has a heart when it comes to conservative values.

COURIER: What is your affiliation with Colorado-based Republican strategists and politicians?

BURNS: I helped a conservative, Gordon Klingenschmitt, run in the last campaign and he won. When I told him I was running in Montana, he was pumped and gave me all his connections for mailers and tips on how to run a campaign.

COURIER: Why did you spend nearly $2,000.00 on a campaign strategist and website manager?

BURNS: I thought a website would be important to get the younger voters involved in the political process. When they see it, they see it as something that is cool and that's such an important thing. And most of the money I paid Gunnar was so he could travel here and essentially includes reimbursement for any supplies he may have bought in the field.

COURIER: Why are out of state political firms trying to buy HD33?

BURNS: There are no political firms trying to buy the election. Gunnar is just a one man operation trying to get his feet wet in the political world and more than willing to go the extra mile to help someone. Most of my out of state donations are from family members.

If readers have any further questions for Burns or Knudsen, please write to [email protected]. Both the presidential and local primaries are scheduled for Tuesday, June 7.


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