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Setting the Record Straight

The typical liberal knee-jerk response to the tragic shooting at Planned Parenthood in Colorado on Nov. 27, is that it was an overreaction from some Christian fundamentalist. It was quickly labeled domestic terrorism by Planned Parenthood. Obviously it was, but that should have also been what the shooting at a company Christmas party in California a few weeks ago was called, but we had to wait for “information” before we could label a Muslim as being fundamentalist in his faith. But I digress.

An opinion article a few weeks ago opined that this was the typical thing a religious person does when they place intrinsic value on life in the womb. Nothing could be farther from the truth. That would be like saying “because someone doesn’t believe life begins at conception, only when the baby is ‘viable,’ they would be okay with killing a baby up to 9 months.” That would be as equally ridiculous to say, or even think. No one with any real attachment to an organized Christian religion based on the teaching of Jesus Christ would think either thing, let alone act on a thought similar to those I have hypothesized. I don’t know anyone in the RTL movement who doesn’t put value on all human life at all stages, including the people who practice or support abortion. They are intrinsically valuable as the child lost in that act.

What does it mean to be “religious?” Religion is based on the Latin word “religare,” meaning to bind. Someone who reads the Bible and comes up with their own opinion of what it says, or tells them to do, is not bound by anything except their own understanding of the Bible. Most organized religions e.g. Catholicism, Lutheranism, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc. have their beliefs spelled out in a catechism or similar written document.

As a Catholic, I have the Catechism of the Catholic Church to fall back on when I have a question about faith and morals. To suggest that a nutcase who reads the Bible and takes it to mean that killing people to bring about the end of abortion is “religious” is, dare I say, asinine.

A religious person is someone who is bound by their beliefs to a source outside of their own opinion. No one makes this mistake when someone obviously influenced by Mohammed takes the Koran to heart to kill infidels, bending over backwards to defend ordinary Muslims. I don’t think that is the wrong thing to do, but I wish the same people would be as diligent defending my faith’s obvious value of life. That would be consistency, something the liberal mindset is not very consistent being.

As far as Planned Parenthood and abortions go, going off of their records to get numbers would be as wise as trusting Enron’s accounting practices. While they list abortion as only 3 percent of their services (not people or persons - they list no actual numbers of persons) it makes up for 94 percent of their pregnancy services, according to the Washington Post. You might recall I love numbers, so this translates that for every 200 pregnant women who come into Planned Parenthood, only one child is born. If you come in to get an abortion, you have to get a prenatal test, and possibly free contraceptive at the same time, you get counted for three services. Great way to pad your numbers. Enron accounting? Why would a successful clinic with such a wide customer base from males or females seeking STD treatments, contraceptive, or counseling need to receive almost $540 million in tax dollars?

Montana Planned Parenthood took in over $2 million in tax dollars last year itself. If a person supports this and wants to donate their own money to it, please feel free to! I give to my charities of choice because it is my money, but I haven’t seen a red cent come into my Parish or charities of choice from a tax dollar yet, and I never will!

How on earth someone can defend their receiving tax dollars is unbelievable. On a side note, their tax subsidies almost match dollar for dollar to their political donations. Coincidence? Not when they donate to Democrats who are in lockstep with them. Back to the subject, there are many other clinics in the same locales of Planned Parenthood that offer all the same services except abortion at equally affordable rates that could receive those funds without being morally questionable.

As a Christian, and a Catholic one at that, I find all human life valuable. All are made in the image and likeness of God. Jesus Christ came and died for all. We are all sinners, even the Saints when they were on earth.

I can see the troubles of our nation rooted in the breakdown of the family, including abortion. I would have to disagree with the notion that it is only the male sowing wild oats. Why would anyone have to live up to responsibilities when there is no compunction to. But where can our young adults look to find the family or values? Good question! Let me know when you find a source because nothing on the television or the news displays a good example.

Using religion to hurt someone isn’t a Christian value, although it has been used in the past to justify horrible things. (Please do not read into this statement the Crusades or the Inquisition as examples, I have studied too much actual history to believe the stories told on the History Channel). Please do not insult actual religious people with the slur of being advocates for violence, we don’t cast your motives in such light.


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