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Equal Opportunity Act Explained In Plain English

The place was Kingman, Arizona, U.S.A. I was coming out of the Petro Truck Stop about five miles east of Kingman one evening when a moth dive-bombed directly into my ear. Now, Grannie always said, “You’ll go crazy if a moth flies into your ear.” I always thought phshaw to that until I had it happen to my ear. The bug fluttered a bit, stopped, waited a few seconds or so and fluttered again, stopped ... fluttered ... stopped ... fluttered. If this goes on for 30 to 40 minutes your whole body tenses up waiting for the next flutter. It CAN make you crazy. (It’s been said I am living proof of that.)

But I digress.

I drove my Freightliner down to Kingman and went to the emergency room. It was after 9pm.

Walking into that standing-room-only emergency room was like walking into another country. There were American Indians, India Indians, African Americans, legal Mexicans, non-legal Mexicans, a handful of illegal Guatemalans staring daggers at the semi-legal Mexicans and a few illegal Nicaraguans staring at the illegal Guatemalans. There was a tacit agreement of “English NOT spoken here.”

Being the only white person there, besides the one white nurse, they all glared at me wondering ‘what’s this whitey doing in my emergency room.’

Bottom line here is that very few of them had to pay a red cent to get treated. (I eavesdropped as the nurse was asking the pertinent have-you-any-money questions. I understand a little of the Latino language...especially “no dinero.”)

Being a majority WASP I was billed $358.37 after waiting three almost unbearable, torturous hours for them to wash the offending bug out of my ear with a syringe filled with alcohol. The moth flew happily away zig-zagging a bit from the isopropyl cocktail.

To my way of deducinationing the equal opportunity thing applies only to those in a minority group. Where’s the equality in that? The very word “equal” makes the whole thing un-equal and biased in favor of the minority population and in dis-favor of the majority.

This is just another of those enigmas of which I have spoken to you several times.

I’m thinking...equal opportunity depends on which side of the tracks you live.

That’s it for now folks. Thanks for listening.


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