Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913
The June 1 Glasgow City Council meeting featured first readings of three proposed city ordinances. Various grandfather clauses, penalties, notice procedures, etc., may apply respectively or in combination.
Ordinance No. 952 covers limitations on the number of dogs and cats maintained by households within city limits. The maximum number proposed is 3 dogs or cats total in any combination.
Ordinance No. 953 would allow the construction of fences, walls and hedges within certain limits in specially designated areas of town, while Ordinance No. 951 would prohibit the parking of campers, RVs, and watercraft on any city street from December 1 through March 31, providing for severability clause and specifying effective dates.
A second reading is scheduled for June 15. Public comment is invited.
An appointment was made to the Glasgow Recreation Board, in the person of Seth Runner, who currently serves as Director of Student Ministries for Glasgow Evangelical Church. Runner will serve a three-year term effective June 2.
Finally, a resolution calling for bids on the sale of the Glasgow Police Department's 1985 Ford Ambulance. A minimum bid has been set at $500 and a deadline has been set for June 15. For more information, see Legal Notices, Page 5B.
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