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Montana Special Olympics athletes put their mark on the lives of so many who celebrate their achievements, witness their joy and share in their inspiration. Keeping with this spirit is the 2015 Norbie Challenge – where athletes will have an opportunity to literally put their mark on Bob Norbi, Special Olympics Montana President & CEO.
Twelve Special Olympics Montana athletes, along with a few special guests, will participate in the Norbie Challenge during May 22 closing ceremonies at the State Special Olympics in Missoula. Athletes and guests will take turns tossing powdered paint at Norbi, each color representing a different spirit in the Special Olympics movement. Dressed head to toe in white, Bob will end the day plastered in color.
Opheim's Donnie Bailey has sold more than 220 tickets on the 2015 Chevrolet Silverado to qualify for the Norbie Challenge. To purchase a ticket, contact Donnie or send a check made out to SOMT to: Donnie Bailey, P.O. Box 1, Opheim MT 59250. Tickets are $5.
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