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Progress On Water Treatment Plant

Glasgow Ranked 18 Of 49 Grant Applicants For Grant; Funding Could Be Likely

Glasgow may be a step ahead on improving infrastructure compared to other Eastern Montana communities that are in need to get ahead of the curve. The city finished up their wastewater treatment plant upgrades in 2013 and began to pursue upgrades to the water treatment plant in the last year. Those plans moved a step forward in funding.

Jeremy Perlinski from Morrison-Maierle explained to the city council that the grant applications had been accepted. The $500,000 TSEP (Treasure State Endowment Program) grant ranked Glasgow 18 out of the 49 applications received, making the possibility of funding very likely. Although Perlinski told the city council that they would be recommending that all 49 applications be approved for grant funding.

With legislation looking at funding for infrastructure improvements to help with relief from the influx of people moving in near the Bakken, it's very possible that the funding will be available for all applications. Perlinski added that there is usually a day the community is invited and welcome to show up and support funding during the legislative session. He said that the city would receive that information ahead of time.

A kernel of bad news came as Perlinski told the council members that Glasgow ranked 71 out of 100 applications for the $125,000 grant money from DNRC (Department of Natrual Resources Conservation). Morrison-Maierle wasn't sure why Glasgow ranked so much lower for this grant, especially when they ranked so high in the other. They had a conversation with the agency and a condition was mentioned, an analysis on what it would take to hook up to Dry Prairie. That analysis could cost around $68,000.

Perlinsky added that even with the low ranking, they were also requesting that funding would be provided for all 100 applications for the grant. Mayor Becky Erickson said that they would have a phone conference with the agency to find out why else they may have ranked so low for funding.

The plan is to have funding in place by mid-summer. Planning would be completed by fall and reviews would follow in the following summer, having construction projected to be finished in 2017. Perlinsky added that possibly funding would be needed prior to the grant funding came in to do a pilot study prior to finishing design. That funding could cost up to $100,000, but it would be refunded once grants came in.

Council Member Stan Ozark asked about possibility of being asked to raise water rates again. Perlinski responded that Glasgow water rates are within the percentage targeted. While some communities might be asked to raise their rates, Glasgow wasn't going to be one.

Other issues discussed at the Monday, Dec. 15, meeting were the progress of looking at funding for a ladder truck for the Glasgow Fire Department, the Levee committee finishing up the SWIF draft due this spring, the progress of the housing plan and waiting on the weather to cooperate to get the outdoor skating rink available.


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