Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Erna Bachtold

Erna (Wallin) Bachtold, 98, of Edina, Minn., passed away Sunday, Sept. 28, 2014.

She was a graduate of Edison High in Northeast Minneapolis and attended the University of Minnesota (U of M). She was a former resident of Dayton, Wash., and Lausanne, Switzerland.

She had a wide variety of interests including folk dancing, both as a dancer and an instructor. She was a member of the Minnesota Folk Dance Federation, Sundowner's and Zuhrah Shrine Masquers. She received a 500-hour volunteer award from the U.S.O. for hosting Japanese-American military intelligence soldiers at Camp Savage during WWII.

She retired from both General Mills and the U of M Arboretum. She continued to volunteer for the Arboretum Auxiliary (42 years) in many capacities such as drying flowers, working plant sales, fall festivals and serving as the historian. She belonged to garden clubs in Edina and Richfield. She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, U of M Women's Club and Retiree Association, American Swedish Institute, among others.

Together she and her husband, Walter, were avid contributors to a wide variety of organizations in Edina, Minn., Walla Walla, Wash., Carver County and Western Hennepin Co. Historical Societies, International Crane Foundation, Wood Lake Nature Center, Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Children's and the Minnesota History Theatre. Last year she was honored by the U of M for her many contributions and invited to join the Presidents Club. She was a long-time member of Christ Presbyterian Church.

A lifelong learner, she enjoyed frequent travels with Elderhostel, made several trips to Hawaii, Europe and saw much of the U.S. She was passionate about reading and collecting cookbooks.

She and Walter made frequent trips to Glasgow, usually with a car full of material for the middle/high school Home Ec Department, clothes for the thrift shop or plants for Carolyn's garden.

Preceding her in death were her husband, Walter; a brother, Elmer Wallin; a sister and brother-in-law, Lucille and Ralph Sjoberg; as well as Carolyn's life partner, Bill Jeannotte.

Survivors include two daughters, Carolyn of Glasgow and Helen (Jari Cenfield) of Bloomington, Minn.


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