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Pipe Band Becomes Pipe Dream

Glasgow Favorites Cancel Homecoming Visit, Fear Pipes Being Confiscated At Border

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Glasgow Area Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture will not be hosting the Saskatoon Police Pipes & Drums during the 2014 Glasgow Scottie Homecoming Festival weekend, the chamber announced..

“The band cancelled on us Aug. 25,” chamber executive director Lisa Olk said. “There were some issues regarding customs and the ivory on their pipes getting across the border. The band was not willing to take the chance and put their instruments in jeopardy to cross the border until the issues were resolved.

However, Olk said the chamber has been trying to get a replacement band. The news was somewhat encouraging on that front, but still not ideal.

“We received a call last Friday and we can get the Miles City Caledonian Society to come and perform in the homecoming parade, Scottie Booster Tailgate party and halftime of the Scottie football game,” Olk said. “ They will only be able to be here on Friday, so all other regular scheduled band performances are cancelled.

“We apologize for this, and are doing everything in our power to get the Saskatoon Police Pipe Band back for Scottie Homecoming 2015.”

Olk welcomed those with questions regarding to contact the chamber office at 228-2222.

Meanwhile, the chamber is keeping in the homecoming spirit, urging the community to show “Scottie Pride and decorate your home and business windows next week. Got Spirit? Prove It!”

You can see the game plan for Glasgow High School Spirit Week in Courier sports, Page 1B.


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