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Counterfeit Cash Surfaces In Glasgow

While it hasn’t been confirmed by the Secret Service yet, First Community Bank Manager Deb Waarvik believes she spotted a counterfeit $10 bill. The counterfeit bill came from Western Drug in the store’s regular deposit.

While the local business isn’t out a huge loss, it is a good reminder for businesses in the area to be aware and alert on the bills they take in. Waarvick explained that counterfeit bills tend to come through the area more in the summer and that local merchants should be aware of the money coming from people who aren’t from the area.

“Look to see if it’s missing the metal strip, maybe the ink hasn’t shifted, or maybe the watercolor face is missing,” she said.

Word about the incident spread quickly locally after the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce warned merchants in a mass email.

Sometimes smaller bills are used because they aren’t checked as well as larger bills. Western Drug wasn’t able to give much information on who the bill came from, but they know it came in around June 18. The bill was handled by several staff members and wasn’t spotted right away.

Glasgow Police Chief Bruce Barstad said that counterfeit bills in the area aren’t uncommon and that sometimes the bills aren’t reported. He also said to check all the security devices on the bills to be sure they aren’t altered.


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