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Toilet Paper Getting Wiped Out?

This is for those gracious readers who noticed I did not have an article in last week’s issue. I honestly tried. I was out of town, took my laptop with me, had to call my son to figure out how to access the motel internet, thought I sent my article to Jim, and found out technology beat me again.

OK readers, this is what you would have gotten last week – and I think I will stick with the old stuff from now on.

We have spent a lot time remembering things from years ago and then briefly touched on modern technology last week. Many Courier readers and I have discussed, and wondered about, the changes that the young children of today will see during their lifetime. Some of the things our grandparents marveled about will no longer be around, like dial telephones, telegrams, typewriters and wind-up clocks, to mention a few.

I just read the other day that toilet tissue may be a thing of the past also.

A lot of us can remember, or at least have been told about, the days when the Sears Roebuck catalog was standard in the outhouse, or if you were fortunate you might have the luxury of having peach wrappers for toilet tissue. What a luxury to graduate to tissue on a roll.

This great luxury and necessity may well be replaced by a spray of water, followed by a gentle, drying blast of air, no tissue needed. I can’t help but think of a recent experience helping a couple little ones use the restroom at a filling station. Self-flush toilets. It scared them so bad we ended up stopping along the road as they weren’t going to let that thing get them again. It just may have set the potty training back quite a little, too.

Gwen welcomes your memories at 367-5582.


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