Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Freedom Is Not Free

Dear Editor:

In the midst of holiday celebrations, we want to update everyone on the Northeast Montana Veterans Memorial. We also want to thank everyone for the generous contributions toward fulfilling the vision and beginning construction at Fort Peck next summer. Fundraising commenced on Veterans Day, and since then more than $250,000 has been contributed, putting the effort well on the way to the goal of $300,000-plus by year’s end.

Located in the center of the town of Fort Peck, the centerpiece of the park will be a monolithic memorial designed to complement the traditional architecture of the Fort Peck Project. This large structure will be dedicated to all branches of service and in the future, surrounded by monuments dedicated to MIA/KIA, wounded warriors, distinguished service, Gold Star Mothers, walls of honor, sculptures, flag and static displays, and various amenities.

The cost of phase one is expected to approach $350,000, funding the basic monument, walkways, flag-park and other essential features. As funds come available, service-specific and individual memorials will be included to enhance the grandeur of the site.

The Veterans Memorial Park will be a significant destination site that honors those who risked it all on our behalf. Northeast Montana veterans rank at the top of this group with consistently meritorious service. The difference these veterans made on our lives today is significant and worthy of our recognition. With continued support and a growing enthusiasm throughout the nine counties of Northeast Montana, this dream will soon become a reality.

Our goal is to build this memorial without government support. Many of today’s veterans deserve all the government support they need and our intention is not to dilute that funding. Please consider a year-end, tax-deductible contribution and join others of the area to insure the success of this long overdue recognition of the service and sacrifice of local men and women in uniform.

We can build what we can fund, and we need everyone’s help. Let’s make this happen. The goal is in sight. Happy holidays and thank you.

Steve Page

Tom Markle


Northeast Montana Veterans Memorial Inc.

To contribute or learn more, write to [email protected] or to Northeast Montana Veterans Memorial Inc., P. O. Box 202, Glasgow, MT 59230. Website: Phone: 406-228-2223


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