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Plans In Place To Salute Vets On Their Day

Option A was landing a big name keynote speaker.

That didn’t happen, so Option B it will be. A group of speakers will be featured during next Monday’s Veterans Day ceremony at the Glasgow Civic Center.

“It could be interesting,” Adjutant Joe Yeoman of American Legion Post 41 told The Courier. “That’s what it’s about. Make it interesting so people want to come. We’re doing this to make a change, do something different. And everybody’s invited. You don’t have to be a veteran.”

But the speakers will be. Yeoman said they’ll be local vets, ideally representing different military eras from World War II to more recent conflicts.

Yeoman could be among them if his ranching schedule allows. He’s considering saying just a few words at the podium, than shifting into audience-involvement mode and asking some of those in attendance a question.

“Veterans Day: What is it? What does it mean to you? That would be a good theme,” he said.

Also speaking will be local Vietnam veteran Steve Page, who plans to discuss a most ambitious project, the planned Northeast Montana Veterans Memorial Park in Fort Peck. (See story on this page).

Page also said WWII vets, the youngest of whom are nearing 90, deserve a distinguished salute. A number of area WWII vets died this past year.

The ceremony begins 10:30 a.m. Monday, Nov. 11. The program will feature the EQ Singers, the Glasgow High School Band and a VFW color guard. A potluck meal will follow the ceremony at noon in the VFW post on U.S. 2.

American Legion Post 41 and VFW Post 3107 alternate years organizing the program, and this year it’s Legion time. The VFW also will sell poppies in conjunction with the holiday weekend.

Other Veterans Day plans are below.

OPHEIM: A veteran of sorts – a veteran newspaper correspondent – is lined up as keynote speaker for Opheim’s Veterans Day ceremony. The Courier’s Janet Bailey has the honor for the 11 a.m. Nov. 11 program at Opheim School. Bailey, not a military veteran, has been as a Courier correspondent more than 50 years.

SACO AND HINSDALE: The Veterans Day program will begin at 2:30 p.m. in the Saco school. In Hinsdale, the Legion Auxiliary will serve a soup supper at the Legion post at Montana Avenue and U.S. 2. It starts at 5:30 p.m.

NASHUA: Nashua American Legion Auxiliary Unit 104 is sponsoring a Veterans Day dinner at 12:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 10, in the Nashua Senior Citizens Center. Special guests will be WWII Honor Flight Veterans.


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