Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Veteran Stand Down Worthy Of Support

Our veterans are struggling to have their needs met as they return from recent conflicts and integrate back into our community.

The concept behind a Veteran Stand Down event is to provide our nation’s veterans a safe environment for opportunities to receive services they may require.

The event caters to all veterans to include the homeless veterans in our area. It is designed to transform the despair and immobility of homelessness into momentum necessary to get into recovery, to resolve legal issues, to seek employment, to access health care and benefits, to reconnect with the community and to get off the streets.

It is an opportunity for veterans of all conflicts since WWII and peacetime veterans to gather to be honored for their service and their sacrifice and find support and resources from their community.

A successful event is contingent on community involvement.

We would like to extend an invitation to participate in the 2013 Eastern Montana Veteran Stand Down at Poplar on Sept. 14. Your participation can be in the form of a cash donation or by donating a product or service.

We have designed a resource guide that will contain information to assist veterans throughout the year. We are offering advertising in the program in exchange for your donation. Please consider this opportunity as a means to support our local veterans in eastern Montana.

For more information, please contact Mike Hughes at 406-228-9369 at the Glasgow Job Service.


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