Courier reader Ann Hanson recently requested a higher quality copy of this photography of President Franklin Roosevelt at Fort Peck Dam, and Jack Gilluly is happy to oblige. This picture is cherished by both families with rich Glasgow histories. Jack offers his thoughts on the photo in the letter above and right here: "Because it has so many symbols in it, Gillulys regard this as a favorite family photo. Sam Gilluly, third from left (wearing cap), then a young reporter for The Glasgow Courier, was among an entourage of officials accompanying President Franklin Roosevelt on his Aug. 6, 1934, tour of Fort Peck Dam in Northeastern Montana.Identified from left are Ernest Immel, Great Falls Tribune political reporter; Sam Gilluly; Montana Gov. Frank H. Cooney (leaning on auto); President Roosevelt; Col. T. B. Larkin (wearing helmet), Fort Peck Dam District Engineer; George H. Dern, U.S. Secretary of War; John Roosevelt (in black hat), the president's son; and with arms crossed, unidentified. Montana Congressman Roy Ayers is reported to be in the photograph, and that possibly is him at far right. After the president's three-hour tour, he spoke to the large crowd for about 20 minutes. “Sam told me he interviewed President Roosevelt for a story, either on this occasion, or another in 1937,” said Don Fredrikson of Helena, Sam's friend from Glasgow days. Roosevelt visited the Fort Peck Dam project two times.
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