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Don't Split The Farm Bill

Montana Farmers Union on Tuesday released this statement regarding reports that the U.S. House is considering separating the ‘Farm Bill’ into bills with separate votes on farm policy and nutrition policy.

 The National Farmers Union board, of which MFU President Alan Merrill belongs, voted unanimously to support keeping nutrition policy and farm policy in a single farm bill.

 “There are strong reasons for rural and urban America to work together to support agriculture and good nutrition policy to benefit our entire country,” said MFU President Alan Merrill.  “Years ago when farm and nutrition policy were combined in a bipartisan agreement, it was understood that broad support was needed from both rural and urban constituencies to assure sound policy. That situation has not changed ... Both the agricultural community and families across the country in need of a food safety net, deserve no less.”

In a separate release, NFU President Roger Johnson said, “Splitting farm programs and nutrition assistance into two separate bills is a disservice to farmers, ranchers, rural residents and consumers.”


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