Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Pre-Paula Deen Cookware

Do you remember when your first purchase of cookware may have been bought from a door-to-door salesperson?

The first I remember were brands like Rena Ware and Kitchen Queen. The new waterless cookware. They must have been good as I haven’t felt the need to replace them yet.

Before that there was the cast iron cookware. One of the drawbacks to this nice heavy cookware was the fact that it would rust. Of course, most hand washed items were dried with a dish cloth, which would help with the rusting problem.

Imagine how the cook felt when Club Aluminum and stainless steel cookware came along. Little did she or he know that there would non-stick cookware in the future.

Gwen welcomes your comments at 367-5582.


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