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Happy Motoring

I was on a little road trip a couple of weeks ago and had the privilege of meeting a long string of cars heading for a car show. That will trigger memories – not all to share, you understand.

However, it brought to mind a couple of the old slogans used when advertizing the automobile. How about, “Don’t Ford or Dodge mud holes, go Overland.” Where was the Overland these past weeks?

Or “Ride with Lucille in my merry Oldsmobile,” and “See the USA in your Chevrolet.” At the moment, I am at a loss to come up with a present day car ad.

I didn’t notice if the car windows were up or down, but it would be hard to adjust to the old days of poor or inadequate heaters and no air-conditioning. I could live without the idiot lights, though.

Happy motoring – and use the remote to lock or unlock your car door.

Gwen welcomes your memories at 406-367-5582.


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