Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913

Opinion / Letters To The Editor

Sorted by date  Results 26 - 50 of 55

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  • Gustafson Is The Right Choice

    Oct 19, 2022

    PAID POLITICAL CONTENT Dear Editor, Justice Ingrid Gustafson is the right choice to remain on the Montana Supreme Court. She is fair, impartial, and an independent jurist. She upholds the rule of law and the independence of the Montana judiciary. She has tremendous experience as a judge and as an attorney. She does not allow personal views or bias to interfere with her work as a Montana Supreme Court justice. Since being sworn in as a Montana Supreme Court justice on Jan. 1, 2018, she has...

  • Not Smoking In The Home Prevents Fires, Protects Health

    Oct 19, 2022

    Dear Editor, October is Fire Prevention Month. This is a good time to check your fire extinguishers and smoke detectors, and to make sure your family has a plan for leaving your home in case of a fire. Another way to stay safe year-round is to eliminate smoking from your home. Not only will this help prevent accidental fire, it also will protect your family members, visitors, and pets from secondhand smoke. Montana statistics from the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) show...

  • LR 131

    Oct 19, 2022

    PAID POLITICAL CONTENT Dear Editor, Recently, certain individuals have urged Montanans to vote against LR 131 in the November ballot. If passed, LR 131 would ensure medical care to infants born alive after failed abortion, cesarean section, or induced labor. Some argue that this law is unnecessary. However, infants sometimes survive abortion, and when they do it is not uncommon for a nurse to avoid resuscitation or to leave them without medical care. Unlike the United States, Canada tracks the...

  • Montana Public Trust Coalition

    Oct 19, 2022

    Dear Editor, As election day approaches, members of the newly formed Montana Public Trust Coalition would like to remind you of the reckless efforts of some of our political leaders in the last Montana Legislature. You may not be aware of this, but our 1972 Constitution codified much of Montana's historical success directly into our Constitution. These include our right to privacy, our right to a clean and healthful environment, our right to know what our elected officials are doing, and our...

  • Stockwater Rights

    Oct 19, 2022

    Dear Editor, I’ve written before about range stockwater rights. The federal government has decided (wrongly!) that the existence of ruminant animals is destroying the climate, and they want to have a clear path to removing cattle from the United States. Big city enviros resent people living in non-urban areas, because they believe that all non-urban areas should be playgrounds for the wealthy, and they resent the presence of locals in their playgrounds. Historically, stockwater rights have p...

  • Vote For Judge Ingrid Gustafson

    Oct 12, 2022

    PAID POLITICAL CONTENT Dear Editor, This fall, Montanans have a chance to turn over our Supreme Court to big business and billionaires. All we have to do is vote for their candidate, James Brown. Mr. Brown's record shows why corporations like him. He is not an accomplished lawyer nor legal scholar, but he is a well-known corporate lobbyist, political operative and advocate for "dark money." His support for dark money was exposed in the PBS Frontline documentary, "Big Sky, Big Money," which you...

  • A Candidate for Eastern Montana!

    Oct 12, 2022

    PAID POLITICAL CONTENT Dear Editor, This spring a good friend and I decided to see some of the places in eastern Montana that we never had the time to stop and visit. Along the way, we stopped at Great Falls, Fort Benton, Virgelle, Big Sandy, Havre, Malta, Scobey, Plentywood, Westby, Writing Rock, Glendive, Jordan, Lewistown, Harlowton, Martinsdale, and Townsend to see their museums and sites. June welcomed us with green fields and hills that reminded me of growing up in Billings. Everyone shoul...

  • Response To Dr. Taylor's OpEd

    Oct 5, 2022

    Dear Editor, In reference to the recent opinion piece by Dr. Carolyn Taylor, the Valley County Commissioners, including the current commissioners, have long worked to support the St. Marie community. We meet with community residents and board members on issues on nearly a weekly basis. As issues or questions arise, St. Marie folks are regulars in our meetings. During our annual community meetings, the St. Marie meeting is always the best attended. We are looked to by St. Marie residents for...

  • St. Marie Commissioner Dilemma

    Sep 28, 2022

    Dear Editor, Once upon a time-(as the old saying goes)---many times in your past and hopefully many times in your future, Valley County's choices of governmental leadership are chosen. Hopefully, the options are driven by knowing what a Valley County Commissioner is expected to do: 1. Intellectually willing to know about your/our community's needs and feelings of despair 2. Efforts of kindness to personally learn how to perform the commissioner role 3. Possesses the positive attitude to be activ...

  • No Redistricting Without Native Representation

    Sep 28, 2022

    Editor's Note: This Letter to the Editor has been updated from what was printed in the Sept. 28 issue, in order to include language in the fourth paragraph to better reflect the historical presence of Native American legislators in Montana, as submitted by the author. Dear Editor, Every two years, Montanans who are elected from their communities travel from all over Montana to gather at the State Capitol to convene the Montana Legislature. During our time together, we work to deliver...

  • In Response To Damien Austin's Letter In Aug. 31 Issue

    Sep 14, 2022

    Dear Editor, 1. Federal approval to graze public lands was established many years ago, but was limited to production of domestic cattle, not bison. 2. Why is the Federal Government allowing grazing privileges for your bison? The return of bison to eastern Montana is American Prairie's vision. Your vision is not shared by many who live and work in the area you seek to change. 3. I don't know what laws you claim support your vision. (see comment number 1) 4. Finally, you specifically call your...

  • Water Rights

    Sep 7, 2022

    Dear Editor, Stockwater is one of Montana's oldest water uses and is critical to the continued survival of a Montana livestock industry. Before the Montana Water Use Act of July 1, 1973, livestock water rights belonged to whomever owned and watered livestock on a customary range. The person did not need to own the land or file a claim. The right became private property as soon as the livestock drank water. The right was for exactly as much as the herd needed to drink and no more. Livestock...

  • Caution To All Drivers

    Sep 7, 2022

    Dear Editor, Now that school is back in session again it is time to caution drivers at all intersections! Watch for yield signs and follow right-of-way rules!! Last Wednesday early evening I was traveling from my house down on 5th Avenue North. I go through-several yield signs, a stop sign and then down to the 8th Street intersection which has no cautions marked! Travelers on 8th Street come up from Highway 2 and go towards the Irle School! The speed of drivers traveling across 5th Avenue is an...

  • Why Are We Treated Differently?

    Sep 7, 2022

    Dear Editor, The Montana Cattlemen's Association is disappointed in the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) decision to authorize the American Prairie Reserve to use 63,065 acres of public lands in Phillips County for bison. In reaching this decision, a number of important issues have been overlooked or completely ignored. This unprofessional failure on the part of BLM to consider all the implications of allowing bison to graze public lands is disturbing. Among the issues ignored are public...

  • Creating Access and Restoring Wildlife

    Aug 31, 2022

    Dear Editor, Every person in Montana, regardless of income, deserves an opportunity to enjoy our great outdoors. That's why I'm happy to report that two recent developments at American Prairie have made it easier for all Americans to access their prairie grasslands and enjoy native wildlife now and into the future. New Public Access on 73 Ranch In mid-July, we announced the public is welcome to access and enjoy the historic 73 ranch. American Prairie purchased the 73 in late 2021. It's a...

  • HS All Class Reunion Looking For Volunteers

    Jun 8, 2022

    The Glasgow High School All Class Reunion, June 16 thru June 19, 2022, is fast approaching! Events and gatherings have been planned for returning alumni, family and friends and the locals too. The events start with Registration/Social Meet and Greet on Thursday and followed by Friday night BBQ and music entertainment at the Valley County Fairgrounds. A street dance on Saturday night brings everyone together to historic downtown Glasgow. Many individual class gatherings and group events are also...

  • May Was Mental Health Awareness Month

    Jun 1, 2022

    Dear Editor, Eastern Montana Mental Health Center (EMMHC) would like to highlight community organizations that help make a difference. With May being Mental Health Awareness Month, we thought [it] would be a great time to acknowledge those who have made a difference in the lives of people dealing with a behavioral health issue. Caring Hands, Inc. (formerly Soroptimist of Glasgow) made a donation of $5,000 to Eastern Montana Community Mental Health Center with a goal of instilling hope and provid...

  • Montana Red Cross

    Jun 1, 2022

    Dear Editor, Turning compassion into action has always been the Red Cross way, but we certainly don't do it alone. That's why we want to thank you for making Red Cross part of your community. Last year, Red Cross volunteers helped three people in Valley County following disasters like home fires by providing food, shelter, clothing and emotional support. When disasters strike, we meet families' most immediate needs and let them know they're not alone. About 90 percent of our workforce are...

  • Our Constitution is Clear – Let People Vote

    Jun 1, 2022

    Dear Editor, My grandfather Melvin Running Wolf was only 36 years old when all Native Americans finally gained the right to vote in the United States. Imagine that. Only three generations ago, not all Native Americans could vote in elections due to frivolous state laws that acted as barriers to the ballot box. Although Natives gained their citizenship in 1924 and states were allowed to determine voting rights, many states created laws with the intent to interfere with many people's right to...

  • Montana Businesses Are In Favor Of Comprehensive Reform CI-121 Is Neither Comprehensive Nor A Reform

    Jun 1, 2022

    Dear Editor, The Montana Chamber of Commerce is the state's largest business advocacy organization, representing small and large business from rural to urban communities. Improving Montana's tax climate is part of our strategic plan, supported across the diversity of our membership. The Constitutional Initiative aimed at capping ONLY residential property taxes, also known as CI-121, shifts taxes onto main street businesses, natural resource industries and other job providing sectors. While...

  • OP-ED:

    THOMAS L. KNAPP, William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism.|Nov 17, 2021

    On November 9, DC District Court judge Tanya Chutkan refused former US president Donald Trump's request, based on "executive privilege," for a preliminary injunction forbidding the National Archives and Records Administration to release documents to the US House committee grandstanding on ... er, "investigating" ... the January 6 Capitol riot. If Trump's name goes down in history for anything of substance rather than mere flash, it should probably be for his bizarre claim that people who aren't executives anymore retain "executive privilege" ov... Full story

  • OP-ED:

    STEVEN PRINCE, Card Marketing Services and the Patriotic Millionaires|Nov 17, 2021

    The month-long showdown over taxes is finally nearing its end as the majority of Congressional Democrats face off against a small group of their moderate colleagues in a fight over the future of the party and the country. While most Democrats are advocating for popular policies like prescription drug negotiation, paid leave, and taxing the rich, centrists have continually dug their heels into the ground, derailing negotiations and endangering the party’s success in the coming midterm elections. They’ve adopted the priorities of their wea... Full story

  • Was Your Operation Impacted By The Coronavirus Pandemic?

    Aug 5, 2020

    Dear Editor, Farmers and ranchers feed our state, our nation, and in fact, our world. You work long hours to provide essential resources for us all, and in these challenging times, I want you to know that USDA is here to support you and your operation through our Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, or CFAP. Whether you farm one acre or many more, grow food for local markets or big supply chains, CFAP can help. We’re accepting applications through Aug. 28 and encouraging producers to apply now. In Montana, we have already approved 7,642 applica...

  • Kudos to GPD

    Aug 5, 2020

    Dear Editor, Wednesday, July 29th, I witnessed two very patient officers. Officer Robert Weber and his partner that night, had a unique situation to handle and both officers handled the situation very well. I wished I knew the other officer’s name. Both showed what a true peace officer is. Kudos to you both for a job well done. Sincerely, Mike Carney...

  • A Letter From Former EMTs

    Jul 10, 2013

    To the Valley County Community, We are grateful for the privilege of providing emergency medical care to you when you were probably having the worst day of your life and needed help. It was an honor and a privilege to be there for you. We cherish the many years we were able to serve the Valley County community as EMTs. We leave the ambulance service with sadness and regret that the hospital administration was unwilling to work with us so that we could continue doing the job we loved. We wish the community well in the future and hope that every... Full story

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