Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913


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  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 19, 2018

    Editor's Note: The following is a letter sent to the Army Corps of Engineers from Congressman Greg Gianforte. This is being reproduced here as it was alluded to in an article involving a similar letter sent by Jon Tester's office to the Corps pertaining to the same issue. This letter was provided as a courtsy from Mayor Becky Erickson. Dear Lt. General Semonite: Thank you for your service to the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE). I am writing you today on behalf of the City of Glasgow, Montana, which is respectfully asking for an extension...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Sep 19, 2018

    Dear Editor, Just west of our little ranch on North Willow Creek lies a town that once burst at the seams with mines and miners. Pony, Mont., boasted 5,000 people, banks, bars, schools, churches and a rail-line. Mines with romantic names like Boss Tweed and Clipper dotted the hills above town. Between the 1870s and the 1920s, millions of dollars of gold came out of the hills. After the 1920s, when the gold played out, so did the people. Today, our little town upstream of the ranch has one heck of a fun bar and fewer than 200 really good people...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Sep 19, 2018

    Dear Editor, Let’s be honest. There is nothing glamourous or high-profile about the Office of Clerk of the Montana Supreme Court – nor should there ever be. While most Montanans don’t interact with the Clerk’s office, it is nevertheless an extremely important statewide elected office that has existed since statehood in 1889, and is critical to the day-to-day operations of our state’s judicial system. It is an office where experience and independence matter most. Here’s why: In Montana, the entire judicial branch is elected, and along with...

  • The Indefensible, New Defense of the Trade War

    Gwendolyne Honrud, Community Commentary|Sep 19, 2018

    Wilbur Ross, defending new tariffs while appearing on CNBC Tuesday, 18 Sept., claimed Americans will not notice price increases because they will be “spread over thousands and thousands of products.” This may be true for many families and individuals across the country, but will that hold true for those who are facing lost income in addition to price hikes on goods? Tariffs are essentially taxes on Americans who are buying imported goods. Currently, incomes for some, like farmers, are or could be going down due to decreases in crop prices or...

  • For Clerk of the Supreme Court

    Dylan Jensen, Glasgow, Mont.|Sep 12, 2018

    Dear Editor, I am writing this letter in support of Rex Rank as candidate for Clerk of the Montana Supreme Court. The office Rex seeks plays an important role in the licensure of attorneys in the State of Montana and maintaining records attendant to pending matters before the Supreme Court, as well as ensuring those records (when allowed by law) are available to all Montana constituents. The Clerk of the Supreme Court is also an office rarely thought about by Montana electors and, as a result, votes are often cast based upon party affiliation...

  • To the Volunteers of the Glasgow Fire Department

    Mayor Becky Erickson, Glasgow, Mont.|Sep 12, 2018

    Dear Editor, I would like to thank the Glasgow Volunteer Fire Department, Valley County Long Run Fire Department, Valley County Sheriff’s Office, and Glasgow Police Department for their immediate response in addressing the gas leak on Glasgow’s northside. On Monday, Sept. 3, starting at 11 p.m.,. four city blocks were evacuated due to the concern of the potential damage the gas leak could have caused to the surrounding homes and residents. This ended around 2 a.m. when the scene was cleared and they determined it was safe for residents to ret...

  • Changing Veterans' Issues

    Gwendolyne Honrud, Community Commentary|Sep 12, 2018

    While watching video of Matt Rosendale’s recent rally in Billings, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed, though not for the reasons I had expected. Rosendale, who is campaigning to represent Montana, spoke only briefly, while the President took center stage for most of the event. Understanding that rallies are an attempt to drum up enthusiasm for candidates, and not a venue for policy wonks like myself, I still expected a bit more focus on issues important to Montana rather than what I perceived to be generic campaign promises from the can...

  • In Search of the History

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Sep 12, 2018

    When reading a past issue of the Courier I commented on the photo on the Courier Memories page of the Northeast Montana Fair, date unknown. My comment was on the attire of the audience. Many men wearing suits and ties and all of the hats worn by the females in the group. It has been many a year since that picture was taken. I can’t picture many of our present-day fairgoers in that attire. Now my husband’s comment was a completely different nature, something like this was not the Northeast Montana Fair. We are definitely not on the same wav...

  • Harvest of Years Past

    Sandy Laumeyer, Just a Thought|Sep 12, 2018

    Another year, another harvest. Hopefully it was a good crop year. Watching combine operators unload wheat into trucks, I’m reminded of harvests of years ago. Now, so many farms are five and six times bigger than when we farmed. At that time it wasn’t very often you saw anyone but family working the land. Everyone pitched in to clean out the grain bins to get ready for the new crop coming in. The largest bin we had held 7,500 bushels of grain. Looking at that bin after it was built I was struck by the thought of how big it was. And hoping our...

  • Setting the Record Straight on My Position on APR

    Mary Armstrong, Candidate for Valley County Commissioner|Sep 5, 2018

    Dear Editor, I am excited to be a candidate for Valley County Commissioner. The primary campaign was a very positive experience for me because of the great group of candidates who were all focused on how to serve Valley County in the best way possible. It is an honor to be selected by the voters to move onto the general election in November with Gilbert Mogan. In visiting with people across Valley County, I have learned that there is misinformation circulating about my position on the efforts by American Prairie Reserve (APR) to expand bison gr...

  • I Support the Chicken Ordinance

    Alyce Tracy, Glasgow, Mont.|Sep 5, 2018

    Dear Editor, I attended the city council meeting Aug. 20. Ordinance No. 959 was the topic for discourse. It stated, in part, to allow up to six Gallus gallus domesticus on a single family premise subject to the following requirements. The complete ordinance is at the city office. The hen house would be 10 feet from the public right-of-way, sidewalk or neighbors’ property line. It would be unlawful for hens to be a nuisance with odors or noise to any neighbor. Any hen running at large would be impounded. The house could not exceed 12 feet at i...

  • President Trump's Visit

    Marlene McVee, Glasgow, Mont.|Sep 5, 2018

    Dear Editor, President Trump coming to Montana. We need to honor the President of the United States. I have not always voted for every former President but have always believed we are told to pray for those in authority. In past years many of my family have been Democrats but have realized that they are no longer the FDR and Truman Democrats that once stood for the Christian values held by the founders of our country. Now they have moved so far left to campaign for socialism, supporting illegal immigrants and anti-Christian beliefs. I cannot...

  • Trade, Not Aid

    Gwendolyne Honrud, Community Commentary|Sep 5, 2018

    “Trade, not aid.” Pull up a random news article on the current trade dispute/war (wording depending on one’s personal bias) and you’ll most likely come across this refrain. Agricultural producers across the country continue to stress they want to see an end to the escalating tariffs and retaliations occurring between the U.S. and China, and the uncertainty posed by ongoing negotiations and delays with Canada and Mexico. Support for the administration remains high in red, farming communities, and optimism is currently winning over concern...

  • Welcome Back Students and Teachers!

    Michelle Bigelbach, Transplants Take|Sep 5, 2018

    It was a big day in Glasgow on Aug. 29, as parents hustled their students out of the door with all of the necessary school supplies, which will be key tools to help make them succeed. Parents got their cell phones out and ready to capture the beginning of another year, while teachers, who have already been hard at work preparing their classrooms, got back into the routine of executing lesson plans. After a long summer filled with vacations, lake time and time spent outdoors, students and teachers are starting another school year. The first...

  • Disappointed About the Chickens

    Barbara K. Hansen, Glasgow|Aug 29, 2018

    Dear Editor, I had hoped to read that the pro-chicken people would be crowing in victory but, alas, they were defeated, this time by negative clucking. This does seem like a strange outcome in a very rural, agriculturally-dependent community in The Middle of Nowhere. I will stick to the position I put forth at the previous council meeting: Backyard chickens would be a good learning experience for kids and an opportunity for 4-H and Scout projects. I was a farm kid and my dad made a deal with me. He said, “I will buy 200 Leghorn pullet chicks a...

  • As I Perceived It

    Shirley Siefert, Glasgow|Aug 29, 2018

    Dear Editor, The city council meeting was well attended for referendum 959-chickens in city limits. As you have read in the Courier and heard on KLTZ, the referendum failed 4-1 with one council member not in attendance. From what I’ve read and heard, I perceived some things differently. As per the Glasgow Courier, at one point, when Miss House was answering questions about the ordinance “with the crowd at one point erupting with shouts and assertions.” “This drew rebuke from Stan Ozark and seemed to sway him in favor of the ordinance.” What I h...

  • Back To School

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Aug 29, 2018

    School is the topic once again. Do you remember getting your school supplies for the school year? I have put a little thought into my past school years and cannot remember ever having a list of supplies for the first day, let alone for the year. About the only pre-purchased supplies before starting school consisted of pencils and paper. The early years called for the Big Chief, wide-lined tablet and maybe a couple of lead pencils, and progressed to spiral-bound notebooks. Nope, nobody put their names on them either. I do remember having wooden...

  • Why All The Negativity in Politics?

    Sandy Laumeyer, Just a Thought|Aug 29, 2018

    For the past few months, political campaign ads have been everywhere. It is absolutely astounding how much money has been and continues to be spent on these ads. Another part of the ads I find very disturbing is their negativity. So negative, in fact, that to me they come close to being hateful. A politician’s voting record is open to the public but I feel that quite often their record is misconstrued and misleading. As an example, if a member of any governing office votes against a particular issue, my first question is why did they vote t...

  • To the People of Valley County

    Aug 22, 2018

    Dear Valley County Voters, The final date to withdraw my name from the ballot for the primary election was this past Monday, Aug. 13. So after much deliberation and prayer, I have determined that I must continue centering all my focus and energy on my family at this time. They mean the most to me in my life, everything else is secondary. Additionally, I am considering what may be best for the Valley County Sheriff’s Office and the people of Valley County at this time. Therefore, I withdrew my name as an official candidate for Valley County Sher...

  • In Support of Tom Boyer

    Aug 22, 2018

    To my friends, my family, and you, the voters of Valley County, I’ve been listening to the highs and lows of this race for Valley County Sheriff and I am so relieved that you’ve finally hit calmer water. Your write-in candidate, Tom Boyer, is currently serving you as a trusted, ambitious, and successful Sheriff’s Deputy for the Valley County Sheriff’s Office. Tom Boyer was hired because he is what the Valley County Sheriff’s Office needs in order to be successful. Tom’s background investigation shined in one particularly important quality nec...

  • In Defense of Chickens in Town

    Aug 22, 2018

    Dear Editor, I am sure you have heard of the great chicken debate. It’s been the cluck of the town the past few weeks. I’d like to make some points on why chickens should be allowed and counterpoints to some of the reasons I have heard people oppose chickens. Chickens are varied creatures: they come in all shapes, sizes, colors and personalities. They are not just your grandparents’ white-meat bird. They lay a rainbow of colored, yummy eggs and don’t need a rooster to do so. And they are a great way to give city children a sense of respons...

  • New Chapters Await for Those Entering College

    Sandy Laumeyer, Just a Thought|Aug 22, 2018

    Well, she, along with many, many others, started a whole new chapter in her life today. Actually, it’s almost like beginning a new book. One with surprises, twists and turns, breathtaking adventures all throughout the book. A book that will take years and years to finish. This person, our granddaughter, began her college classes on her way to becoming a music teacher. She’s always had a love for music and has pursued that love by learning to play, as all students do at Nashua, the recorder. From there she took guitar and piano lessons. Whe...

  • What Should We Do About Relay? Don't Just Complain, Get Involved

    Michelle Bigelbach, Transplants Take|Aug 22, 2018

    On Aug. 11, I had the pleasure of meeting cancer survivors, caregivers and supporters during the Northeast Montana Relay for Life. This was my first year participating in the event, and I was blown away at the solidarity everyone in attendance had in their experiences with cancer. I attended Relay as a supporter. My grandmother passed away after a battle with pancreatic cancer, my grandmother-in-law passed away after two bouts of breast cancer, my grandfather-in-law passed away from lung cancer. My friend from college, who got married last...

  • Why You Should Say No To Chickens

    Shirley and LeRoy Siefert, Glasgow|Aug 15, 2018

    Why You Should Say No to Chickens Dear Editor, On Monday, Aug. 20, 5:30 p.m., the Glasgow City Council will have a first reading of referendum 959, Chickens in Glasgow City Limits. At that time, there will be open forum for comments, pro and con. At that point, the council will take whatever next step is needed. On the surface, those that presented the pro chicken voice didn’t sound too bad. Cities that allow chicken coups in backyards and don’t seem to have trouble include Billings, Bozeman, Butte and Portland, Ore. However, these cities hav...

  • Carnival Cuisine

    Rachel Sigmundstad, Because Why Not|Aug 15, 2018

    Fair food is a quiet but integral part of fair culture. Concession stands run by local clubs and organizations assemble a staff of volunteers, create a unique menu and establish a temporary eatery that leaves a lasting impression in the memories of their patrons. It’s seemingly impossible to sever the fond thoughts of fair time from those of the enticing meals to be had there. At the 4H stand, I had a classic traveling taco. This is a simple dish that is convenient for events where you want to walk and eat. With something like a traveling t...

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