Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913


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  • Working With President Trump and Delivering Results for Montana

    Greg Gianforte, Congressman for Montana|Oct 31, 2018

    Dear Voters, Montana is special. That's why my wife, Susan, and I raised our four kids here. It's why we started a business here in our home – one that created hundreds of high-paying, Montana jobs. And it's why I ran for Congress – to protect our Montana way of life. I'm honored to serve as your lone voice in the U.S. House of Representatives. It's a responsibility I take very seriously. The only way I know to do this job is stay connected with Montanans where we live, work and recreate. In my...

  • Be an Informed Voter

    Sandy Laumeyer, Just a Thought|Oct 31, 2018

    A rule in internet chat rooms is that two topics you are asked not to discuss are politics and religion. It is easy to understand that rule. Those two topics can cause violent reactions. Everyone has their own opinions and ideas about politics and religion and we should be able to discuss them in a respectful manner. But, as we know and lately have seen, that is not always the case. It is not only sad but heartbreaking as well to see what’s been happening in our country and our world. There has been many ideas offered as to why, greed, p...

  • In Support of I-185

    Bruce Peterson, Fort Peck, Mont.|Oct 24, 2018

    Dear Editor, I-185 will address problems: Mental Health. Drug Abuse. The State of Montana has a real need for more mental health providers/therapists. At times Montana has citizens that need help- be that in times of flood, or drought, or cancer, or fire, or Alzheimer’s, or with personal behavioral health issues. In a perfect world we solve our own, but now is a time to help. I-185 will positively affect the economy of our Montana through job creation, fewer emergency room visits, fewer jail inmates, fewer tobacco health problems, lower i...

  • Who is Better Qualified to be Sheriff?

    Karen Bender, Glasgow, Mont.|Oct 24, 2018

    Dear Editor, It is my understanding that a sheriff needs more skills in management than in law enforcement. According to Dan Taylor, who was a sheriff here for many, many years, a good sheriff has to be able to manage the jail, dispatch, civil department, coroner, search and rescue, and is an officer of the District Court. True Joe Horn has 27 years law enforcement experience, but when in the Sept. 19 Courier the question was asked of him, what is the largest budget you have been in charge of, Horn said he’s never been in charge of a budget, e...

  • Do These Elections Matter?

    Edward D. Neil, Glasgow, Mont.|Oct 24, 2018

    Dear Editor, Having been a volunteer, low-level party officer, campaign worker and financial contributor through numerous campaigns for at least 30 years, I am usually vocal and enthusiastic regarding election season. However, when considering Montana's Federal, State and County campaigns this year, it appears to me that election day is only a formality with results already determined in some cases with candidates bowing, scraping and licking the stylish sandals of the tourism, recreation, environmental and real estate lobbies if not avoiding...

  • Horn Public Forum

    George Kulczyk, Glasgow, Mont.|Oct 24, 2018

    Dear Editor, I attended the public forum held by Joe Horn’s biological daughters, Amy Horn-Brown and Gail Horn-Hayes, at the Elks on Oct. 6. I did not attend as a representative of the Courier, nor am I writing this as a representative of the Courier; these are my personal thoughts and feelings. Although I hope that people reading this will trust my sincerity and respect my opinions, I am fully aware that I am opening myself up to name-calling and derision from certain members of the community. I am a lifelong resident of Valley County and I c...

  • Voting is Important

    Sharon Weston, Valley County Democratic Committee Member|Oct 24, 2018

    Voting is Important Dear Editor, A few people in Valley County may not understand that the only remaining polling place to vote Nov. 6, is in Glasgow at the Civic Center. All other polling places have been closed. If you cannot get to Glasgow on Nov. 6, and have not already signed up for a mail-in ballot, you have one option left. You can vote at the Valley County Courthouse anytime from now until Nov. 6. On Nov. 6, you can vote at the Civic Center. Know the candidates. Know the issues. Then vote. Many elections have been won by only one vote....

  • Scottie XC, More than a Team

    Kim Shipp, Glasgow, Mont.|Oct 24, 2018

    Dear Editor, During the past couple years I have had the opportunity to attend many cross country meets. I love attending Scottie sporting events and cheering for ALL Scottie athletes. Cross country is a sport I never thought of attending nor did I think I would enjoy watching. However, the cross country kids have shown me something I have never witnessed in a sport. They are more than a team; they are a family. It doesn’t matter if you’re the first, second, or last runner across the finish line. It is certain that their teammates will be the...

  • Vote Ruth Dowell

    Joan Campbell, Glasgow, Mont.|Oct 17, 2018

    Dear Editor, To my friends, neighbors and former neighbors in this awesome community of Glasgow, Montana. I would like to solicit your vote for my friend, Ruth Dowell, for the position of Valley County Clerk and Recorder/Superintendent of Schools. As a registered alien citizen in this “Middle of Nowhere” area of Montana, I do not have the privilege to vote for my friend but sincerely ask you all to do so. Ruth is more than worthy of your consideration. She was raised in this area, attended schools in Fort Peck and Glasgow and graduated from Gla...

  • We Support Joe Horn for Valley County Sheriff

    Sievert McVee and Barnby, Glasgow, Mont.|Oct 17, 2018

    Dear Editor, The Sheriff election is probably the most important issue on the voting ballot this year for Valley County. Back in 2002, Glenn Meier ran for Sheriff. At that time, he said one of the biggest assets was the knowledge of the county roads and trails learned from his brand inspector job. He was right. Down the road, as incumbent, he was re-elected in 2010. His opponent was Joe Horn whose loss margin was quite low. Prior to the 2014 election, then Sheriff Meier was planning to retire. When no one stepped up to the plate to run against...

  • Before You Vote for Sheriff

    Karen Bender, Glasgow, Mont.|Oct 17, 2018

    Dear Editor, If you were unable to go to the public forum put on by Joe Horn’s biological daughters, you can see what went on at the meeting by going to YouTube and type in “Horn Public Forum.” It was very informative. If you have young teenage daughters or are young yourself, you should see this. Sincerely, Karen Bender Glasgow, Mont....

  • Rosendale Out of Touch with Eastern Montana

    John Moscarello, Fort Peck, Mont.|Oct 17, 2018

    Dear Editor, Matt Rosendale has lived in eastern Montana for nearly two decades but over that time he still remains out of touch with eastern Montanans. During Rosendale’s 2014 campaign for the House of Representatives, he called for the transfer of federally managed public lands to the state. Even going so far as to claim Bureau of Land Management lands were unconstitutional. That same year, in an interview during the race, he called PILT (Payments in Lieu of Taxes) a welfare check to local counties. Here in Valley County, we received $1.15 m...

  • Support Ruth Dowell

    Blaine White, Glasgow, Mont.|Oct 17, 2018

    Dear Editor, I am writing this letter on behalf of Ruth Dowell as she is currently running for the position of Valley County Clerk and Recorder. Ruth is familiar with our community and our county as she has lived here in the past and has family ties to the community as well. She has gained some valuable experience from a number of positions she has held while living in other parts of the state and country and has now brought some of her knowledge, expertise and experiences back to our county. I believe that she would serve as an excellent...

  • Vote Yes on I-185

    Ole Komrosky, Glasgow, Mont.|Oct 17, 2018

    To the Editor, I am writing this letter to urge Valley County voters to vote “YES” on Initiative 185. With the increased revenue generated by I-185, Montana’s children, seniors, chronically ill and disabled persons will all benefit. The initiative is essentially a tobacco tax and will generate revenue off the sale of cigarettes, chew, e-cigarettes and vaping products. If you do not use those products, you WILL NOT pay additional taxes. In addition to increased funding for veteran services, prescription drug programs, and the Healthy Monta...

  • Life is Full of Lessons to Learn

    Sandy Laumeyer, Just a Thought|Oct 17, 2018

    Last Saturday, Ellie, our seven-year-old granddaughter, watched me as I started crocheting a set of potholders. Seeing how intensely she was watching me, I asked her if she wanted to learn how to crochet. With a big smile, she enthusiastically shook her head yes. So, I told her to go get a skein of yarn and a crochet hook. Off she went at full tilt. Returning, she handed me yarn and hook. Just like that, she started learning how to crochet. Later on that evening, children learning how to crochet, plant a garden, ways to preserve food, grow...

  • Vote No on I-186

    Mike Lang, State Senator District 17|Oct 17, 2018

    While in Helena at the legislature, I work to pass legislation that encourages good paying jobs and a clean environment. I know that you do not have to choose one over the other. I-186 is proposing to jeopardize those good paying jobs, and possibly the tax dollars that pay to clean up the historical mining problems the proponents are touting. The Montana Legislative Services has said that I-186 has several ambiguous sections and undefined terms and contains conflicting legal standards that would lead to litigation and likely prevent mining....

  • In Support of Tom Boyer

    Vernon Buerkle, Valley County Sheriff|Oct 10, 2018

    Dear Editor, I am writing this letter in support of Tom Boyer as the write-in candidate for Valley County Sheriff/Coroner. During the next four years the Valley County Sheriff’s Office will face many challenges. The Sheriff will have to be a leader who is willing to work hard,will have to know how to manage a budget and not make decisions before getting all the facts. I have worked with Tom and believe he is the person who has those qualities and many more. Tom has the ability and desire to be the future leader of the Valley County S...

  • Vote Judge Yvonne Laird

    Mark Wicks, Inverness, Mont.|Oct 10, 2018

    Dear Editor, I am giving Judge Yvonne Laird my unwavering endorsement in her bid to be retained as district judge. I have known Judge Laird and her family since I was eight years old. We grew up together, and she has been a big sister to me my entire life. She grew up north of Gildford on the VandeSandt family ranch, a family that you feel lucky to be neighbors with. There she learned all the values that rural life offers and she gained the character that rural life requires. I’ve seen personally that she’s taken those values with her to the...

  • Opheim Public School Gymnasium Update

    Tony Warren, Opheim Superintendent|Oct 10, 2018

    Dear Editor, Most of you are aware that our school gym is currently closed for student and public use. I would like to dispel some of the rumors that might be circulating regarding the roof damage. First, the roof and ceiling are not collapsing. A structural engineer out of Billings has inspected the roof and declared that there is structural damage to some portions of the trusses. The damage is just enough to declare the gym unsafe for occupants. Second, the Opheim board is aware of the issues and has authorized the Superintendent to hire a...

  • In Support of Ruth Dowell

    Shirley Blatter, Glasgow, Mont.|Oct 10, 2018

    Dear Editor, I am writing this in support of Ruth Dowell for the office of County Clerk & Recorder. I have known Ruth since she was a child. I have watched her grow and handle the problems and challenges she has been dealt in life. I have been impressed with how she has continued to move on in spite of what she has gone through. She has taken every advantage of every opportunity to educate herself while supporting a family. Her experience as secretary for the Valley County Commissioners certainly has shown her competence and skills. I think...

  • To ALL the Valley County Residents

    Rhonda Roness James, Glasgow, Mont.|Oct 10, 2018

    Dear Editor, I am a resident of Nemont Manor. Moving to Nemont Manor was a tough decision for me, personally. I have come to realize in my first year of living here it was the BEST decision. When it was first announced that the full-pay tenants had to relocate, I realized that it wasn’t the new owner’s decision but that it was necessary to meet the requirements of the HUD regulations in order to get the funding necessary to do the repairs and upgrades that this building has needed for many years. Although I did not like that decision I cou...

  • Tom Boyer Earned My Vote

    Pearl Nickels, Fort Peck, Mont.|Oct 10, 2018

    Dear Editor, Needless to say, I was shocked, when I entered my home and realized the other entrance door had been broken into and the safe in my office had been stolen. After assessing the situation, I went into town and reported the crime to the Sheriff. After taking my statement, he said that a deputy would be out to investigate. That was Tom Boyer. He came in, introduced himself, and took my statement. He inspected the broken door and my office. Then he dusted for fingerprints. Before leaving he left his business card and that we would be...

  • 50 Years Goes By Fast

    Sandy Laumeyer, Just a Thought|Oct 10, 2018

    When I woke up Friday of last week, it was to the realization it really had been 50 years since my husband and I had gotten married. “Fifty years,” I thought. "How could it be? Wasn’t it just a few days ago we’d stood in the church my grandfather had helped build, promising to love and take care of each other for the rest of our lives?” Yet, the pictures on our living room walls of our children from the time they were small through their high school graduation and their own wedding days, along with those of the arrival of each grandchil...

  • Telling Our Story

    Mary Armstrong, Guest Column|Oct 10, 2018

    I attended the Two Rivers Economic Growth’s annual meeting last week. The guest speaker was Hal Stearns, noted Montana historian, who really has encyclopedic knowledge of our state. His presentation, “Montana Towns: Then, Now, and Tomorrow,” which he delivered with passion and energy, was full of anecdotal facts about the many towns across Montana. He talked in depth about the need for our towns to “tell their story” and gave many examples of towns that do a good job and towns who need to improve. This notion of telling our story resonates...

  • Being Served First

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Oct 3, 2018

    Do you remember the days when men were always served first at the dinner table? Of course, this was at a time when you served big meals at a large kitchen or dining room table. I do remember my Grandmother telling us on many occasions to let the men eat first. Of course, in our little part of the world, most of the men of generations spent long hard hours working outside. Maybe they were served first so they could return to their outside work quicker, or maybe it was just a MAN’S world. I wonder if this carried over to holiday meals and o...

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