Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913


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  • Letter to the Editor

    Casey Knudsen, Representative for Montana House District 33|Jan 23, 2019

    Dear Editor, Snow is starting to fall, cattle are being fed, and the legislature is back in Helena for the 66th Legislative Session. Fifty-eight Republicans and 42 Democrats have pulled up stakes and moved to Montana’s capitol for the next approximately three and a half months to try and make our state a better place to live. There has been many bills heard so far over the past two weeks, but where they lack in number, they make up in substance. In the House Judiciary Committee, we have heard bills concerning the board of pardons and parole, m...

  • Budget Beast Begins Journey Through Legislature; Tax Credits Benefit Irrigators; Charitable Giving

    Chelcie Cargill, Montana Farm Bureau Federation|Jan 23, 2019

    One of the first pieces of legislation to hit the ground during each legislature is the state’s budget. It’s usually the last piece of the puzzle to get solved, too. Balancing the budget each session is one of the most challenging tasks the legislative body takes on; agencies, members of the public and the Governor all have requests and priorities for the state’s piggy bank. Our industry is no different. We aren’t making any specific asks for General Fund dollars but we do closely follow the budget hearings of several agencies and the Extensi...

  • Grateful for Family, Friends and This Community

    Sandy Laumeyer, Just a Thought|Jan 23, 2019

    The past weeks have been filled with medical appointments and tests, consultations with doctors, and changes in medicines. With traveling added to everything, it’s been quite exhausting and I’ve been sleeping a lot. Yet, with all that’s happened, I’m grateful. Grateful for so much. A family that takes care of me, that does so much for both me and my husband. Then there’s the medical personnel who truly care about me. They take time to discuss any concerns I may have and my questions. If they can’t answer me, they research for the answer and...

  • On My Way to Church

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Jan 23, 2019

    I know that I do not succeed 100 percent of the time, but I do try to steer clear of religion and politics. However on my way to church the other day memories flashed through my mind. Do you remember when nothing, school or social events, were scheduled for Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings? Sunday mornings were reserved for church, your choice of course, and on Wednesday evenings most church youth groups met. It could be my failing mind, but it seems that CYO, MYF and Luther League (those were the church groups active in my small town)...

  • What I've Learned Covering Ag

    Gwendolyne Honrud, Community Commentary|Jan 23, 2019

    As I’ve covered the trade war with China and dove into research on Russia and agriculture for an upcoming interview, I’ve learned a lot, mostly about what I don’t know. Even though I grew up on a farm, in a farming and ranching community, I did not take any interest in the day-to-day operations, production or sales. Recently I came across an article that captured my attention, focused as it was on issues facing farmers, ranchers and agricultural communities. While tariffs and the trade war have not yet produced positive results for these produc...

  • Opening the 2019 Mont. Legislative Session

    Chelcie Cargill, Montana Farm Bureau Federation|Jan 16, 2019

    The 66th Montana Legislature convened Monday, Jan.7, in Helena. While the session is still in its infancy, committees are beginning to meet and legislators are introducing their first bills of the term. We’ve hit the ground running. If you read our last column, you’re already familiar with these important Legislative committees. This is where issues surface and begin the legislative process. Here are some key agriculture issues that were introduced in committee this week. House Bill 63: Remove sunset date to extend financial liability for pes...

  • Homestead Playhouse

    Mary Ellen DePuydt as told to Helen DePuydt, For the Courier|Jan 16, 2019

    Hidden in the shadows of modern farm buildings, rests a gray rotting log cabin, whispering its memories of the homestead days on the Montana prairie, northeast of Malta. My sister and I made many a journey, through the crescent wheat grass, winding through the caraganas and between the plump grain bins, to the little cabin where we could turn the time clock back sixty years before our time. The cabin was kept shut by a weak, one-hinged door and what seemed to be an oversized wooden frame screen door, tied tightly to a coat hook with a golden...

  • Used Bacon Grease No Longer As Useful

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Jan 16, 2019

    How many housewives still save bacon grease? I have to admit that I still do, but it does not get used nearly as often as it was in past years. Gone are the days when you spooned some bacon grease into your cast iron skillet in order to fry your hash browns, etc. Some of us still use and love our cast iron, but that no-stick cookware is pretty “slick” also. Still on the bacon grease, I have a vague memory of some of my ancestors using bacon grease on some injuries, but please don’t try that as it could be a false memory. There were so many...

  • We Want You….. At Story Time!

    Leta Godwin, Librarians Corner|Jan 16, 2019

    To many people, story time and libraries go hand-in-hand. But surprisingly many parents don’t know about the story time program we have here at the library. Not only is story time a free form of entertainment for parents looking for activities for their children but it has numerous cognitive benefits as well. It brings parents and children together and shows a commitment to our community with regards to early literacy and child development. Early literacy refers to what children know about reading and writing before they actually learn to r...

  • My Assignments this Coming Legislature

    Mike Lang|Jan 9, 2019

    Dear Editor, On Jan. 7, the 66th Montana Legislature convened. I will be serving in my fourth session on the following committees: As a Senate Finance and Claims member we will analyze the following general government agencies: Department of Administration Governor's Office, Department of Labor and Industry, Department of Military Affairs Secretary of State, Legislative Branch, Department of Commerce, Commissioner of Political Practices, Consumer Counsel, Department of Administration and...

  • Set Aside Politics

    Rep. Casey Schreiner, House Minority Leader|Jan 9, 2019

    Dear Editor, If there's one thing Montanans can unite behind, it's that we're sick and tired of self-serving politicians who are all talk, no walk. As the House Minority Leader for the 2019 Legislative Session, I couldn't agree more. Montana families deserve a Legislature that sets aside the partisan, political blustering. And they deserve lawmakers that lead with solutions. That's why House Democrats have our sleeves rolled up and are eager to get to work. As citizen legislators, our number...

  • Tracking Down the Decision Makers

    Chelcie Cargill, Montana Farm Bureau Federation|Jan 9, 2019

    You’ve heard the expression, “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” We know this is true. In the life of an idea becoming legislation, there are a few key people that you need to know in order to make your voice for agriculture most effective. In last week’s column, we talked about the importance of using this time before the 2019 Montana Legislature goes into session to “prep the soil” and get to know your local elected officials. While it is important to have a relationship with your own legislators, they may not be on the committee you...

  • What You Should Expect From Me

    Sheriff Tom Boyer, From the Sheriffs Office|Jan 9, 2019

    Dear Valley County, As I sit at my desk this afternoon, the 31st of December 2018, to consider what might be important to convey to the residents of Valley County, I can not help but consider where we have come from. In a short time, I will be taking Retired Sheriff Vernon Buerkle home to drop him off. How weird it must feel for him, after over 40 years of service in this county, to watch his patrol vehicle drive away. To say his final “off shift” to dispatch over the radio. Sheriff Buerkle, like those who came before him, gave his best eff...

  • My Life With the Government Shutdown

    Michelle Bigelbach, Transplants Take|Jan 9, 2019

    “The safety net is going to be having a strong border because we are going to be safe....... I really believe that these people, many of the people we are talking about, many of the people you’re discussing, I really believe they are agreeing with what we are doing.” This was said by President Trump in a Jan. 4 media conference in response to a reporter’s question of “Do you have a safety net for federal workers, for those who need their checks?” In response to a reporter’s question on Jan. 7 of “Can you relate to the pain of federal workers wh...

  • Changing House Rules Will Weaken Checks & Balances

    Jan 2, 2019

    Dear Editor, As former House Speakers and Senate Presidents of the Montana Legislature, we question the wisdom of making significant changes to the rules of operation in the Montana House. Currently, there is a group of legislators trying to change the House rules. One of the proposed changes would allow a simple majority (51 members) to "blast" a bill out of committee and on to the House floor. Their logic is that the Montana Senate operates under simple majority rules so the House should...

  • Ag Advocates: Be There for Your Lawmakers

    Chelcie Cargill, Montana Farm Bureau Federation|Jan 2, 2019

    The Montana Legislature is set to convene Jan. 7, in Helena. Similar to the 2017 session, the state’s budget is set to experience another round of belt tightening. Money will be tight, but the policy agendas will be plentiful. Legislators will be forced to make tough decisions between balancing a realistic budget and potentially slashing programs and policies or making law changes to accomplish that. A tight budget year makes the job of lobbying for Montana’s farm and ranch families challenging. Our top priority will be protecting existing fun...

  • CSKT Negotiated Water Rights Compact – Good for Montana Agriculture

    Mike Murphy|Dec 26, 2018

    Dear Editor, The success of Montana’s agriculture industry is dependent upon water and water right certainty. It is easily the single most important resource for people across Montana, which is why ratification of the negotiated Montana CSKT Water Compact is critical. Contrary to what compact opponents are saying, the negotiated CSKT Compact provides water right certainty, protects Montana’s water users, and ensures a reliable source of water. When the Flathead Reservation was established, wat...

  • Saving Boxes for Christmas

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Dec 26, 2018

    Remember all the hours spent wrapping Christmas gifts? The rolls of wrapping paper, the “to/from“ tags, the ribbon & bows? And the boxes. You saved boxes all year so you would have the right size for the gift. Many gifts were homemade so you needed boxes for those too. Now we have the luxury of gift bags. These bags sure help reduce clutter, as well as free up storage space. I am working on my old habit of saving all of that stuff. Any of you need to join me?...

  • Looking Back

    A.J. Etherington|Dec 26, 2018

    The other day a gentleman came into the Courier to check out the archives. He had been coming in on and off for months looking for a certain article. He had a partial clip but no date. So, taking what information he did have he started combing through the countless pages of text in the general timeframe he thought the piece had been published. It took some time but he finally found the article and more, some dating back to the 1940s. Eventually, he would have copies of those pages recreated to keep for future generations as they provided backgr...

  • Seeking Your input on Medical Marijuana

    Valley County Commissioners|Dec 19, 2018

    Dear Editor, The Valley County Commissioners are seeking public opinion on a possible county ordinance dealing with medical marijuana dispensaries. The county had ordinances in effect in 2011 and 2012, but when the state tightened the requirements; the ordinance was allowed to lapse. Currently there is one dispensary in operation in Valley County; this business is seeking to expand, as described in the Courier article in this issue. Under the state law, cities and counties can adopt ordinances o...

  • The Secret to 50 Years of Marriage

    Sandy Laumeyer, Just a Thought|Dec 19, 2018

    Time for an update. I’ve not written my column for a while because of health issues. The first thing I want to do is say thank you to our children and grandchildren for the wonderful party they gave us for our 50th wedding anniversary. Next, thank you to all who attended the party, sent us cards, and extended their congratulations. We’ve been asked at times what our secret is for being married 50 years. As other couples who have been wed for 50 years or more will tell you, there really is no secret. For us it was taking life one day at a tim...

  • When Time Flew By

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Dec 19, 2018

    Since my topic for the week is Remember, do you remember when the years, months and days took longer to fly by? As you read this it will be only days before Christmas. Where oh where does time go? I guess time goes hand in hand with age – when we are 12 we can’t wait until we are 15 – then we get to 15 and the goal is 21, and from then on it seems to be a downhill slide. Soon it will be time to take our Christmas decorations down and I just barely got a few up. So enjoy each day, make more memories to treasure and enjoy those fast moving days....

  • Why My Vote Matters

    Tyler Fitzsimmons, Voice of Democracy|Dec 19, 2018

    Former President of the United States Barack Obama, once said, “Our collective futures depend on the willingness to uphold your duties as a citizen to vote.” Obama was stressing the importance of voting as an opportunity to take responsibility and be an influence. Many people don’t stop and think about the true significance of voting. Many people don’t appreciate why voting matters. Many people don’t know why voting matters. I sometimes wonder if my vote matters. Simply put, my vote matters because it is my right, my voice, and my legacy. My vo...

  • A Belated Thank You to Hi-Line Ford

    Gwendolyne Honrud, Community Commentary|Dec 12, 2018

    Back in October, I set out on a long-anticipated road trip. Years had passed since I last ventured out alone on an extended journey out of state. I was excited to travel and to see relatives after many years. Nestled into my new-to-me car, one that wouldn’t leave a slug-like trail of oil everywhere, I settled in my snacks and podcasts. I made it all the way to a mile outside Nashua before my gremlin gene kicked in. The check engine light had come on. Knowing that I know nothing about cars, I returned to Glasgow and found Josh Sillerud of Hi-Lin...

  • Christmas Caroling

    Gwen Cornwell|Dec 12, 2018

    Remember when youth groups and others had Christmas caroling on their agendas? First, I must admit that I do not live in town and there may still be many carolers, however I think this might be a thing of the past. I am pretty sure the means of transportation for the young people is a thing of the past. I have vague memories of Christmas carolers singing from a sled pulled by a team of horses. This of course progressed to a wagon (complete with straw bales for seating) being pulled with a pickup, or “truck” depending on your location. The upd...

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