Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913


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  • When Shoes Lasted Forever

    Gwen Cornwell|Jan 6, 2021

    Thank you to my friend for seeing that I had an article for this issue of the Courier. Do you remember back in the day when a pair of shoes lasted forever. Shoes were passed down from one kid to the next youngster. If you happened to be the eldest child you were the lucky one as you received more new items than your siblings. Of course shoes did often show signs of wear and that is when the local shoe cobbler came in. A few of this handy shoe repair man serving the Glasgow area come to mind. I...

  • Stories from the Strong: Schizophrenia

    Valley Care Coalition|Jan 6, 2021

    The Valley CARE Coalition proudly presents stories from Valley County residents who have struggled, continue to struggle, or have found peace surrounding mental health, substance use disorders, or behavioral health. Battling this is a symbol of strength and courage and should be highlighted as such. The phrase 'mental health' gives me a sense of comfort because I know I have it. I am forty-three years old and I deal with schizophrenia. It is hard to detect when you are the one going through it....

  • State Parks and Fishing Access Still Matter

    Dec 30, 2020

    Dear Editor, As one of the most challenging years in Montana history comes to a close, we want to call Montanans' attention to the important role our state parks and fishing access sites have played during the COVID crisis. As social distancing became necessary and isolation common, Montana's parks and access sites offered a way for families to "be alone together" in the great outdoors. In the first half of the year alone, 4 out of 5 state parks experienced increases in visitation, with huge spi...

  • Season's Greetings From Scotlnd

    Dec 23, 2020

    Dear People of Glasgow, Montana, Season's Greetings from friends in Glasgow, Scotland. We would love to welcome you one day to come and visit us and my wife Alice, and baby son Oliver (6 months), hope to come to Glasgow Montana to learn more about your city. Yours sincerely Nick Scott...

  • The Twelve Days of Christmas

    Dec 23, 2020

    Dear Editor, I am writing to you about the "Twelve Days of Christmas" which begin on December 25 and end on January 5 which is Twelfth Night. The twelve days of Christmas are not a twelve day countdown for shopping until Christmas Day. I know that Christmas and Mother's Day are the two busiest shopping times and that business can be made or broken by how well the shopping season has gone. (Can't businesses advertise that there are twelve more shopping days until Christmas begins if they want to...

  • In the Midst of a Pandemic

    Dec 23, 2020

    Dear Editor, Eugene's Pizza was a part of my growing up in Valley County. It was where we went to celebrate, a place to hang out with friends, and a place that was unique in our vast state. When I moved away, it was the one food I always wanted when I came home for visits. It is nostalgic and the food and service were always excellent. That all changed this weekend. As usual, when I knew I was coming home for the holidays I spoke to my parents about picking up Eugene's on my way through...

  • In Response

    Dec 9, 2020

    Dear Editor, After reading Ms. Sarah Hitchcock's letter to the editor in the Dec. 2, 2020, Courier, I must say I will agree to disagree. I understand Ms. Hitchcock's stance on the paramount importance of individual liberty in America, and her argument is well-articulated. I was also curious about the Danish study cited in her letter and looked it up online. What I learned is that there are many nuances in what the study was and was not designed to measure, and scientists' opinions differed as...

  • Wearing Masks

    Dec 9, 2020

    Dear Editor, I was in a restaurant eating when a person entered through a door with a sign stating masks required. The person left slamming the door and cursing. Later three entered but just left when told to put on a mask. Their decision. How bad can it be to wear a mask till you are served. They are not always comfortable but you will survive. You may save someone from sickness. One doesn't always know when they are infected. Think about all the many workers who take the chance of illness to...

  • Concerning Masks

    Dec 9, 2020

    Dear Editor, It was with much interest that I read the letter by Sarah Hitchcock concerning the wearing of masks. I will definitely give her credit for one statement, she has a right to not wear a mask on her own property or in her own house. When she is out on public property or public businesses where others are too, she does not have the right to endanger their health or my health by failing to protect us from what could be a death sentence. It appears that the reason for wearing a mask is...

  • Wear Your Mask

    Dec 9, 2020

    Dear Editor, Sarah Hitchcock used some very fine words to announce her choice to not wear a mask. Concerning the Danish study, it would be wise to fact check the study, which was not done, to make an argument against masks, which it did not do. Denmark is currently recommending the use of face masks. I am not a scientist so I will abide by the advice given by the CDC, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Bell, epidemiologists and our county health department. This is my choice. Wearing a mask gives limited...

  • Stories From the Strong

    Care Coalition|Dec 9, 2020

    The Valley CARE Coalition proudly presents stories from Valley County residents who have struggled, continue to struggle, or have found peace surrounding mental health, substance use disorders, or behavioral health. Battling this is a symbol of strength and courage and should be highlighted as such. My postpartum journey was a struggle from the beginning to say the least. I had envisioned, like many new moms, coming home with a bubbly snuggly baby and being so excited to finally hold them, feel fulfilled, overwhelming joy...I had a fairytale...

  • Cooking And Making Memories

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Dec 2, 2020

    Garden produce has been harvested and the holidays are fast approaching, bringing a lot of baking to mind. I am a happy owner of the Pioneer Museum Cookbook, “Our Pioneer Heritage.” I really enjoy just flipping through the pages. If you are looking for something special, you will probably find it, or if just browsing, I am sure you will find something you want to try. This is especially true if you were born or raised in this area. What fun to run into a recipe of a friend or neighbor of your Mother’s or Grandma’s. You may remember enjoyin...

  • In Response

    Dec 2, 2020

    Dear Editor, I felt compelled to write after reading the letter authored by Gordon Bell, M.D., published in the Glasgow Courier on November, 25, 2020. As a common citizen of the United States, I do believe the highest level of intellectual rigor is appropriate when confronting a pandemic as reportedly severe as the one we now face. This is especially true when those appointed authorities are intent on continuing to hinder our essential liberties in the name of public health. Is it not...

  • Wearing Masks

    Nov 25, 2020

    Dear Editor, Masks. The science is clear that masks help prevent Covid-19. The pleas to use them are coming from survivors, many of whom were doubters and physicians of all sorts. Some say they have a right to not use them, sorry that is not in the Bill of Rights. What is there is the freedom to choose. Please consider the words of Rev. Peter Marshall: "May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right." Sincerely, Gordon Bell, M.D. Fort...

  • The Evolution Of Businesses

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Nov 25, 2020

    Driving in the business section in our town of Glasgow, I find it sad to see all of the businesses that have closed over the years, and it made me think of all of the businesses Glasgow used to have in days gone by. Of course, during the days of the Glasgow Air Force, there were many businesses that have discontinued, but I am also remembering earlier days. Do you remember: Valley Implement Co., Hi-Line Implement and Motor, Snyders Agency, Farmers & Stockmens Lumber Co., Royal Motors and Studebaker cars, Vegge Motors, and for the women, what...

  • Letters To The Editor

    Nov 18, 2020

    Dear Editor, It all started on a Tuesday with a high fever and then dry, hacking cough. The next day I was tested, and several days later found out I was positive for COVID-19. During the next week of stay-at-home/quarantine, the cough, fever and loss of appetite got worse. But the most alarming symptom was that I was rapidly losing my ability to get oxygen. After a week of failing health, I had a neighbor who encouraged and helped me go to the ER at FMDH. I was losing my ability to make decisions and even had difficulty communicating with Jace...

  • Letters To The Editor

    Nov 18, 2020

    Dear Editor, I was born and raised in Glasgow, and after high school left for college to live in the Pacific Northwest. I’ve always considered myself somewhat of a dual citizen as I’ve generally visited Glasgow 1-2 times a year since. My wife and I recently made the big decision to move back here after 20 years away. We don’t know if we’re going to make Glasgow our forever home yet, but we’re going to give it a good try and we’re excited and hopeful for our future here. It’s been tough to come back and see a significant number of community mem...

  • Letters To The Editor

    Nov 18, 2020

    Dear Editor, I would like to respond to the letter to the editor from Karl Ward [The letter referenced was printed in the Nov. 4, 2020, issue of the Glasgow Courier titled “In Response To Oct. 28 Letter”]. His letter contends that our community does not need the money provided by visitors who suggest we should wear masks. The mask issue aside, he does not speak for me as a Valley County resident, nor do I believe he speaks for all the small businesses who count on tourism for all or part of their income. It does not matter where you are fro...

  • Letters To The Editor

    Nov 18, 2020

    Dear Editor, As a lifelong resident of V.C. (with the exception of a couple of years spent in the State of Missouri) I was appalled by the communities’ reaction to a Halloween costume. A costume that must have been a good one to win first place in a judging. I do not personally know Mr. Morehouse, but I am giving him the benefit of assuming it was not done with malice. Was it poor taste on the part of Mr. Morehouse? I will have to admit that I would not have thought about it as anything other than a Halloween costume. Now I will admit that a...

  • Letters To The Editor

    Nov 18, 2020

    Dear Editor, A cold snap in October is not unusual in Montana. No big deal, right? That is, until you consider all your neighbors who struggle daily to make ends meet, pay their bills and keep their homes warm. The vast majority of us don’t think twice about whether the furnace will go on when we turn up the thermostat. However, 15 percent of us (three out of 20 people you meet on the road) have to think about that every day. Energy Share helps Montanans who are facing home energy emergencies. Since July, 50 percent of these emergencies i...

  • Letters To The Editor

    Nov 18, 2020

    Dear Editor, The Congressional Desert Land Act of 1877 severed the non-navigable surface water and the ground water from the western federal lands and gave them to the states. This resulted in a split estate of the western public lands. The Act of 1890 declared all lands west of the 100th meridian were under the “Prior Appropriation Doctrine” as it applied to water rights. It contained three main components: A. First in time, first in right, B. The user of the water and not the owner of the land gets the water right, and C. The water must be...

  • Letters To The Editor

    Nov 11, 2020

    Dear Editor, I take serious offense to the Glasgow Courier November 4, 2020 headline “Community Hopes For Change After KKK Costume.” Really? The Courier seems anxious for a comment from somebody so let me give them one. And for clarity, let me get this straight. Because of the distasteful and unintended actions of one person and a couple friends participating in Halloween festivities in our community, we are all to blame? I wasn’t even there but one thing I do know about celebrating in a bar during Halloween is this, your common sense can l... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor

    Nov 11, 2020

    Dear Editor, My name is Becky Anderson, and I would like to address the story printed in your paper on November 4, 2020 regarding the “KKK” costume controversy. I find it quite astonishing how the title of the article: “Community Hopes For Change After KKK Costume,” seems to imply a certain disposition of the people of Glasgow. That we, as a community, felt that this incident revealed a certain degree of racism hidden within the hearts of the people here in rural Montana. As for myself, I thought no such thing. As a matter of pure fact, w... Full story

  • Letters to the Editor

    Nov 11, 2020

    Dear Editor, It’s been almost six years since I wrote my last piece for The Courier and even longer since my first guest column in 1991. I have always enjoyed returning to my hometown. Last year was especially fun as I was able to show off Glasgow and Ft Peck to a few dozen of my visiting Norwegian relatives prior to our historic 150th family reunion in Scobey. You may have seen photos and read about the pre-reunion tour in a July 2019 Courier story. My relatives told me I could be a local tour guide and possibly work for the Montana tourism in...

  • Stories from the Strong

    For the Courier|Nov 11, 2020

    The Valley CARE Coalition proudly presents stories from Valley County residents who have struggled, continue to struggle, or have found peace surrounding mental health, substance use disorders, or behavioral health. Battling this is a symbol of strength and courage and should be highlighted as such. My story starts many years ago as an eight-year-old. I was abused in foster care, did not fit in, and was teased. I tried suicide but thank god I was unsuccessful. I never told anyone about the abuse or the suicide attempt and did not feel anyone...

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