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  • Rogers' Food Store

    Gwen Cornwell, For The Courier|Mar 13, 2024

    Our Courier Editor opened the door for this article by one of the items in "Yesterday's Memories" mentioned in the issue of Feb. 28, 2024. Of course, I do remember the Rogers' Food Store and many of the other grocery stores that Glasgow had in days past. Our community had an abundance of small grocers, which I would like to address at a later date. Of course, back in the day, we did not have convenience stores like Holiday or Ezzies, where you could stop and grab a quick gallon of milk or other...

  • Women's History Month

    Feb 28, 2024

    Dear Editor, As we celebrate women's history month, we acknowledge Rebekah Grace Rose Barsotti, a woman who embodied courage for inspiring women everywhere to take a stand against domestic violence. We also acknowledge Selena Not Afraid, whose body was found three weeks after she went missing in 2020 and her case remains unsolved. We believe every woman matters. Rebekah's Story Thirty-three-year-old Rebekah, a vibrant young woman, dared to start a new life after a partner/family member assault...

  • The Endangered Species Act Is Broken

    Feb 28, 2024

    Dear Editor, The Founding Fathers had many contentious debates over the powers of the United States versus the States. Their goal was to avoid any suggestion of creating sovereignty. Section 8 of the Constitution of the USA limited the roles and powers of the Federal Congress to International issues, declarations of war, interstate commerce, etc. In Amendment X the powers not specifically delegated to the United States are reserved to the States. The Founding Fathers tried to design a system...

  • To The Glasgow Community:

    Feb 21, 2024

    Two weeks ago, your Glasgow Elks Lodge 1922 hosted the Montana mid-year Elks convention, with 135 in attendance. The meeting was a huge success, and I think it is proper to give credit where credit is due. The businesses in the Glasgow community stepped forward with advertising and financial support that attendees from other communities found to be "amazing" for a town of our size. The comments on all the motels were simply super. The visitors reported the community to be friendly, courteous...

  • Gypsy Comes To Life

    Feb 21, 2024

    Ladies and Gentlemen: I grew up in the Lustre Farm Community north of Frazer. My dad, Arnold Sonsteng, was a pioneer. He homesteaded there in 1916. Dad had 15 children – 10 boys and 5 girls. I happen to be the 13th child. I am a 1951 Glasgow High School "Scotties" graduate. My brother, Stanley Sonsteng, worked at the Glasgow Courier for many years. My brother-in-law Ivy Knight worked for the Courier as well. Back in 1953, I married a Texan who stationed at the Air Force Base in Great Falls. A...

  • Senate Bill 442

    Feb 21, 2024

    Dear Editor, In my family there is a wide swath of political views and when you are in the same room as we were for the Holidays, the juvenile name calling stops and thoughtful discussions can occur. What these discussions revealed was that while we have many differences, there is also agreement. Well, if I'm being honest, there was some juvenile name calling too, we are family after all. But back to my point, I wonder then, why don't we at least have the things we all agree on? For example, we... Full story

  • Dement Beach

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Feb 21, 2024

    Remember Dement Beach? Not many have even heard of it. Dement Beach was a recreational facility located about 10 miles north of Opheim or approximately six miles north of Glentana. I have remembered this recreational facility in the past but it does amaze me that many of the local residents of Opheim and Glentana haven’t heard of it. I am fortunate to have several original pictures of this resort as well as finding old news items concerning it. In my young days of living in that area it was a great place for ice skating parties. Speaking of i...

  • Through With Chew Week is Feb. 18 – 24

    Feb 14, 2024

    Dear Editor, Each year, Through with Chew Week raises awareness about the dangers of smokeless tobacco use whether it be chew, dip, pouches, or snus. This year, Valley County Health Department is encouraging people who use smokeless tobacco to set a quit date and quit for good. According to the 2022 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Montana has the third highest prevalence of adult male smokeless tobacco use in the nation (13.2 percent), just behind West Virginia (14.5 percent) and Wyo...

  • Official Response From Tanner Smith Regarding Kolstad Family Case:

    Feb 7, 2024

    “I’m a father of 5 myself and I too have had interactions with our Montana CPS. Having said that, the CPS here in the Kalispell area are fair, honest and a great group of folks doing an extremely tough job. What happened with this case is a tragedy that could have been avoided. The state legislature and I passed HB37 which would have required a judges warrant to remove a child. That would have been another set of eyes on a case and a check and balance on a rogue CPS worker Governor Gianforte vetoed that bill? I voted YES to put parents’ 1st and... Full story

  • Youth Mental Health And Nicotine Use

    Feb 7, 2024

    Dear Editor, Two health crises among youth - a mental health crisis and a vaping public health crisis - pose increasing threats to a generation of young people. They are also linked in ways many may not realize, according to a body of peer-reviewed studies. Sincerely, Valley County Tobacco Education Specialist Teri Meche For more information, contact her at 406-228-6261. Article information is from Truth Initiative. Truth Initiative is America's largest nonprofit public health organization...

  • Glasgow Contributes To Successful Shoebox Collection Season

    Feb 7, 2024

    Dear Editor, Generosity throughout Glasgow, contributed to a successful shoebox gift collection season at drop-off locations for the Samaritan's Purse project Operation Christmas Child. Across the U.S., the project collected 10 million shoebox gifts in 2023. Combined with those collected from partnering countries in 2023, the ministry is now sending over 11.3 million shoebox gifts to children worldwide, including many who are suffering from war, poverty, disease and disaster. Through shoeboxes-p...

  • A Letter To The Community

    Jan 31, 2024

    Dear Community, 2023 brought a lot of change, growth, and transition for the Glasgow Chamber of Commerce. As we start the new year, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to our members, volunteers, event sponsors, board of directors, and staff. The Glasgow Chamber appreciates your unwavering support. As a small non-profit organization, the Glasgow Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture depends on community volunteers to carry out events, programs, and activities to enrich our community...

  • Vaping Prevention Curriculum

    Jan 31, 2024

    Dear Editor, The proliferation of new tobacco products threatens to reverse years of progress made toward ending nicotine addiction. Through our tools, resources, and public education and prevention efforts, truth delivers the facts about smoking, vaping, and nicotine use, exposes the tactics of the tobacco industry, and helps young people make informed choices and influence their peers to do the same. Sincerely, Valley County Tobacco Education Specialist Teri Meche For more information,...

  • Quitting Smoking And Vaping

    Jan 24, 2024

    Dear Editor, Youth nicotine use in any form is unsafe. Nicotine is harmful to developing brains: younger users are more likely to become addicted, have more difficulty quitting and may be at higher risk for addiction to other substances in the future. E-cigarette use among young people, many of whom were not smokers in the first place, remains at epidemic levels. Over 2.5 million middle and high school students use e-cigarettes with nearly half (46 percent) of high schoolers who vape doing so...

  • Why Youth Nicotine Use Is An Important Issue

    Jan 17, 2024

    Dear Editor, Faced with declines in cigarette use – the youth smoking rate dropped from nearly 23 percent in 2000 to an all-time low of 2.3 percent in 2021 – the commercial tobacco industry has expanded its product offerings to include flashy e-cigarettes, flavored nicotine-containing products such as oral nicotine pouches and lozenges, and the heated tobacco device IQOS, dramatically changing the product landscape. Companies have also begun to use synthetic nicotine– created in a labor...

  • A 2023 Political Recap: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

    Jan 17, 2024

    *Paid Political Content* Dear Editor, Skyrocketing property taxes. Astronomical energy rate increases. Thousands of homes that are unaffordable to most Montanans. And yet more big tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy, while the rest of us are left to foot the bill. When we look back on the last year, all these changes and more were brought [to] you by one party and its supermajority: Montana Republicans. And so, as 2023 ends, let's take a look back over the last 12 months to see where Republicans...

  • Half Day School Days

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Jan 17, 2024

    Do you remember when Glasgow had half day school days? I remember moving from Opheim the summer between my junior and senior year. I was lucky enough to be hired by a Bank here in Glasgow that summer and decided to finish my schooling in Glasgow. What a deal, I could go to school in the mornings, and then go to my job after lunch. Not many of us had the opportunity to make money and attend school all at the same time, unless you had an extremely good baby-sitting job somewhere. I am pretty sure these days came about due to the extra population...

  • Hwy 2 Assoc Continuing Efforts

    Jan 10, 2024

    Dear Editor, Friends and Neighbors Happy New Year The Hwy 2 Assoc continues it's efforts, as it has for 22 years, to fulfill it's Mission - "To Enhance the Economic Viability of Northern Montana Communities by constructing an Adequate Hwy # 2 that would allow communities to compete for and attract businesses" Adequate has been defined by the business community in that 80 percent of businesses locate in or near communities that have a four lane highway. Surveys have revealed that the # 1...

  • Happy New Year

    Jan 10, 2024

    Dear Editor, 2024 Happy New Year! As I watched the sun rise this first day of the new year, I was reflecting on this past year. Family and friends have all made an impact in Judy and my lives. I am thankful to everyone for the part you may have played in our lives these past years. As our state's House and Senate Districts have been redistricted and will be effective starting January 2025, I will be working with folks from the new area that was formerly Senator Mike Lang's district. I have been...

  • Tobacco Industry Ads Generate Billions Of Views And Reach Millions of Kids on Instagram, Facebook, X And TikTok

    For the Courier|Dec 27, 2023

    Philip Morris International and British American Tobacco, two of the world’s largest publicly traded tobacco companies, are advertising tobacco and nicotine products to kids on social media, according to a new report released Dec. 8 by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. The report, #SponsoredbyBigTobacco, details how the two tobacco giants have targeted more than 60 countries with expansive marketing campaigns for Velo, a nicotine pouch from British American Tobacco, Vuse, an e-cigarette from British American Tobacco, and IQOS, a heated t... Full story

  • Montanans: Celebrate The Holidays Responsibly By Planning For A Sober Ride Home

    For the Courier|Dec 27, 2023

    As the holiday season kicks off, Valley County Sheriff’s Office, Glasgow Police Department, DUI Task Force and the Montana Highway Patrol (MHP) are encouraging Montanans to plan for a sober ride home before celebrating. Historically, the period between Dec. 15 and Jan. 1 has a high concentration of impaired driving crashes and crash fatalities. Under the Vision Zero goal, Valley County Sheriff’s Office, Glasgow Police Department, Valley County DUI Task Force, MHP and the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) are committed to reducing fat...

  • The Price Of A Good Life

    Dec 20, 2023

    Dear Editor, Does this little "poem" warrant a spot in your Courier? I don't know where it came from, but thought it was kind of interesting. Thank you, Pat Murdock Whitewater, Mont. The Price Of A Good Life Farms are a funny lot, some work hard, some do not. Some get up early, some sleep late, some have good intentions and some are up for debate. But most farmers are good and do what they can to raise up a family and live off the land. But some city folks lately have had some concern that the...

  • Old West Xmas Celebrations

    Dec 20, 2023

    Dear Editor, This clipping is from your newspaper about 1944. Since we are into the Christmas time, I thought Glasgow would enjoy reading this in your newspaper today in 2023. Many of the families in Glasgow worked on the building of the dam. I was born and raised in Glasgow and cherish my young years there. Sincerely, Peggy Hoffmann Wood Columbia Falls, MT...

  • Grain Trucks

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Dec 20, 2023

    Noticing the picture of grain trucks in the Buzz as well as all the activity at the elevators has made me remember the moving of grain in my young days. The use of 2-ton trucks with side boards and hoists. How the world does change. I am sure my grandfather, or maybe even my Dad could not imagine the present day grain trucks, the ease of dumping them, and the amount of grain they could have hauled. I understand that grain elevators of days past were set up for wagons to dump. I can only assume that this began in horse and wagon...

  • Shopping Small This Holiday Season Supports Montana's Main Street Businesses

    Dec 13, 2023

    Dear Editor, The pandemic confirmed the essential role that small businesses play in our daily lives. It sounds cliché, but locally owned small businesses truly are the heart and soul of our cities and towns. The holiday shopping season is a crucial time for small retailers and restaurants that depend upon the boost in sales earned between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Not so long ago, it was an annual holiday tradition to travel downtown and shop at one of the many locally owned main street...

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