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  • APR's Plans for PN Ranch

    Sean Gerrity, American Prairie Reserve|Jun 1, 2016

    American Prairie Reserve recently acquired the historic PN Ranch north of Winifred. Over time we look forward to making this nearly 50,000-acre property (combined private and leased public acres) available to the public for camping, fishing, floating the Judith and Missouri Rivers, mountain biking and hunting as well as walking, horseback riding and driving through the beautiful scenery. Please visit the American Prairie Reserve website to learn about the location of the property and its relation to our other properties. As with each...

  • Their Sacrifice Was Not in Vain

    Ryan Zinke, Zeroing In|Jun 1, 2016

    Since the first battles at Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, American men and women have laid down their lives for something larger than themselves. When the first Memorial Day was celebrated in 1868, our nation remembered the nearly 750,000 Americans who died in a war that shaped our destiny and defined its character. From WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the fights for freedom and peace from terrorism around the globe, the American troops have been a beacon of hope and a symbol of freedom and liberty from oppression for those who would...

  • Memorial Day In Hinsdale

    SSG Etherington, Memorial Message|Jun 1, 2016

    The following is a copy of a speech given by SSG AJ Etherington to the American Legion Post 45 Memorial Day Celebration in Hinsdale. As is the case with so many who have done this before me I am overwhelmed by the daunting task of memorializing and honoring those who have given everything in service to this nation, to our way of life and to the causes of freedom, liberty and justice around the globe. I am humbled and frightened by the challenge. So to ease in let me start with someone else’s words. President Reagan said, in his 1986 Memorial Da...

  • Attack Ads in Northeast Montana

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks For Listening|May 25, 2016

    I guess some of my liberal opposers will be saying “you’re a fine one to talk about attacking someone in print” and I suppose you’d be a little bit right but this kind of politikkin’ is something more better suited to Texas or Colorado. What I’m yakkin’ about is the mailer young Michael Burns sent out asking for support as he attempts to become our HD33 representative in Helena. The very first thing that struck me as odd was the picture on the flyer of Casey Knudsen. The original shows Casey with long hair, baseball cap on backwards and...

  • Graduation

    Sandy Laumeyer, Just a Thought|May 25, 2016

    Graduation, a time of joy, laughter, tears. An exciting time yet a bittersweet one. Graduates are seeing the culmination of 13 years of their lives. They’ve sat in classrooms, done homework, participated in activities such as band and sports. And throughout those 13 years have made friends -- perhaps lost a few -- and increased their knowledge. They’ve been congratulated, hugged, told how proud their families and friends are of them. Now it’s time for them to move forward. To follow their own path. They’ve most likely all decided where they ar...

  • What the Transgender Law Really Means

    Tess Fahlgren, Truth Nukem|May 25, 2016

    At this point most people have heard of the so-called “bathroom bill” passed in North Carolina. This is a law decreeing all people must use restrooms in accordance to the gender they were born into. What the public doesn’t seem to realize is that the North Carolina General Assembly spent $42,000 to hold an emergency, closed meeting to rush through this bill that not only rules that trans people have to use the restroom assigned to their original anatomy, it also prohibited any laws passed that would illegalize discrimination of any sort again...

  • More on Millennials

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|May 25, 2016

    I had been trying to come up with a “Remember” for several days now, but had drawn a blank. Then I remembered reading Parker’s article, "Grumbling About Millennials." I would like all of the millennials out there, who just might read this section, to know that grumbling about the young generation is nothing new. You all have instant communication and the Baby Boomers had only a “party” line to do their venting on. Remember when all the young girls wore their pants so tight that you thought they were a second skin? Or the fact that women wor...

  • Confidence in Love

    Kristine Bowman, Valley County Voices|May 18, 2016

    Two days before the conference, a friend asked, “Do you have any expectations?” With certainty, I immediately responded, “No! I’m just looking forward to a day where I’m removed from my responsibilities. I won’t have to worry about kids; I don’t want to think about my store; I don’t have to prepare meals; it’s bound to be a great day.” The Northeast Montana Women’s Conference “Confidence in Love” came at the perfect time for me. It truly was the best Mother’s Day gift I could receive. From the moment I heard the gravel of the church parkin...

  • A Little of This and That

    Sandy Laumeyer, Just a Thought|May 18, 2016

    Several days ago, as I was planting some sweet peppers, I thought about how good it felt to have my hands in the dirt. I thought how comforting it was to physically connect with the earth. While I was planting the peppers, I was also thinking about other vegetables I want to plant in my garden and the strawberry plants that were waiting for me in my kitchen sink. It reminded me of other gardens I’d planted over the years. Gardens that produced food for my family. Food that I also shared with other people. There’s just something about put...

  • Satellite Cable Dish or Antenna

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks for Listening|May 18, 2016

    My first draft of this week’s column went off into cyber space never to return. While reaching for my coffee, I accidentally hit ctrl and something else and off it went, hurtling at 1.6 million miles per hour through the universe. I tried hitting that little circular blue arrow, but ... no go ... then I tried the search thingie, but my search came up as empty as OJ’s search for the “real killers.” I had already saved it, but that window that says something like “you have made changes to the text, do you want to save the changes before cl...

  • Discussing Dandelions

    May 18, 2016

    I was thrilled to read the Doctors’ cure for yellow jaundice in the late 1920s was dandelions. I am mortified when I see deadly chemicals being poured onto these delicious leaves. I know they can be a nuisance. Where I grew up in Pennsylvania Dutch Country, the sprouting of those leaves out of the ground indicated spring was near and the tradition of dandelion greens, hot bacon dressing, boiled potatoes and hard boiled eggs (from Easter) made my mouth water. Most of the time the bacon dressing was from a jar, Wos-Wit (brand) you can find it o...

  • A Few Hard Truths

    Michael Burns, Political Opinion|May 18, 2016

    A conservative is a fellow standing athwart history yelling, ’Stop!’ At least that is how patron saint of the modern conservative movement, William F. Buckley defined it. As I travel across our great district talking to voters, I often try to define the terms liberal and conservative in today’s political climate. Amongst a farrago of definitions for what a conservative is, I think Buckley’s assessment is accurate. This election, cycle conservatives are yelling “stop” to excessive political correctness, federal overreach and unnecessary...

  • Knudsen Replies to 'Tasteless Mailer'

    Casey Knudsen, Political Opinion|May 18, 2016

    When I began my campaign for the Montana House of Representatives District 33, I planned on running a clean campaign, because if I have learned one thing growing up on the Hi-Line, it is that a man’s handshake is his word. My opponent and I agreed the very first time we met to be civil, to focus on the issues important to this district and not to found our campaigns on baseless attacks. My opponent, however, has recently sent out a mailer full of lies and deceit aimed at defaming me in the eye of the public. I am writing today to tell every r...

  • Small Town Summers

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|May 18, 2016

    School will soon be out and kids will soon need to be entertained. Remember when we spent the summers playing hopscotch, kick the can, some version or the other of baseball, Anti-I-Over, or tag? What about Hide and Seek. Do the young ones still do that? Maybe you could get Mom to pack a picnic lunch and you and a friend could wander off for the day. Of course, that was back in the days you didn’t even think of child abductors (or if you did, you might have one of those thoughts that Moms have. Thinking if someone took them they would return t...

  • Redefining 'Elderly'

    Sandy Laumeyer, Just a Thought|May 11, 2016

    Last week, when I went to pay for some purchases in a Glasgow business, I chatted for a few moments afterwards with the clerk. And in the course of our talk, I heard something that surprised me. The lady told me she was 80 years old. I’m sure I had an incredulous look on my face because I would have never guessed that that was her age. She’s a vibrant, cheerful, pretty lady - one I’ve known for a long time. At home that evening, one of my sons stopped by to visit for a bit before we went to a meeting. The subject of age came up. I told him a...

  • Netflix Roku

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks for Listening|May 11, 2016

    There are a lot of scams going on every day in this country and I believe I was the almost victim of one of them just the other day. I’ll tell you about this one so’s you can keep a look out for it should it come your way. It involves a company I’ve never heard of before and one everyone in the world has heard of. I can’t afford to pay 80 or 90 bucks a month for Dish Network or DirectTV, so I rely on the 22 channels I can get off the antenna for $20 bucks a year. You heard that one right ... twenty smackers a YEAR folks. And I get all the loc...

  • An Eastern Montana View

    Karen Aspevig Stevenson, Eyes on Evelyn|May 11, 2016

    I attended a social gathering several years ago in the Bitterroot Valley. As the hostess stood nearby, I admired the mountains framed by the tall windows in her home. “The view out my window is the most stunning in the state!” she said. “It’s why we moved here!” I told her I had an ocean view out my window and she looked puzzled. “I thought you lived in eastern Montana?” “I do!” I replied. My genetic roots run deep in the high plains of northern and southeastern Montana. In the early 1900s, when my homesteader grandparents stepped off the E...

  • Judging CPS

    Russell Fagg, Ask the Judge|May 11, 2016

    One of the most frequent questions I get asked is whether Child Protective Services (CPS) does a good job of deciding when to remove kids from abuse and neglect situations. As you can guess, there is a wide range of reactions to CPS decisions. On the one hand, parents are understandably terribly upset when children are removed from their care. On the other hand, those who call in the suspected abuse or neglect, called reporters, are often frustrated when a home is investigated and no removal occurs. The short answer is yes, I believe CPS, at...

  • Remembering Pacific

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|May 11, 2016

    Do you remember when Glasgow did not have a Pacific [Steel & Recycling]? There may be some readers that do remember, however rumor has it that Glasgow has had a Pacific facility for over 100 years. The announcement of their closing was quite a shock. Pacific Steel and Recycling has operating under a couple of different names. A lot of us still call it Pacific Hide and Fur. The different reactions to this announced closure have been interesting. Where will we get fence posts, or for those of us that do a lot of our own repairs, where will be...

  • Conrad Burns' Lasting Legacy

    Steve Daines, Political Opinion|May 4, 2016

    With the news of Conrad Burns’ passing late last week, Montanans lost a member of the family. From across the state prayers were offered for Phyllis and the Burns family and fond memories were shared. Conrad was a dedicated husband to Phyllis and father to Garrett and Keely. He was an auctioneer, a high school referee, an agriculture broadcaster and founder of Northern Ag Network, a county commissioner, a U.S. Senator and always a U.S. Marine. He loved his family, he loved Montana and he loved his country. And on Thursday, Conrad passed away w...

  • A Most Embarrassing Moment

    Virgil Vaupel, Thanks for Listening|May 4, 2016

    It took me 73 years and 71 days but I have finally had it! I know I have mentioned this before, but it seems to have fallen on deaf eyes, especially mine, but I don’t see a tangible solution to the growing problem. Several or more of the presidential candidates have given the problem token air time, but I fear there is nothing even the newly-elected president, or president-ess, can do about it. Every time we go to the hardware store, the super market, the clothing store, the farm tractor selling place, the appliance store: every time we go t...

  • Water Service for City of Glasgow

    May 4, 2016

    Dear Residents: As you have probably heard, city of Glasgow has been in the process of determining which courses of action to take in regards to the future source of Glasgow’s drinking water. As a public water provider, the city understands the effort and commitment it takes to operate and manage a safe and reliable water system. The City Council is also sensitive and understanding to the residents of Glasgow, and the cost incurred to the water and sewer rate payer. If you have lived here for any length of time, you may recall that this t...

  • Grumbling About Millennials

    Parker Kulczyk, Juvenescent Jots|May 4, 2016

    Almost every day, I see a post on Facebook of someone complaining that millennials are over-privileged and want to succeed but they don’t want to work hard for it. It is one of the most ironic things. You see all of these posts, and realize all of these people are using a social media site created by a millennial, Mark Zuckerburg. You will hear people talking about how the music of today’s generation is bad, yet the music industry of today is the most diverse it has ever been. I’m sorry you didn’t get the chance to grow up on hip-hop, rap or...

  • Starting With Sheep

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|May 4, 2016

    While listening to the radio one day this week, I heard a notice regarding the date the Hi-line Wool Pool would be shipping wool. Two thoughts crossed my mind. The first being that it was really early in the year to be shipping wool, and the other was that of shipping wool with the Valley County Wool Pool. Shipping day for the Wool Pool. Remember when shearing was done after the ewes were done lambing? That was a noisy, confusing time for the young lambs. Imagine how different “mommy” looked after being submitted to the clippers. Now she...

  • Can't We Agree to Disagree?

    Chris Pippin, Saco Speaks|May 4, 2016

    Looking at the bane of social media i.e. Facebook, I am bewildered on how polarized we have become. I see the posts stating so and so will leave America if Trump is elected. No they won’t. No one will. If a conservative like myself can survive eight years of President Obama, two of those under Democrat control of the entire Legislative Branch and the gift that just keeps on giving, the Affordable Healthcare Act (guess what Max Baucus, my rates did go up just as I predicted!! Thanks for the rabbit punch!!!), the left leaning entertainment i...

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