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  • Burma Shave Ads

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|May 17, 2023

    Thanks to the reader that sent me a few Burma Shave ads. For those of you that do not remember, Burma Shave was a brushless shaving cream sold in the early 20s and 30s. I remember them as quite entertaining as a child as we traveled the highways. Burma Shave opted to advertise it a different way, as they typically chose to post four to six signs along the highways containing verses advertising their product. I thought it might be fun to start our memories with a different slogan for the next couple of issues so #1: Only a convict likes to be...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 10, 2023

    We Are Not Your Enemy Dear Editor, Public officials talking about hiring hitmen to take out the publisher and reporter of a newspaper seems like something from a tense, blockbuster thriller rather than reality. Yet, in rural Oklahoma, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) is currently investigating such a discussion. The McCurtain County Gazette is like most small-town newspapers. It’s family owned and operated, doesn’t have a website or digital version of its newspaper and stands as watchdog for the community. This responsibility, it see... Full story

  • Service Stations

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|May 10, 2023

    I know that I have mentioned all the gas stations located in Glasgow in years past. These were service stations that offered full service. Services like checking your oil, filling your tank, washing your windows, airing up a tire or many were able to change or make repairs to tires while you waited. Now we fill our own tank (make sure you choose the correct fuel, gas or diesel) and wash our own windows. That was an adjustment for many of us senior women especially. I am wondering if my great-grandchildren will see the day that these filling...

  • The BLM's Proposed Rule To End Ranching On Federal Grazing District Allotments

    May 3, 2023

    Dear Editor, The liberal Biden administration is, apparently, dropping the other shoe for the Montana federal grazing district ranchers. The first shoe dropped in 2014 when the federal solicitors argued in front of the Montana Water Court's Water Master that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) had built the reservoirs and pits on the federal allotments therefore they owned the water and our cows were their beneficial use. Why the Montana Water Master agreed with them when he had to know they wer...

  • Tester Blocks Biden's Amtrak Nominees - Fights for Rural America's Seat at the Table

    For the Courier|May 3, 2023

    As a part of his continued fight to strengthen rural America, U.S. Senator Jon Tester formally blocked President Biden’s nominees to serve as members of the Amtrak Board of Directors – five of whom are from Northeast Corridor states, violating provisions secured by Tester to ensure full geographic representation and firsthand knowledge of long-distance routes on the Amtrak Board through his bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. None of the six nominees are from Western states. “It is important that people in places like rural...

  • Flooding

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|May 3, 2023

    Remembering a few floods of the past. I have a picture of my Dad’s family sitting on their porch overhang outside a window of the second floor of their house located on 3rd Ave. So. He would tell me how the milk cows were moved (maybe to Markles Transfer) and they managed to house the calves in the loft of the barn. This house and barn are still located on 3rd Ave. This was before the dike was built so you can maybe imagine the water that flowed into town....

  • Glasgow School District Mill Levy

    Apr 26, 2023

    Dear Glasgow School District Community Member, School funding formulas are complex and confusing. To simplify things, our district receives direct state aid payment equivalent to about 44 percent of our general funds. According to the Montana OPI document "Understanding Montana School Finance and School District Budgets," the general fund is defined as the fund used to account for the financing of a district's operation and maintenance costs not accounted for in another fund. Some examples of th...

  • Recycling

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Apr 26, 2023

    Recycling products has been on our Country’s agenda for some years now but does anyone remember when recycling of some items were specifically prohibited? I just ran into an old bottle (yes, I will admit that it appears to be a vintage “Spirits” bottle). Molded into the glass is a warning stating that FEDERAL LAW FORBIDS SALE OR REUSE OF THIS BOTTLE. How our world does change. Do you think this might have been during Prohibition days?...

  • Hobo Jungle

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Apr 19, 2023

    I am sure that most of you folks in the Glasgow and surrounding area have noticed the huge crane and work being done on the railroad just west of Glasgow. Of course many of us slow down as we go by to see what progress is being made. Observing this has prompted memories of Hobo Jungle for many of us that travel that highway. That was located just a little further from town where there are more trees. I’m sure this “camp” originated in the days when railroad cars were not all enclosed and there were a number of people that hitched rides on th...

  • The Recently Held National Agriculture Day: Fifty Years Later, Farmers Are Growing a Climate for Tomorrow

    Apr 12, 2023

    Dear Editor, Fifty years after the creation of National Agriculture Day, America's farmers, ranchers and private forestland owners find themselves on the front lines of climate change. They are uniquely positioned to deliver solutions by implementing climate-smart production practices that conserve natural resources, build healthier soils, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and sequester carbon. National Agriculture Day is a day to recognize the producers who are the best stewards of our land....

  • Fully Fund Home Care Providers

    Apr 12, 2023

    Dear Editor, I live in Wolf Point where I work as a caregiver for my daughter, Mindy, who is now 49 years old. She just had a birthday and was only supposed to live for five to six years so every year is a celebration for us. Mindy was born with a condition called Spinobiffida and is totally handicapped. She lives her life in a wheelchair, and I do everything for her. I get 30 hours a week for her care, but that only covers half of the time I work with her. I'm not the only one in my community...

  • Easter Bonnets

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Apr 12, 2023

    Remembering the song, “In your Easter bonnet With all the frills upon it, you will be the grandest lady in the Easter parade.” I don’t remember our area ever having an Easter Parade, but I do remember the Easter Bonnets or Hats. I did not see any in the Church I attend and of course I did not wear one either. I do probably have a closet shelf-full of hats from by- gone days, but think back to your childhood and how many young girls were attired in new Easter clothing as well as a little bonnet. Maybe an Easter bonnet for girls just went with...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Mar 22, 2023

    Glasgow Police Department Dear Editor, In my opinion, the city police department is not doing their job. I formed this opinion based on a theft of some of my property. This is in reference to a theft I reported. One day, a few months ago my boat, trailer and 4-wheeler came up missing. I called dispatch to report this. A police officer came to my house here on the south side of Glasgow. I gave the officer a list of the items missing. I also told him I had an idea who took my stuff. It happened to be a local businessman. Not even a business man... Full story

  • Important Facts About E-Cigarettes To Spark A Dialogue

    Valley County Public Health, For the Courier|Mar 15, 2023

    Editor’s Note: This is part four of a five part series regarding e-cigarettes. The first part was printed in the Feb. 22 edition, the second part was printed in the March 1 edition and the third part was printed in the March 8 edition. Learn some important facts about e-cigarettes that teens should know. • Vape aerosol can contain harmful chemicals. • Vapes get their flavors from chemicals. While some flavorings are safe to eat in food, inhaling flavor chemicals can harm your lungs. • Vaping can also expose your lungs to dangerous chemica...

  • March Winter Storms

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Mar 15, 2023

    March has brought us winter storms like we haven’t seen in a few years. I am sure there are residents of the Opheim area that will remember winters of snow banks higher than your car along the side of the road. These were quite fascinating to a young kid, but not so much in my senior years. I am sure it was not just the North Country that experienced those snow piles along the roads and equally sure that none of us have any desire to see banks quite that high as we drive to our destinations. I am quite thankful for the snow removal equipment a...

  • We Salute Our Amazing Women Entrepreneurs During Women's History Month

    Mar 8, 2023

    Dear Editor, As we enter the third year of the Biden-Harris administration, we're fortunate to have a president who understands the vital role women entrepreneurs play in our economy. The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) supports the president's business advocacy by nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit and making sure small business has a voice at the table in Washington, D.C. During Women's History Month, and International Women's Day, we salute women entrepreneurs who take a risk in...

  • Term Papers

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Mar 8, 2023

    Do any of you remember doing term papers in your high school days? I just found one that I had written all of those years ago. Even had a good grade on it! As I read through it I couldn’t help but think how much time it must have taken us to do those papers. Our small town had a school library but that was it. Some of us were fortunate enough to have parents that were able to afford a set of encyclopedias which were a great help but think how easy it would have been to do all that research today on our computers! I would hate to be a teacher t...

  • Nickel Candy Bar

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Mar 1, 2023

    How about the nickel candy bar? It is hard for me to believe what they do cost today. I am sure there are still a few of us around that remember going to the grocery store or maybe stopping at the local drug store for a treat for yourself. I remember my high school days when we would stop at the drug store after school for a bottle of Coke or Pepsi and a bag of salted peanuts. I do not remember for sure the cost, but I do remember asking my Dad for a quarter one day so that I could make the stop and I was told that he was sure there were some...

  • Wild Horses

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Feb 22, 2023

    Does anyone remember the herd of wild horses that used to run the prairies around the present day location of St. Marie? At least that was the perception of a few of the young persons that got to make the Opheim-Glasgow trip with their parents back in the day. It was some years before I was able to put 2 and 2 together. I am sure that these horses probably belonged to the Etchart Ranch or maybe several of the area ranchers, but it was a good fantasy for a youngster that was into western movies....

  • Feb. 19, 2023 To MT Senate District 17

    Feb 22, 2023

    As eastern Montana has been attending wrestling and basketball events, the legislature continues to move legislation that will help all Montanans. Competition is heated with debates and is very fast-moving. Rules and decorum keep us in order, but sometimes the crowd, like during an athletic event, voices their opinion I do it every day here, whether in committee or on the floor, with a green (yes) or a red (no) vote on the issue at hand. We have reformed some of the government regarding...

  • Montana's Housing Crisis

    Feb 22, 2023

    Dear Editor, There is no singular cause for Montana's housing crisis. Rising costs of land, materials, and labor combined with people moving into our communities, further straining our infrastructure, has made for an increasingly critical housing situation. On top of that, developers, builders, and local governments are trying to build housing under old, outdated land use and planning statutes from the 1920s. As an attempted quick fix, many of the housing bills this legislative session mandate...

  • Legislative Update From Speaker Pro Tempore Rhonda Knudsen

    Feb 22, 2023

    My fellow Northeastern Montanans, For the 68th legislative session, I was elected to a new role as Speaker Pro Tempore of the Montana House of Representatives. This gave me the opportunity to collaborate with Leadership to create the House committees. The makeup of these committees is crucial to efficiently and effectively passing conservative legislation. As Speaker Pro Tempore, I am also responsible for reviewing each piece of legislation and assigning it to the appropriate committee. As a...

  • Concerning Veterans' Eye Care Proposal

    Feb 15, 2023

    Dear Editor, Last year, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) launched an initiative to establish national standards of practice for health professionals serving veterans to improve efficiency and consistency in the delivery of care across the VA health system. As part of its process, the VA is considering if it can safely expand the scope of practice of certain non-physician health practitioners. Current VA policy dictates that only ophthalmologists can perform eye surgeries in VA health...

  • To Senate District 117

    Feb 15, 2023

    To Senate District 117 We just completed our 30th day in this 68th Montana Legislature. The halls continue to be full of lobbyists and Montana citizens. Committee bills are still being processed in both the House and the Senate. With the budget surplus, we plan to improve Montana's education, economy, rule of law, and tax policies. Regarding District 17, here are some specific bills that could enhance our way of life. Senator Kenneth Bogner is sponsoring Senate Bill 203, which is an act...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Feb 15, 2023

    Dear Editor, The editors and columnists in Ag Publications have often stated that if the ranching community hopes to get anything done they have to speak with one voice. I agree. However, some large organizations claiming to represent the cow/calf producers and feeders are not representing our interests. One of the main issues that are dividing us is mandatory country of origin labeling (MCOOL) of beef and pork. Frankly, I am baffled as to why these organizations are opposing it if the cattle...

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