Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913


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  • Clarifying Misinformation In MTSBA's Update Regarding 95 Mills

    Oct 11, 2023

    Dear Editor, Montana School Board's Association Executive Director has issued a memo to his membership on the 95-mill issue. It appears he is looking to garner support for the administration to litigate this issue (asking for the Department of Revenue or the Governor to seek injunctive relief), and he makes a few statements that need corrections. First, counties have been given the calculated levy authority BY THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE indicating the current levy authority is 77.89 mills. That...

  • Opposing The School Bond

    Oct 11, 2023

    Dear Editor, I am opposed to the 8-million dollar school bond, for several reasons. Combining "nearly emergency" measures for roof and boiler maintenance with a multi-million sports facility overhaul is disingenuous in the least. I do not appreciate my loyalty and community spirit used as a tool of manipulation. The plant repairs are a need. The artificial turf football field is a luxury; they should be separated. The bond is money borrowed against my (and everyone else's) real property, which...

  • Increased Taxes Due To Glasgow Bond

    Oct 11, 2023

    Dear Editor, We were told that if you have a $200,000 home your taxes would be $5 to $10 per week. In November your taxes would go up $250 to $500. If we look at the businesses in our school district, their taxes will go up. Will they have to pass it on to us? How much will gasoline go? What about rent? What about food? What about the farmers and ranchers that we get to go hunting and fishing on their land. A small farmer told me his taxes would go up $2500 to $3000 per year. The Bond is over...

  • Outdated Federal Oil And Gas Leasing Programs Affect Public Lands

    Oct 11, 2023

    Dear Editor, Montana's public lands are central to our way of life and our outdoor businesses, but outdated federal oil and gas leasing programs have long exploited these landscapes, harming our communities and economies. Thankfully, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently proposed reforms to improve this broken system, ensuring a balanced approach to our public lands' use and providing taxpayers a fair return. The BLM's reforms balance the many uses of our public lands and prioritize...

  • Glasgow Scottie Upcoming Facilities Bond Tidbits

    Oct 11, 2023

    The election will be administered by the Valley County Election Administrator and will be a mail-ballot election. Ballots will be mailed out on Sept. 29 and must be returned by Oct. 17. Tidbit 1 What will the proposed $8.58 Million Dollar Facility Improvements Bond include? #1 – Replace the failed 80-year-old boiler at Glasgow High School to assure our students will have adequate heat in the winter months. #2 – Extensively repair damaged roofs at Glasgow High School and Glasgow Middle School to assure that we can keep the inside of our bui...

  • Regarding The School Bond

    Oct 4, 2023

    Dear Editor, What is Glasgow School District In Debt status? When you go to a bank for a loan you have to show security and what you owe. What does our school district owe? Do we owe on: Irle Elementary School Glasgow Middle School Glasgow High School Everyone wants. Where are we financially? How do we take care of a wreck? If we go 8 million dollars in debt? The whole picture isn't being painted, and that's the problem. Sincerely, Joe Yeoman, a proud American Tax Payer, Glasgow,...

  • On The Upcoming Bond

    Oct 4, 2023

    Dear Editor, One of my favorite quotes, a personal hero of mine, is attributed to the late Theodore Roosevelt, when he stated, "In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing." Our family decided to move back to Glasgow with the confidence in our community to have the desire to move forward and evolve without sacrificing the values which are held so near and dear to many. Part of this...

  • Eliminating Barriers and Creating A Pathway to Early Breast Cancer Treatment

    Oct 4, 2023

    Dear Editor, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is held in October with the aim of promoting screening and prevention of the disease. Also, effective October 1, is a new law which eliminates barriers to breast cancer diagnosis and provides a pathway to early treatment, without increasing your premiums. With 20 years as a physician's assistant, I saw it play out time and time again – the cost of additional imaging studies prevented patients from getting the breast ultrasound or MRI they needed to d...

  • Thanking Tow Truck Drivers

    Oct 4, 2023

    As a past paramedic/firefighter I want to acknowledge another first responder that is rarely recognized or thanked. Recently one of our County Newspaper articles had a thank you given only to the police, fire and ambulance. We do not seem to value our Tow Truck Drivers. They too face the horrors of every bad accident scene; get called out at all hours of the night and work in the worst weather, longer than the other first responders. More Tow Truck Drivers are killed or injured every year on the...

  • Glasgow Scottie Upcoming Facilities Bond Tidbits

    Oct 4, 2023

    The election will be administered by the Valley County Election Administrator and will be a mail-ballot election. Ballots will be mailed out on Sept. 29 and must be returned by Oct. 17. Tidbit 1 What will the proposed $8.58 Million Dollar Facility Improvements Bond include? #1 – Replace the failed 80-year-old boiler at Glasgow High School to assure our students will have adequate heat in the winter months. #2 – Extensively repair damaged roofs at Glasgow High School and Glasgow Middle School to assure that we can keep the inside of our bui...

  • The Upcoming Glasgow Bond

    Sep 27, 2023

    Dear Editor, I grew up in Saco and have been a member of this community since 2004. I married into the Glasgow lifestyle and could not be more proud to live anywhere in the world. Which, if you know my husband, you recognize that living in Glasgow wasn't up for negotiation! The bond put forth by our school board cannot be reduced to an academics vs athletics discussion. When I look back on my youth my academic and athletic successes are completely intertwined. Academics contributed to my future...

  • In Support Of Artificial Turf For Glasgow

    Sep 27, 2023

    Dear Editor, Hi All. It's Kyler Hallock, a recent 2022 graduate of Glasgow High School. I wanted to take this time to say a few things about the Scottie Field "Recharged" Project and upcoming School Bond. As a former student-athlete at GHS, I participated in football and wrestling for all four years, and for me, being involved in sports was a huge part of my life! My experience as a football player; has led me to voice my support of artificial turf for the Glasgow School District. Throughout my...

  • Deadline Approaching For Property Tax Rebate

    Sep 27, 2023

    Dear Editor, Sunday, Oct. 1 is the deadline to claim your $675 property tax rebate for this year. Tens of thousands of Montana property owners have already claimed theirs. If you're a Montana resident who pays property taxes on your primary residence, head to as soon as possible to claim yours. And whether you've already claimed this year's rebate or not, put a reminder on your calendar to claim next year's as well. A second $675 property tax rebate will be available from...

  • Glasgow Scottie Upcoming Facilities Bond Tidbits

    For the Courier|Sep 27, 2023

    The election will be administered by the Valley County Election Administrator and will be a mail-ballot election. Ballots will be mailed out on Sept. 29 and must be returned by Oct. 17. Tidbit 1 What will the proposed $8.58 Million Dollar Facility Improvements Bond include? #1 – Replace the failed 80-year-old boiler at Glasgow High School to assure our students will have adequate heat in the winter months. #2 – Extensively repair damaged roofs at Glasgow High School and Glasgow Middle School to assure that we can keep the inside of our bui...

  • In Support Of Proposed School Bond

    Sep 20, 2023

    Dear Editor, The Cottonwood Inn owners and management want to assure you of our support for the proposed School Bond to fund the Scottie Recharged project. As one of the largest private businesses in Glasgow, we understand the importance of our schools and school activities to this community. We employ 70 to 80 community members whose children and grandchildren attend school in our district. It is important for our business to be successful to provide for those families and individuals. And our...

  • The Upcoming Glasgow Bond

    Sep 20, 2023

    Dear Editor, My perspective on the upcoming bond: We moved back to Glasgow four years ago. It wasn't in our plans to make this move but we were blown away by the school environment that has been established here (especially compared to other places), the supportive community, and the hometown pride. Through foster care, we have given as many kids the best opportunity to thrive that we can. It is a big commitment for our family, but in the end more children have a chance to start their own lives...

  • The Upcoming Glasgow Bond

    Sep 20, 2023

    I'd just like to express my gratitude towards the Glasgow community. I grew up in Hinsdale. I played football for Glasgow and had more track practices in Glasgow than I did in Hinsdale for pole vaulting. Many Glasgow families, (Hartsocks, Kittlesons, Hughes, Remus, Riggins, Corys, Flatens, Krumwiedes... I could do this all day...), made me feel at home and always helped/watched out for me. Don't get me wrong, life is not only about sports, however, many life lessons are learned through these...

  • Glasgow Scottie Upcoming Facilities Bond Tidbits

    For the Courier|Sep 20, 2023

    The election will be administered by the Valley County Election Administrator and will be a mail-ballot election. Ballots will be mailed out on Sept. 29 and must be returned by Oct. 17. Tidbit 1 What will the proposed $8.58 Million Dollar Facility Improvements Bond include? #1 – Replace the failed 80-year-old boiler at Glasgow High School to assure our students will have adequate heat in the winter months. #2 – Extensively repair damaged roofs at Glasgow High School and Glasgow Middle School to assure that we can keep the inside of our bui...

  • Cowboy Sweetheart

    Gwen Cornwell, For the Courier|Sep 20, 2023

    Since it has been a few weeks since remembering and I have been traveling, not on the highway, but by air, I thought I would share another Burma Shave - Asked what he did for exercise Gallo, a Spanish bull fighter, replied that he smoked Havana Cigars. Now on to my trip to Missouri, I got to see a girl that I went to school with in the fifth grade in Missouri. We used to stand on our farm house back porch and sing “I want to be a Cowboy Sweetheart.” So, I shared with her just how silly and naïve we were. Sharing old memories is great and some...

  • To the Community of Glasgow

    Sep 20, 2023

    As directors of the Glasgow Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, Inc., we enthusiastically support the proposed bond for improvements to the facilities within the Glasgow School District. This bond is essential - not only for the benefit of our students, but also for the community of Glasgow. Tournaments and regular sporting events that are held at our current facilities provide a much-needed economic boost for our area, often during the financially strained times of the year. Currently, ou...

  • Bundy Park Proposal Details

    Sep 13, 2023

    Dear Community, Over the last year, our nonprofit, Siding 45, has raised over $112,000 to build a skatepark in Glasgow. Half of those funds came from Jeff Ament's foundation Montana Pool Service, and we aim to take advantage of more opportunities to bring outside money into our community. Our next step is to find a location for the park, and we are hoping to build it in Bundy Park. This idea has not been confirmed but last month the city council decided to look into the technicalities and...

  • Next Legislative Session's Work Begins Now

    Sep 13, 2023

    Dear Editor, It's fairly common knowledge that Montana's legislative branch of government is a citizen legislature that only meets in session for 90 business days every two years. While true, those facts often lead to misconceptions about the real nature of legislators' work. In reality, the Legislature works year round. Being an effective legislator is much closer to full-time public service than a part-time job. Constituents regularly contact their elected representatives looking for...

  • Glasgow Scottie Upcoming Facilities Bond Tidbits

    Sep 13, 2023

    The election will be administered by the Valley County Election Administrator and will be a mail-ballot election. Ballots will be mailed out on Sept. 29 and must be returned by Oct. 17. Tidbit 1 What will the proposed $8.58 Million Dollar Facility Improvements Bond include? #1 – Replace the failed 80-year-old boiler at Glasgow High School to assure our students will have adequate heat in the winter months. #2 – Extensively repair damaged roofs at Glasgow High School and Glasgow Middle School to assure that we can keep the inside of our bui...

  • Medicare Advantage Supports Health Care for Rural Americans

    Sep 6, 2023

    Dear Editor, Health care policy is a perennially hot topic, and with good reason-it's about the welfare of the people and how the nation takes care of its most vulnerable. When it comes to health care, few programs have been as transformative as Medicare Advantage, a public-private initiative that provides high-quality, low-cost health care for seniors and people with disabilities. In health care, consumer choice is paramount. While original Medicare offers a one-size-fits-all model that might...

  • Healthy Bison, Healthy Grasslands

    Sep 6, 2023

    Dear Editor, It's been a busy and productive first-half of 2023 for our bison team at American Prairie. The biggest cause to celebrate has been the remarkable turn-around in range conditions thanks to the moisture that has fallen over Montana so far this year. In addition to greener pastures, our team is pleased to report several milestones regarding our bison herd. Healthy Herd This spring American Prairie welcomed 65 new bison to its herd. These bison originated from the Laramie Foothills herd...

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