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  • Daines Recognizes Glasgow for Block of Bucks

    Dec 27, 2017

    Note: During proceedings of the U.S. Congress on Dec. 21, Montana Senator Steve Daines recognized Glasgow and those who participated in this year’s Block of Bucks to Congress and President Trump as “Montanan of the Week.” The statement he made is part of the Congressional Record, which is a document that reflects the official proceedings of Congress. The following is the statement submitted to the Congressional Record: MONTANAN OF THE WEEK Mr. President, this week, I have the distinct honor of recognizing the community of Glasgow for leadi... Full story

  • Gianforte on Taxes

    Greg Gianforte, Political Views|Dec 27, 2017

    Santa came early for hardworking Montanans. Republicans have kept their promise to the American people and delivered tax reform that will let you keep more of what you earn. In just a couple of months, you’ll see more of your hard-earned money in your paychecks, families will have much needed relief, and small businesses can grow, invest, and create more Montana jobs. This was long overdue – actually 31 years overdue. The last time Washington reformed the tax code, Ronald Reagan was in the White House, and I had a full head of hair. Much has...

  • Countrywide Resolutions

    Alec Carmichael, I Digress|Dec 27, 2017

    I wont say that 2017 was the worse year on record. There was no bubonic plague, no World War III, and no Holocaust, so that should stand for something. This in spite of threats of isolationism, Twitter battles that could launch nuclear weapons, and petty fights over non-issues that have shaken the global order and alienated our closest friends. I will say then that 2017 was not a good year for much more than the stock market, corporations and Bitcoin. So what will the country face in 2018? What will we take on full charge, and try our hardest...

  • Private Property Rights

    Ron Stoneberg, Managing Management|Dec 20, 2017

    I was dismayed to recently read that when a California resident who bought a ranch, that had previously been farmed, attempted to return it to grain crops; he was visited by an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) bureaucrat who ordered him to cease and desist. Apparently, this over zealous bureaucrat decided the isolated, intermittent, puddles in the middle of the field fell under the protection of the waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) rules. When the landowner pled guilty (to avoid horrendous legal costs) he was fined the incredible amount of...

  • Managing Holiday Stress

    Roubie Younkin, MSU Extension 4-H Agent|Dec 20, 2017

    The holidays are right around the corner and with them come the holiday stressors. The commitments for time, money and emotional support can overwhelm us and strip the happy from the holidays. We are shopping, baking, wrapping and decorating, adding to our already full schedules. Add holiday parties, family gatherings, homes to prepare for possible guests and children’s school and church programs and we meet ourselves coming and going. All of this challenges us but this is also the season where financial expectations increase until our s...

  • A Wave of Courage

    James Shipman, Valley County Voices|Dec 20, 2017

    A wave of courage is sweeping the nation. Men and women from all walks of life have been coming forward to combat sexual misconduct. Media figures like Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, and Harvey Weinstein have fallen from grace. Even beloved celebrities like Bill Cosby, Louis C.K., and Kevin Spacey have been targeted. And now, our politicians are under fire. Congressmen, candidates, and even the President are among the accused. Sexual misconduct seems far too common and must not be tolerated, from anyone. For too long, people with positions of powe...

  • Divided We Fall

    Jim Elliott, Montana Viewpoint|Dec 20, 2017

    Do the Parties serve the People or Just Use Them? Do the political parties serve the people they claim to represent, or do they use the people as a tool to advance the agendas of the party power brokers? That’s kind of a chicken or the egg question I guess. It seems to me that while the parties do have basic lofty tenets about how to legislate for the greater benefit of mankind, it feels more and more those beliefs are just window dressing and that the party bosses know what they want and do their best to convince the voters that what is g...

  • Quotes and Sayings

    Sandy Laumeyer, Just a Thought|Dec 20, 2017

    This week I decided since 2017 is drawing to a close, I would list some quotes and sayings that have stayed with me over the years. Some of them I’ve come across over time. Years ago I read this: “You are the master of the unspoken word. But once it passes your lips, you become its slave.” Not a bad way to remind us to think before we speak. Not long ago I was watching a program about a teenage girl who had fibbed to her mother concerning where she had been. As the girl was looking at the compass her dad had received from his father, her mothe...

  • Thanks for Putting Out That Fire

    Residents Assoication, James F. Rickley, Chair|Dec 13, 2017

    Thanks for Putting Out That Fire The residents of Nemont Manor wish to express their sincerest, heartfelt and grateful thanks to those who helped and assisted us during our fire emergency on Dec. 1. This goes also to those who came to the aid of their friends, neighbors and relatives. In appreciation, we would like to thank the Glasgow Fire Department, the neighboringf fire emergency communities, the emergency medical teams, the Glasgow Police Department, Valley County Transit, Glasgow Public School District, Milk River Community Center,...

  • Extra Enforcement, Rides Offered

    Matt Remmich, Chief Deputy VCSO|Dec 13, 2017

    As part of the national “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” crackdown, law enforcement agencies across Montana will deploy extra patrols for the specific purpose of deterring and detecting impaired drivers during the holiday season. Saturation patrols for DUI enforcement are set for Dec. 13 through Jan. 1. The Valley County Sheriff’s Office will be working closely with the Montana Highway Patrol and the Glasgow Police Department during these patrol efforts. It is our intention of proactively deploying extra officers on the roads to increase incen...

  • What Is Zinke Doing?

    Alec Carmichael, I Digress|Dec 13, 2017

    The decision to reduce Bears Ears and Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monuments came as no surprise to the Utah delegation, Utah Republicans, and those familiar with Washington swamp creatures and horse traders. Nor did it surprise those who look to develop those regions for industry and mining. It was a surprise to some observers to see Ryan Zinke go along with the idea in such a rank and file manner that one could hardly remember the lowly outsider who stood up to the Republican Party’s position on selling off federal lands. Both O...

  • Protecting Public Use

    Steve Daines, Political Opinion|Dec 13, 2017

    In 1977, President Carter signed a law that required the Forest Service to study 973,000 acres in Montana to determine if they were suitable for wilderness. The findings were to be reported in five years and Congress was to take action afterward. The Forest Service completed the study and determined that several of the study areas in Montana were not suitable for wilderness in its final plan. Thirty-five years later - we’re still waiting for D.C. to get its job done and release the study areas. I’ve introduced the Protect Public Use of Pub...

  • Remembering 'Store Bought'

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Dec 13, 2017

    It is the time of the year when everyone is frantically shopping, and I am guessing that a lot of shopping is done online anymore. Do you remember when getting store bought items was a really cool thing? Getting “store bought” things was really exciting, especially when school shopping, but equally so when you received that item for a gift at any time. I am willing to bet that many of our ancestors never considered what a luxury it would be to be able to just turn on the computer, or use their phone, to get their Christmas shopping done. Ins...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Dec 6, 2017

    The Republican Tax Plan is a total scam and will only benefit the very wealthy. It will be a huge transfer of wealth from the middle class to the upper class. Their plan makes permanent tax breaks for the wealthy and ends what little benefit there is for the other taxpayers by 2027. This plan will add an estimated $1.5 trillion dollars to the deficit. Increasing the deficit sets up the situation so they can justify cuts to programs that benefit everyone. Think your Medicare and Social Security are safe? Think again, these programs will be cut.... Full story

  • Two Rivers Membership

    TeAra Bilbruck, Two Rivers Economic Growth|Dec 6, 2017

    Two Rivers Economic Growth is located in Glasgow and serves as the economic engine for Valley County. We are seeking wider representation by encouraging businesses, organizations, civic leaders and individuals to join our efforts in making Valley County the best place to live, work and play! By joining Two Rivers Board of Directors or one of our committees, you will be supporting your area by communicating specific needs and goals to achieve lasting and measurable results. Joining Two Rivers is a great way to grow your business and community. A...

  • Net Neutrality, Why It Matters

    James Shipman, Valley County Voices|Dec 6, 2017

    The internet as we know it is in danger. Ajit Pai, chairman of the FCC and former lawyer for Verizon, seeks to end net neutrality regulations. On Dec. 14, the FCC will vote on Ajit Pai’s proposal to end rules classifying the internet as a utility. However, many of Americans are unaware of these regulations and how they benefit from them. If we intend to keep the internet as it is, we must first know what net neutrality even is. We must know the main argument against net neutrality and most importantly, why it is important. Net neutrality, or op...

  • The Little Things

    Sandy Laumeyer, Just A Thought|Dec 6, 2017

    Little things. A hair brush. A bottle of dishwashing liquid. A toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. A roll of paper towels. Just a few disposable diapers. A box of facial tissues. Nothing big, but all definitely a necessity. These, along with all sorts of paper, personal hygiene, and cleaning products are being collected at church as their Advent project. All items will be given to the Valley County Food Bank. Also being sought as well are coupons for food items. This isn’t just an Advent project, though, for this little country church. It is a...

  • Once Upon A Time

    Alec Carmichael, I Digress|Dec 6, 2017

    Once upon a time candidate Trump said he wanted to raise taxes on the extremely wealthy, lower taxes on the middle class, and not raise the deficit. Of course the conservative base loved the idea, especially the blue collar workers who thought they had been left behind by elitism. Unfortunately that did not happen. Last week Republicans, including fiscal hawks like Rand Paul and others, voted to decrease taxes for corporations, pass through businesses and increase the deficit by over $1.4 trillion. They are offsetting the true cost of those...

  • The Round-A-Bout

    Bob Siverest, Highway 2 Association|Dec 6, 2017

    Thanks to the tremendous outpouring of support in opposition to the Grass Range Round-A-Bout, your voices were heard. As a result, MDT has Ssrapped the Grass Range Round-A-Bout Project. I am very pleased, however we have more work to do. Therefore, I have submitted a letter to MDT Director Mike Tooley asking him to schedule a Public Meeting in Lewistown so we can discuss our common-sense, volt effective proposal to address the safety issue at the junction of Hwys 200 and 191 at Grass Range. Please join me in a “call to action” by enc...

  • Mary, My Second Mother

    Helen Depuydt, Saco Stories|Dec 6, 2017

    Pulling the fragrant golden loaves from the oven, thoughts of long ago flooded my mind. Mary, my silver-haired neighbor, had suggested that I reserve potato water for bread making. It does lighten up the dough, and I’ve been doing it ever since. This lady with her ability to mix nonsense with common sense, surely brought a lighthearted dimension to my lonesome bride’s life. A gravel country road named Turkey Track separated our farm houses, enabling us to visit frequently. Many times we met at our cluster of mailboxes. If a certain mag...

  • Scrambling Under Your Desk

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Dec 6, 2017

    If you have listened to the news in recent days, you have no doubt heard about all of the North Korean conflict, which in turn has prompted the State of California to implement safety drills in schools. How many of you remember having similar drills in your local schools during the 50s? My history is a little hazy, but was that during the Korean War? Regardless, there are some of you that will remember scrambling under your desk at the sound of the alarm. I have it pictured like the fire drills we used to do; only without the nice orderly...

  • No New Taxes is a Lie

    Steve Carney, Scobey, Fort Peck|Nov 29, 2017

    The legislative leadership, especially Austin Knudsen, are bragging again that they imposed no new taxes on hard-working Montanans. That is a big lie. Please check your last year’s school tax on your property tax bill and compare it to this year’s. We send our local property taxes to Helena and get monies back through entitlements. The legislature simply did not fund the block grants to schools and passed on a tax increase to the counties. Mine went up 30 percent in one year in Daniels County and a similar amount in Valley County. And the leg...

  • Finding Double Yolkers

    Gwen Cornwell, Remember When|Nov 29, 2017

    I am wondering if any of you that enjoyed deviled eggs for your Thanksgiving holiday happened to remember the days when it was not uncommon to break open an egg and find it was a “double yolker?” This is something that we hardly ever see anymore. I am sure that chickens still lay an occasional egg or two that has two yolks (and for those that prefer yolks over the whites, it was always a nice surprise) but since the eggs that most of us eat anymore come from the shelf at the grocery store, those little surprises have been culled out. Back in th...

  • Special Session in Rearview

    Ron Ehil, Political Viewpoint|Nov 29, 2017

    The special session of the Montana Legislature is behind us – yet another thing to be thankful for in this season. Taking center stage was concern for the most vulnerable populations in Montana. What avenues should be taken to address taking care of them? How can we do the most to avoid cuts to their services? The Governor seemed to suggest that the only way to avoid deeper cuts was to raise taxes, and the Republicans were having nothing to do with that. It’s an unfortunate reality that our state’s budget is such that the Governor has to make...

  • A Billion Nets a Fifty-Dollar Bill

    Jim Elliott, Montana Viewpoint|Nov 29, 2017

    If you ran a multi-state business and had just over one billion dollars in sales in Montana, I bet you would expect to pay something in Montana corporate taxes. And, indeed you would; you would have to dig deep down into your corporate pocket to come up with the 50 bucks to cover your tax bill. Let me repeat those figures; one billion dollars in Montana sales and 50 bucks in taxes. Oh, and for five years in a row. We are not allowed to know its name, but this is a real company. This is a true story. In a time of record highs in the stock...

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