Serving Proudly As The Voice Of Valley County Since 1913
Sorted by date Results 1113 - 1137 of 2350
The election cycle is picking up steam and campaigning is well underway. While it is important to pay attention to what each candidate has said, it is also important to look at what each candidate has done. This proves more true for an incumbent candidate like Jon Tester. As one of our state's senators, he has a large presence on the national scale for Montana. Has he truly fought for what is in the best interest of Montana and its citizens? What are his plans moving forward for our state and our nation? And most importantly, is he really the...
Last week, I wrote about a gentleman who lived next door to us -- Grandpa Hjort. I learned a great deal from him. As I thought about him later on, it came to mind that Grandpa Hjort was like so many older people I visited with when I was growing up. People, such as a lady who lived a few houses west of us. Her husband was killed in an accident while working on railroad tracks. She told me of how six men came to her house with her husband’s body on an old door and of how she cleaned him, put clean clothes on him, then called the sheriff and u...
Over the past month it was made public that the Interior Department, the one run by Ryan Zinke, proposed the“disposition of federal real property,” in an effort to pay for infrastructure projects. Zinke of course denied it, and has recently told Field and Stream, Outdoor Life and Sportsmen’s groups that there was no such plan to sell off public lands. The leaked proposal contradicting the promises of the administration is not new, but it is still concerning. Once again, Zinke has played second fiddle to Trump’s tormentors, I mean adviser...
Montana’s disastrous flash drought of 2017 and the million-acre fire season have left many asking: What will the new year bring? And what about all this snow? Weather may be getting harder to predict, not easier. Last year, Montana’s weather proved that a big spring snowpack does not mean moisture down the road. “By May 1, we thought that things were in really good shape,” Michael Downey, water planner with the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, told lawmakers Jan. 8. “Last winter was a really good winter.” Northeast M...
Montana has become the first state to establish net neutrality requirements for telecommunications providers who wish to maintain state contracts. Governor Steve Bullock signed the executive order Jan. 22, and with the stroke of a pen protected Montanans’ access to a free and open internet. Internet service providers will not be able to block or prioritize content or charge any customer in the state of Montana more for speediness if they wish to maintain or renew contracts with the state government. As the Governor said on Monday, “the sta...
Every once in a great while we meet a special person. That one person whom we want to know more about, someone who makes us shake our head at their stories, and who, as time goes on, comes to mind in times we are having difficulties in our own lives. So it’s been with me from time to time. One of the most interesting people l’ve known is a gentleman who lived next door to me and my family when I was growing up. He insisted my brother and I call him and his wife Grandpa and Grandma, which we did. I can’t call his first name to mind, but his l...
In case you were unaware, the U.S. Government shut down over the weekend, and almost nothing came of it. In what was more or less political theater in which Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer was able to use words like “negotiating with Jell-O” to describe talks with President Trump, and everyone tried to brand a hashtag that more or less went #(insert name of responsible party)shutdown it was blandly uneventful and anti-climactic. In brief, Democrats caved under political fear, and Republicans promised to tackle DACA next month. The poi...
Do you remember saving all of the plastic sacks that your bread came in? Many of my parents’ generation, as well as mine always recycled those sacks. Waste not, want not. That expression must have come from depression days. Anyway your plastic sack was not thrown away when empty, but washed, dried and put away for reuse. I remember these sacks being rolled on an empty wax paper tube for storage. I must admit I still have some in my cupboard. If you were not a crust eater, this part of the bread was put in the oven or someplace to dry, saving f...
I want to respond to the article in the paper about the pet rescue (Glasgow City Council Denies Pet Rescue, Jan. 10, 2018). I live north of Glasgow on the Opheim highway in the summer, and a year ago someone, on a very hot day, dumped a big dog on the road. No water or food. The dog finally came into my yard. I fed and watered it for a month or so until I had to move to Billings for the winter. I couldn’t take the dog so I asked Cindy Ramsbacher if she could find a home for him. She took the dog and I don’t know what she did with him, but I’m...
President Trump affirmed to applause, "Farmers always lead the way," at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 99th annual convention meeting this last week in Nashville, Tenn. The American dream is soaring back to life, he continued. It is a dream that we all hope for, the dream that with enough hard work we can obtain a free and financially rewarding life. However, in many rural communities, poverty and abandonment of generational farms is growing. The United States Department of Agriculture conducted a census in 2012 that over 150,000 f...
Government may seem like a dirty word around here. And with so much turmoil in today's politics, it can seem like it is too much to keep up with. Even if you have given up on our national government, don't forget about your state and local elections. These elections aren't as exciting as the national ones, but in many ways, they are more important. These offices have a direct impact on our lives and are vital to the smooth operation of our cities and counties. Jan. 11 was the first day to file for a nomination and the first round of paperwork f...
It’s soon going to be eight years since I was diagnosed with cancer. I went through major surgery and six months of chemotherapy. Not quite five years later, I was told my cancer had returned and mestastasized to my bones. I then began a regimen of hormone therapy medications - four or five different ones. Each one would work for a few months and then become ineffective. So just about a year ago, the oncologist decided my treatment was going to have to change to chemotherapy infusion. That meant having surgery to insert a port in my chest t...
To my readers, I have no real excuse for not sending an article for your weekly reading, except, I had a hard time REMEMBERING which day it was. Like so many, my family got to battle that cold bug that seemed to make the rounds during the holidays. It seems that one of the current home remedies is the use of Vicks vapor rub. Of course, my generation has used Vicks for years. How many of you remember having Mom grease your chest with Vicks at night before bed? Now, you couldn’t just crawl in bed and let Vicks get all over the bed sheets, so y...
It is not strange to think of Trump’s actions as that of a ratings junky. He brags about crowds, ratings, favor with celebrities and politicians and the like, but he really is tone deaf to modern America. Whether he is making broad ethnic assertions about minority groups, calling Mexicans immigrants with generalized derogatory terms, having Freudian fights with dictators about the size and function of their, ahem, nuclear buttons, or referring, allegedly of course, to African countries in a profane way, Trump just keeps falling flat with the b...
They arrived in the winter, bundled in snowsuits which hid beneath layers of rejection and abandonment. The thick walls that lay before us were massive and seemed at the time, impenetrable. She was 15 months, and he was just over 3. They were sleep deprived, malnourished, and they did not exist, or so they had been told. Our worlds collided as we embraced these two, all the while caring for the other two already within our safety. Birth order was trumped, and anger and frustration dominated our dwelling. Peace was replaced by chaos. I shudder...
The new year is upon us, and in the grand tradition of ordering our lives by summaries and data, I resolved to write about 2017 in the Valley County Attorney’s Office to shed light on some of the work we accomplished and some of the changes that will affect criminal prosecutions in the year to come. In the interest of the reader engagement, I have decided to limit my comments to felony criminal cases because, while cases regarding traffic tickets can be very exciting (honestly), I suspect readers may find them less than enthralling. By way o...
The pages of the calendar have turned and now it’s a new year. It’s hard to believe that it’s the year 2018. I remember being in World History class as a sophomore in high school, studying a historical time line. A discussion began concerning when the 20th century would be left behind and we’d be living in the 21st century. At the time, the year 1958, we all wondered if we’d be alive to see the new century. We talked about what it would be like, about what progress humanity would make. Last week, I was visiting with a close friend. She comme...
I can comically recall the issues Republicans rail on and on about every day. The deficit is a national security issue, lower taxes, less regulations, more local input in government, less environmental conservation, no federal land grabs or federal lands period. This local control is a conservative hallmark of less government, or at least more self-government, and in most cases Republicans support it as the backbone of the federalist system we constitutionalized in America. Why then, do Republicans insist on federal criminal enforcement of...
I am writing this letter in response to the decision that was reached by the City Council. They denied Cindy [Ramsbacher] a pet rescue permit. I really don't understand this decision. We have had a cat rescue in Glasgow for some time, so why give them a permit and not Cindy? Cindy works very hard to take care of every dog she gets. They are fed, they are warm, and they go to the vet to get their shots and whatever they need. She also tries very hard to get them adopted. I have a dog that I adopted from her. I love him She will not be able to...
I would like to thank the Long Term Care Task Force for coming to Lustre to share their concerns and possible solutions. I would like to support this effort. There are two concerns that were not addressed with clarity: 1). Will the election of new board members to Valley View Home Board be open to the public and will it be able to address sloppy management quickly? Non-profit boards have a reputation of doing well for a short period of time and then quickly moving to sloppiness. This situation will happen again. 2). The idea of a 10 mil...
Narrow-leaf hawksbeard, a new invasive weed in northeastern Montana has become an increasing problem for area farmers and ranchers. Though technically a winter annual the weed has the ability to germinate whenever conditions are favorable, and can have several generations per year. It is extremely cold hardy and a prolific seed producer. It infests crops, rangeland, CRP, pastures, hay meadows and roadsides and waste areas. It has spread through six Montana Counties and into North Dakota. It is the Weed of the Year for North Dakota in 2018. Rese...
The year to come is an election year and as such it is a great year for politicians, pundits, campaign strategists and politically oriented columnists like yours truly. The rest of you, on the other hand, will be forced to suffer through campaign ads and political stumps (assuming any of the candidates visit Glasgow more than once this time around, but I digress). For those of you not as enthralled by the gladiator show that is primaries and general elections the following should catch you up on the Republican hopefuls for the Senate...
After nearly a year in office, Donald Trump has finally achieved his first legislative victory. Just three days before Christmas, President Trump signed the Tax Cut and Jobs Act into law. He describes it as a “big, beautiful Christmas gift” to the American people. Trump and Republicans claim this overhaul will put more money back into the pockets of ordinary Americans, stimulate growth, and create jobs. Which is a bold statement, especially since numerous analyses show that the legislation will ultimately raise taxes on millions in the mid...
As a young high school American government teacher, I compared our system to an automobile that was useful if it could start, speed up, slow down and stop. When the people thought government needed to be more active, they elected liberal Democrats to press down on the accelerator. When people thought government’s role was getting too large and expensive, they elected Republicans to apply the brakes and slow things down. Our national debt is now $20 trillion and rising. That amounts to about $155,000 in tax liability for the average family of f...
Alcohol affects drivers in a way that changes their judgement, depth perception, and the vital motor skills required to drive safely. An impaired driver may think they are behaving normally, when in reality they are not, which can lead to serious and deadly consequences. A high school student does not have much driving experience, and their brain is still developing, particularly the part that affects their ability to make good decisions. A still developing brain mixed with the negative effects of alcohol make it very difficult for a teen to...