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  • Now For The Construction

    Sep 25, 2013

    Surrounded by students and staff, members of the Glasgow School District officially broke ground at the front of East Side School and celebrated the beginning of the much anticipated building project. "This brings opportunities for the kids – that's what it's all about!", said school board Chairperson Alison Molvig. Sletten Construction plans to start mobilizing equipment this week and complete the concrete foundation before winter sets in. Digging in at the ceremony were, from left to right, G... Full story

  • County Unemployment Remains Under 4%

    The Courier|Sep 25, 2013

    Valley County’s unemployment rate remained below 4% at 3.9% in August, rising a slim 0.1 percentage points over July’s rate. The county’s August labor force stood at 4,002, with 3,847 people employed and 155 unemployed. Across Montana, the unemployment rate held steady at 5.3% in August. The national rate declined by 0.1 percentage points to 7.3%. Unemployment rates stayed quite stable in much of Valley County’s regional neighborhood, with Phillips and Garfield faring best. Phillips improved to 5.0% in August from 5.3% in July and Garfiel...

  • Royal Moment

    Sep 25, 2013

    Crown bearers Bode Barnett and Madeleine Golob look ready to present the traditional royal attire to Glasgow's new queen and king, Sage Sukut and Lane Herbert, during the coronation last Friday in the GHS auditorium. Want more homecoming weekend pictures? You got 'em. See Page 7A.... Full story

  • Schools Fight Heat, Prepare For Construction

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Sep 18, 2013

    Students and teachers alike suffered in the heat during the first two weeks of school, according to reports by the principals at the regular meeting of the Glasgow School Board on Sept. 11. The temperature in a high school hallway was 100 degrees one afternoon. With fans and lots of attention to hydration (at Irle School they got Popsicles), everyone carried on and they expect true fall weather soon. Superintendent Bob Connors said air conditioning is not normally used in Montana schools. It is an expensive item, and usually only needed during... Full story

  • Red, Red Ready To Go

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Sep 18, 2013

    Garrett Godwin’s Eagle Scout project has brightened up the south side of Glasgow. He recruited volunteers to spread out Saturday and repaint fire hydrants. He heard at a City Council meeting that some faded hydrants were difficult for the Glasgow Fire Department to find, so it seemed like a worthy public service project to make them shine again. Godwin got a good response when he approached Glasgow Director of Public Works Bob Kompel with the idea. Kompel had the city donate the special paint ...

  • Hippie Hopefuls

    Sep 18, 2013

    The 2013 homecoming king and queen candidates at GHS are into Spirit Week and its daily themes. On Monday, as you see here, they were sporting colorful attire for Hippie Day. The candidates are, from left, JoLynn Reyling, Dillon Pankratz, Sage Sukut, Lane Herbert, Rachael Zeiger and Tyler Wesen. Tonight is the traditional car parade and bonfire. Participants should meet at El Cor Del Lanes at 6:45 p.m. and then parade into town at 7 p.m. The homecoming dance at the Scottie Boosters tailgate... Full story

  • Faucet Opens For Rate Increase

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Sep 18, 2013

    After a public hearing on Sept. 16, the Glasgow City Council proceeded with its proposed water rate increase of $5 per month, effective in November, with another $5 increase planned in six months. Two residents questioned the reasons for the rate increase, and called it a sudden move, especially for people on a fixed income. Council members said the rate has not been raised since 1999 and costs have gone up. Also, the water rate has to meet a minimum to be high enough to cover costs or else the city cannot qualify for state loans for major...

  • Legal Complaint Filed In St. Marie

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Sep 18, 2013

    DTM Enterprises LLC filed what was titled a “brief and memorandum in support” in District Court on Tuesday against the board of the St. Marie Village Association and others. It outlines the complaint that DTM was disenfranchised at the annual membership meeting of the Village Association, at which DTM partner Terry Lee was not allowed to exercise 365 proxy votes because the units had unpaid fees. The brief claims to represent the property owners in the village of St. Marie and says the defendants were ousted by a majority vote of property own...

  • Levies Set For School Districts

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Sep 18, 2013

    At their regular meeting on Tuesday, the Valley County commissioners passed a resolution that set the all school district levies as follows: • Glasgow, 256.69 mills. • Frazer, 353.98 mills. • Hinsdale, 145.73 mills. • Opheim, 149.49 mills. • Nashua, 220.74 mills. • Lustre, 242.09 mills. • District 5, 59.75 mills. • Total Valley County elementary, 40.41 mills. • Total Valley County high school, 62.78 mills. • Total Valley County transportation. 5.56 mills. Heavy spring rains hit Valley County roads and other infrastructure hard again this yea...

  • Canadians Hope To Tap Into Bakken

    Sep 18, 2013

    Sen. Max Baucus took the stage with Canadian Ambassador Gary Doer on Monday at the Montana Economic Development Summit in Butte to announce big news for the Bakken. Baucus and Doer unveiled a trade mission from Manitoba this November that will bring Canadian companies to the booming oil region in eastern Montana on Nov. 6 and 7. The Bakken oil boom has brought a wealth of jobs and opportunity to Eastern Montana. At the same time, rapid population growth has put a strain on local communities, infrastructure, law enforcement and more. The...

  • 5% Raises For Elected County Officials

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Sep 11, 2013

    The Valley County commissioners adopted the recommendation of the County Compensation Board on Tuesday and voted a 5 percent pay increase for elected county officials. The commissioners also raised the salaries of all non-elected county employees who are eligible for health insurance by 86 cents an hour. According to Commissioner Dave Pippin, Valley County paid the lowest or next to the lowest salaries of similar counties in Montana. “We need to raise our salaries,” Pippin said. “We will try to pay as much as we can and not break the bank.... Full story

  • Commissioners Get Their Man

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Sep 11, 2013

    Valley County’s new justice of the peace, James Wixson, was appointed by the county commissioners last Wednesday and sworn into office Monday by Clerk and Recorder Lynne Nyquist. He came to Glasgow with the FBI in 1981 and was involved in investigating major crimes on the Fort Peck and Fort Belknap reservations. He retired here in 1997 after a long career as an agent. Wixson was chosen from among 10 applicants for the position. Valley County Commissioner Dave Pippin said Wixson had experienced e...

  • College Fair Draws More Than 300 To GHS

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Sep 11, 2013

    The annual College Fair held at Glasgow High School on Tuesday attracted more than 300 juniors and seniors from 10 high schools in northeastern Montana to learn about the opportunities for higher education. The yellow school buses came from Hi-Line towns from Brockton to Whitewater. Students cruised around the gym where more than 50 college and universities had displays. They represented nearly all the schools in Montana, plus ones from Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Minnesota and North Dakota,...

  • Scottie Homecoming 2013

    Sep 11, 2013

    The Glasgow Area Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture will once again be hosting the Saskatoon Police Pipe Band during the 2013 Glasgow Scottie Homecoming Festival weekend. The band will be a part of the Scottie Homecoming Parade on Friday, Sept. 20, at 2:30 p.m., the Scottie Booster Club tailgate party at GHS at 6 p.m., and halftime of the Scottie vs. Shelby football game. On Saturday morning the band will perform at the Kiwanis Club Pancake Breakfast at 9 a.m. They will also play at the start of...

  • City Board Seats Open

    Sep 11, 2013

    The city of Glasgow has a vacant seat on three boards, the Board of Adjustments, the Zoning Commission and the Glasgow Refuse Board. Each term is three years. The City Council will accept written applications until 5 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 30. The Council will consider all applications and appoint people to fill the vacancies at the regular meeting on Oct. 7. For more information, call City Clerk Stacey Amundson at 228-2476....

  • Ruth Fossen Allman

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Sep 11, 2013

    Ruth Fossen Allman joined the exclusive centenarian club on Saturday, Aug. 31. She celebrated her 100th birthday with her family at her daughter’s house on Millionaire Mile in Fort Peck. She agreed to be interviewed the day before the big event. “To get 100 – which I never, never, never expected to do!” Born on a dryland wheat farm in Fingal, N.D., Allman came to Montana in 1918 when her parents proved up their homestead. They went back to North Dakota, then moved to a farm 36 miles north o...

  • Blind Reader Enlightened

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Sep 4, 2013

    Deb Young loves reading The Courier. Every week she gets a cup of coffee, settles into her comfortable chair, puts her computer keyboard on her lap and “reads” the paper. Young is blind. She uses a screen reading program that speaks the written words to her. Young lost her vision in 1993, but she has learned to use technology to keep her world alive. She listens to books on tape. Her fingers dance over the keypad of her smart phone, which is equipped with voice recognition and spoken cues. She... Full story

  • Rival Board Holds Owners Meeting

    Nick Chiechi, Courier Correspondent|Sep 4, 2013

    The month of August has seen a series of meetings at St. Marie and a takeover attempt by a group whose core is four people who arrived from Washington State last summer, DTM Enterprises LLC. DTM partners have stated they want to renovate and sell units at St. Marie. They want to take a section of 120 units out of the condominium and turn them into townhouses, a different form of ownership in which people own the building and the land under it. The latest meeting was one the DTM partners held...

  • So Much Fun: Saco Celebrates Festival's 50th Year

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Sep 4, 2013

    An estimated 250 people crowded into Saco last weekend for the 50th observance of Saco Fun Days. Lots of people came for the All-Class Reunion and the numbers were helped by fine weather. The celebration offered street dances, a parade, kids’ games, a demolition derby, a pie social, a sock hop and many dinners, barbecues and feeds. Ron Hanson was one of the 15 members of the class of 1960. He retired from the ranch to Billings until he became a snowbird and now he travels in a motor home. With h...

  • City Adopts Preliminary Budget

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Sep 4, 2013

    The Glasgow City Council at its regular meeting on Tuesday held public hearings and passed resolutions levying assessments for street lights and garbage collection. They also had a public hearing and adopted a preliminary budget for fiscal year 2013-2014. Last Friday the Council decided to bill 320 mills. Taxes will go up, Mayor Dan Carney said, but they haven’t raised for a long time. For Glasgow Lighting Districts No. 1 through 29, the total assessment is $189,244.44. The amount levied against each lot or parcel is according to the square f...

  • County Budget Open For Comment

    Sep 4, 2013

    The Valley County proposed budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, has been filed and is open for inspection by the public. The county commissioners will hear any taxpayer comment on the budget beginning Sept. 4 and continuing until the final budget is approved. The estimated value of a county-wide mill is $25,891 outside the city and $22,293 in the city limits. If the certified millages are either higher or lower than estimated, the budget will be proportionally raised or lowered.... Full story

  • It's Gone: Tommy Rodgers' Sinclair

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Aug 28, 2013

    It stood on U.S. 2 for perhaps 60 years, but now it’s gone. Tommy Rodgers’ turquoise and white Sinclair station, closed for a long time, was knocked down and taken away on Monday. Then a heavy Cat went to work on the concrete and asphalt pavement. Traffic was bumped over into one lane so big side-dump trucks could be filled with the rubble. The old gas station is a contaminated site being cleaned up by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. The leaky underground system of five tan... Full story

  • Takeover Move At St. Marie

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Aug 28, 2013

    After being rebuffed in their attempt to vote a candidate onto the board of the St. Marie Village Association, a group of owners have declared themselves a majority of the property owners, voted to abolish covenants amended in 1992, terminated the current board and created a new temporary board pending an election. The group was denied participation rights at the annual meeting because according to the association records, they were in arrears with their fees. One of the group, Merrill Frantz, told The Courier that the association had told...

  • Poplar Jail Escapee Arrested In Park Grove

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Aug 28, 2013

    A man who escaped from the tribal jail in Poplar was apprehended in Park Grove by Valley County sheriff’s deputies on Friday night. According to Sheriff Glen Meier, Eric Bruce Fowler of Wolf Point was awaiting trial for a drug-related offense when he escaped about three weeks ago. The Valley County Sheriff’s Office received information that Fowler was in Park Grove with his girlfriend and her child. Meier said they took their time, watched him and planned. On Friday, the whole force went to the house in Park Grove. When Fowler left the hou...

  • Bison Moved To Fort Belknap

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Aug 28, 2013

    A herd of Yellowstone bison from the Fort Peck Reservation was released on Fort Belknap last Thursday, finally fulfilling a plan by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks to quarantine brucellosis-free animals, prove they can remain disease-free, and transplant them to the two Indian reservations on the eastern plains. Thirty-four bison stepped out of trailers and trotted off to explore the 900-acre pasture. It was recently surrounded with a stout, new 8-foot fence. Sixty-one Yellowstone bison were moved to the Fort Peck Reservation in March 2012....

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