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  • Appointments Made To Boards Across County

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Jul 24, 2013

    By Samar Fay Courier Editor A number of local people have volunteered to serve on the many boards that oversee local affairs in Valley County. The Valley County commissioners have recently appointed 19 people to three-year terms, which will expire June 30, 2016. Glasgow Mosquito Control District – Jody Faul, Norm Girard Hinsdale Cemetery District – Ernest Marinko, Doris Tollefson, Paul Yeska Hinsdale Mosquito Control District – Valeria Schmauch Hinsdale Television District No. 1 – Wayne Johnson Nashua Mosquito Control District – Raymond Y... Full story

  • Tornado Skips Valley County

    Jul 17, 2013

    An impressive storm cloud was visible in central Valley County Monday afternoon but the storm’s hail and wind didn’t come until it reached farther east. Hailstones 1 inch and larger were seen from Scobey to Poplar, with some crop damage reported. A tornado classified by the National Weather Service an as EF2 touched down about 20 miles north of Wolf Point and later north of Poplar. This photo was taken shortly after 3 p.m. Monday at St. Marie, on 5th Avenue facing east.... Full story

  • SWAT Team In The Works

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Jul 17, 2013

    A Valley County sheriff’s deputy is expanding the common practice of mutual aid in rural Montana to start a regional SWAT team. Chief Deputy Reed Mesman has begun making plans with eight law enforcement agencies to train and equip a tactical team for high-risk situations. The sheriff’s departments in the five counties in northeast Montana, the Glasgow and Wolf Point police departments and the Fort Peck tribes are all participating. “We’re kind of alone out here,” said Mesman. “There are no tact... Full story

  • Time Out: No Girls Basketball Coach Yet

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Jul 17, 2013

    The Glasgow School Board had the hiring of activity director Willie Thibault as head girls’ basketball coach on the agenda for last Wednesday’s regular meeting, but ended up not voting on the item. Thibault was the Glasgow girls’ coach for five years, resigning in April 2012. He had earlier coached at several other schools in Montana and North Dakota. Chuck Barstad coached the girls last year but declined to continue. At the meeting, School Superintendent Bob Connors recommended Thibault as most qualified for the position. A motion to hire him...

  • Relay For Life Goes With Plan B

    Mona Amundson, For The Courier|Jul 17, 2013

    The Northeast Montana Relay for Life will be held at a new venue this year, after setting up for many years at the Glasgow High School track. Organizers were making their plans last spring before voting on the two school levies took place. If the second part of the levy had passed, the track would have been under construction right now, so a Plan B was necessary. The Fair Commission gave permission to use the Northeast Montana Fairgrounds for the Relay. The track will be smaller than at the high school, but gravel has been added and packed,...

  • City Council OKs Animal Shelter Deal

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Jul 17, 2013

    Glasgow has a new contract for an animal shelter to care for dogs and cats impounded by the police department. At the regular City Council meeting on Monday, they voted to approve an 11-month contract with Matt and Lisa Baxter, who own Valley Visions Paints on Skylark Road. The arrangement pays $625 a month, plus $20 per cat or dog impounded (not to exceed $120 per month). Contract negotiations are going on with the Glasgow Police Department. According to City Clerk Stacey Amundson, the Council accepted the counter offer made by the police and...

  • FEMA Funding To Help With Flood Recovery

    Jul 17, 2013

    Montana’s U.S. senators Max Baucus and Jon Tester announced that FEMA has responded to their calls to quickly provide federal disaster assistance to Montanans – including those in Valley County – affected by historic flooding in May and June. In response to Baucus and Tester’s July 2 letter to FEMA, President Barack Obama issued a major disaster declaration Monday for the state of Montana, the senators said. The announcement triggers the release of federal disaster funds to help rebuild and repair infrastructure damaged or destroyed by floodin...

  • Transit Rate Hike A Reality

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Jul 10, 2013

    Despite game opposition from a man making his third appearance in their office, the Valley County commissioners voted Tuesday to approve a rate increase proposed by Valley County Transit, the first since 1997. Harry Ratzky is a low-income senior citizen who objects to the increases that eliminated reduced fares for seniors and children. He also claims that the increase is not in compliance with the Federal Transit Administration’s public notice and comment procedures. He said his first knowledge of the increase was an announcement of it in t... Full story


    Jul 10, 2013

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  • The FAIR A Place To Showcase, Celebrate

    Doris Ozark, Fair Commission|Jul 10, 2013

    Yes, folks, it is just four weeks till the Northeast Montana Fair, Aug. 2 through 6. The Fair Commission has defined the main purpose of the Northeast Montana Fair to be a forum to provide Valley County individuals a place to showcase and celebrate. This is provided and encouraged through the exhibits, displays and activities that are offered at the fair. An account from the Sept. 9, 1954, Courier, shows that such thoughts are woven in this community’s fabric. Here it is: “Special awards in fai...

  • Flood Declaration Terminated

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Jul 10, 2013

    The flood waters of June having receded, the Valley County commissioners on Tuesday passed a resolution terminating the disaster declaration. The resolution states that the county has completed emergency repairs to infrastructure from the flood. Mark Gruener, the District 6 Disaster and Emergency Services representative, and Valley County DES Rick Seiler presented the draft resolution and also a draft letter for the commissioners to send to Gov. Steve Bullock in appreciation of his “timely efforts.” The spring floods were Bullock’s first exper...

  • Nicaragua To Vegas To Glasgow

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Jul 10, 2013

    The Goodkind Gallery threw a reception recently to open the showing of the works of Orlando Montenegro, an artist from Las Vegas. What he brought to Glasgow falls into two styles: charcoal/pencil drawings of women with tattoos or in unusual combinations with large insects, and abstract acrylic paintings that suggest anatomical shapes and the topography of maps at the same time. He said he explores the identity of the people through what they put on their skin. “What I like about tattoos is t...

  • Justice Of Peace Arrested, Charged With Assault

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Jul 10, 2013

    Police were called to the house of the Valley County Justice of the Peace Sunday evening at about 8:30 p.m. for a reported disturbance. Police Chief Bruce Barstad said that Judge Linda Hartsock was arrested and charged with family member assault. Hartsock made an initial appearance by Vision Net on Monday afternoon before Justice of the Peace Perry Miller of Chinook. She was released from jail on $2,500 bond. Hartsock, 58, was elected to a fourth four-year term as justice of the peace in 2010.... Full story

  • Four Straight Months Wetter Than Normal

    Brian Burleson, NWS Glasgow|Jul 10, 2013

    June marked the fourth straight month that ended up being wetter than normal, with 4.19 inches of rain falling in Glasgow. This is 1.86 inches more than the normal of 2.33 inches. More than half an inch of rain fell at the airport on three separate occasions, the greatest being 1.33 inches on June 3. The yearly precipitation through the end of June stands at 11.46 inches, making this the eighth-wettest period from January to June on record. Thunder occurred at the airport nine times in June. One of those thunderstorms, on the 19th, produced...

  • Burglars Enjoy Cocktails, Dine On TV Dinners By Candlelight

    Jul 10, 2013

    1 Years Ago Wednesday, July 9, 2003 • Pioneer Museum officials are upset about the theft of a rifle made before the Civil War. It is the first theft of anything this big that manager Brenna Sundby is aware of. The rifle is a pre-Civil War flintlock that was converted to cap and ball. It has silver and brass inlay on the tiger-striped wood stock. The rifle was part of a display of the collection of Hinsdale’s Dr. Tom Cockrell. Videotape shows a gray-haired man breaking into a case to get the weapon. He is very tall, tall enough to put a 6-f...

  • Working On The Railroad

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Jul 3, 2013

    It would be hard to miss this railroad project. Wooden ties have been laid out along the tracks from Glasgow to Wolf Point for weeks. Odd yellow machines are clustered on sidings. Motels in Glasgow are full of railroad people and derailment specialists have filled camping spaces with company RVs. Roadmaster Damon Fry out of Williston is in charge of this big maintenance project. He said the Glasgow to Wolf Point segment started June 9 and is scheduled to finish on July 14. Some 65,000 ties will... Full story

  • Silver Airways Taking Off For Good

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Jul 3, 2013

    The airline that provides Essential Air Service to Glasgow and other small cities in Montana has decided to leave the state. Silver Airways notified the U.S. Department of Transportation that it will not bid for another two-year contract and will stop flying scheduled service in Montana on Sept. 27. Part of the reason for Silver’s departure is the upcoming termination of EAS subsidies to Lewistown and Miles City on July 15, leaving only five cities in the program: Glasgow, Wolf Point, Glendive, Havre and Sidney. The company’s statement sai...

  • Hitchhiker Who Faked Shooting Sentenced

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Jul 3, 2013

    Ray Dolin, the hitchhiker who shot himself last year in a hoax to promote his alleged book about the kindness of America, was sentenced in District Court in Glasgow on Monday. Judge John McKeon accepted the plea agreement that imposed a four-year deferred sentence for the felony charge of tampering with evidence and six-month suspended sentences for the two misdemeanor charges of making a false report and obstructing an officer. Dolin, 41, was also fined a total of $2,000 and required to pay...

  • President Sparky

    The Courier|Jul 3, 2013

    Bob “Sparky” Hanson, chief of the Long Run Fire Department, is the new president of the Montana State Volunteer Firefighters Association. He took up his duties at the 61st annual MSVFFA convention held June 13-15 in Corvallis. The Montana Training Symposium 2013 was attended by over 200 firefighters from throughout Montana. Hanson replaces outgoing president Kraig Hansen from Chinook. Hanson will now represent the 420 fire departments and around 10,000 volunteer firefighters in the state of Mon...

  • Lots Of Local Election Candidates

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Jul 3, 2013

    When filing for municipal elections closed on June 27, it was apparent that interest in serving in local office is high. The slate of candidates in Glasgow runs three deep for two of the city’s wards and the mayor will have to do some campaigning to keep his seat. Mayor Dan Carney, who has been in office since August 2005, is being challenged by Becky Erickson, who has been serving on the City Council for 18 years. Three people are running in Ward 1, Glasgow’s northwest side: Nanci Schoenfelder, Shawn Andersyn and Stan Ozark. Neil Cho...

  • Glasgow Water Rate Hike Recommended

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Jul 3, 2013

    The Water Committee of the Glasgow City Council has determined that water rates are not sufficient to meet costs and fund the reserve account for expensive equipment replacements that will soon be needed. The last increase in water rates was in 1999. John Weikel of Montana Rural Water has advised the committee that without a raise, the city will not qualify for future grants for improvements. To be in line with other cities and meet funding needs, the city should increase the base rate by $10. This could be done in two stages. The current base...

  • Ruling: Captive Bison Not 'Wild'

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Jun 26, 2013

    In a unanimous decision last week, the Montana Supreme Court overturned a District Court ruling that prevented the movement of Yellowstone bison from the Fort Peck Reservation. This clears the way for about half of the bison to be taken to the Fort Belknap Reservation, which was the original plan when 61 bison were brought north last spring after five years’ quarantine and testing for brucellosis. In his opinion, Chief Justice Mike McGrath clarified one of the chief objections behind the lawsuit that sought to restrict the placement of the b... Full story

  • Architects Unveil Dazzling Visions For New School

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Jun 26, 2013

    Sleek drawings and artful computer presentations dazzled the Glasgow School Board on Tuesday as they interviewed three design teams for the $16.8 million school construction project. Each multidisciplinary team had an hour and a half to impress the board with their creativity and competence. The Glasgow project is big, complicated and tightly scheduled. The design teams recognized the opportunity it represents to create a lasting legacy here – one called it a “once-in-a-generation cha...

  • Hinsdale Gears Up For Milk River Days

    Jun 26, 2013

    Yippee Haw! Polish up your boots, strap on your spurs, dust off your cowboy hat and come to Hinsdale for the annual Milk River Days celebration and 34th annual Milk River Cowboy Association Rodeo. Action starts Wednesday, July 3, at 10 a.m. with the fast draw competition. Call Brian at 364-2227 or Steve at 527-3398 for info. Then the MRCA Rodeo begins with barrel racing slack at 3 p.m., followed by team roping slack. The performance starts at 6:30 p.m. There will be added money in all adult events. Contact Dick Marshall for entry information....

  • Valley County Resource Use Plan Revised

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Jun 26, 2013

    A committee met at the courthouse on June 20 to vote on revisions to the Valley County Resource Use Plan. Envisioned in 1973 as something necessary for the “health, safety and welfare of the county,” the first interim plan was written in 1991 and petitioned into existence, according to Sierra Stoneberg-Holt, a committee member. The 2003 plan was first revised in 2006, and interested people have been trying to get a new revision since 2010. “A resource use plan is important under FLPMA (the Federal Land Policy and Management Act governing the m...

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