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  • Hinsdale Woman Dies In U.S. HWY 2 Accident

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Oct 30, 2013

    A Hinsdale woman was killed Friday evening in a three-vehicle crash on U.S. 2, 6 miles east of Hinsdale. Denise Kuki, 36, was outside of her disabled van, trying to get it moved to Hinsdale. Another person with a vehicle was helping her. According to Valley County Sheriff Glen Meier, a Fergus County vehicle coming from the east was not able to see the two stopped vehicles and ran into them. Both lanes of traffic were obstructed after the crash. Another motorist called 911 at 8:40 p.m. Ambulances from Glasgow and Hinsdale were called, as well...

  • Voters To Decide On $1.4M In Frazer Building Projects

    Oct 30, 2013

    Frazer Elementary School District No. 2 and Frazer High School District 2B will conduct a bond election by mail ballot on Dec. 18. Resolutions were adopted at a special meeting of the board on Oct. 9 to hold a special election of the registered voters of the district. The Elementary School District wants to sell $445,000 in general obligation school building bonds and the High School District proposes selling $980,000 in bonds. The total of $1,425,000 is to pay a portion of the costs of repairing, restoring and replacing certain of the...

  • Wanted: Your Recipes

    Oct 30, 2013

    What's cookin'? The Glasgow Courier will publish its fourth annual holiday recipes section Wednesday, Nov. 20. The Courier invites you to submit any of your favorite recipes for publication. The following types of recipes will be featured: • Salads. • Breads. • Entrees. • Casseroles. • Desserts. • Beverages. • Candy. To be included in this special section, recipes must be received at The Courier by Friday, Nov. 15. Just send your favorite recipes to [email protected] or Holiday Recipes, The Glasgow Courier, 341 3rd Ave. S, Glasgow MT...

  • Glasgow's Johnnie Appleseed

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Oct 23, 2013

    More than 20 years ago, when he was a trustee on the Glasgow School Board, Rod Ost wrote a successful DNRC grant for trees. He planted 50 trees of different varieties around all the schools and at Alumni Park. Recently, he rescued one of them at East Side School, where a major construction project is going on. The tall blue spruce at the school entrance was supposed to be spared, but Ost got word that a contractor was going to cut it down. On Oct. 6 he rented a track hoe and with his daughter,... Full story

  • Airport Operator Pulling Out

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Oct 23, 2013

    The Valley County Airport Commission called a special meeting Monday to discuss their options since Choice Aviation has asked for termination of its management and fixed base operator (FBO) contracts with the Airport Commission, effective Dec. 22. Under these contracts, which were signed March 1, 2012, and supposed to run until June 30, 2017, Choice Aviation runs the Glasgow airport with two full-time and two part-time employees. Choice Aviation also operates airports in Ennis, Hamilton, Stevensville and Cody, Wyo. About 25 people attended the...

  • Repair Work Carries On At Fort Peck Dam

    Oct 23, 2013

    More than 100 repair projects have been identified at the Missouri River mainstem projects (dams and bank stabilization and navigation project) and associated infrastructure. Projects include repairing spillway gates, outlet works, scour areas, work recreational facilities, roads and other flood control structures that were damaged during the Missouri River Flood of 2011. The estimated cost of making these repairs totals $234 million. Six contracts were awarded in 2012 to repair damages at Fort...

  • Workers Catching Up After End Of Shutdown

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Oct 23, 2013

    When the federal government shutdown ended last Thursday, local federal employees returned to work and tried to catch up after 16 days of furlough. Mike Hagfeldt, the chief of the USDA office, said they were trying to get back into the swing of things. “On Oct. 1 we just had to up and leave,” he said. The bad part was they were just about to send CRP payments, and then the DCP (direct countercyclical payments) were going to go out. He estimated that $7 million in payments were delayed but hoped that by Monday this week that everything wou...

  • Council Says Yes To Long Run Fire Department

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Oct 23, 2013

    The Glasgow City Council voted Monday to allow the Long Run Fire Department to proceed with plans to build a new building on the city land they already occupy on Lasar Drive. They must bring their plans in for approval and follow state building codes and city ordinances, according to City Clerk Stacey Amundson. She said no timeline for the project was mentioned. It will be built in phases as Long Run receives money from Valley County. Long Run can tear down an old building on the property to make room for the new fire hall addition if the...

  • Phone Scam Reported

    Oct 23, 2013

    A St. Marie man has reported a new phone scam working in this area. This one is a medical card scam in which a caller with a foreign accent says you can get free discounts. He has your address and phone number. The scammer says, “All we need is your bank number so we can confirm you’re a real person.” Remember, never give out financial information to a stranger who calls you. Real companies don’t ask for this information on the phone.... Full story

  • Libby Woman Dies In U.S. 2 Rollover

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Oct 16, 2013

    A 43-year-old woman from Libby died Thursday in a one-vehicle rollover on U.S. 2, 4 miles west of Glasgow. This was the first vehicle fatality in Valley County this year, according to Sheriff Glen Meier. Sandra Danielle Cook was pronounced dead at the scene. Cook was traveling east at about 8:30 a.m. when she lost the right rear wheel of the 2001 Chevrolet pickup she was driving. The vehicle left the road, rolled several times and Cook was ejected. According to Montana Highway Patrol Officer Matthew Finley, she was not wearing a seatbelt. The... Full story

  • Glasgow's Mogan Releases 5 Songs

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Oct 16, 2013

    Seven years after moving to Los Angeles, Glasgow native Kenyth Mogan is taking his first steps into the musical spotlight with the release of his debut EP, “Fall Apart.” The five-track EP consists of two covers and three original songs with the title track co-written by producer Tony Rodini and Mogan. Other songs on the EP include “One Worth Losing,” written by up-and-coming pop singer Todd Michael Shultz, and a cover of Julie Brown’s 1987 novelty hit “I Like ‘Em Big and Stupid.” “I had a good t... Full story

  • Next Up: Work At Irle

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Oct 16, 2013

    At the Oct. 9 meeting of the Glasgow School Board, Shane Swandal, one of the school district’s owner’s reps in the building project, said contracts will be available soon for the design and construction teams working on the new Irle School. Trustee David Irving said the board got all the protections in the contract that they wanted. The Glasgow Fire Department will visit Irle School on Monday and stage a fire drill in the cafeteria, said Principal Rachel Erickson. Events are planned at East Side...

  • The New Health Insurance World: Here's Some Help For It

    Oct 16, 2013

    HELENA – With the launch of Montana’s health insurance exchange, the Office of Consumer Protection at the state Department of Justice is offering tips to help Montanans avoid identity theft scams related to medical services and health insurance products. “Montanans need to be aware that scammers may take advantage of the insurance exchange launch and attempt to trick people into revealing confidential information or into signing up for bogus product and services,” said Office of Consumer Protection Director Matt Dale. “When a large program l...

  • Army Corps Offices Close Due To Shutdown

    Oct 16, 2013

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Omaha District Regulatory offices in Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming are closing due to the absence of available federal funding. The Denver Regulatory Office in Colorado remains open to address questions and permitting issues related to the recent flooding and can be contacted at 303-979-4120. Non-flood related permitting activity cannot take place during the government shutdown. Non-emergency regulatory functions will be suspended including evaluating individual permit applications, p...

  • New Valley View Program Aims To Empower CNAs

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Oct 16, 2013

    Valley View Home has launched a new program of inspiring options designed to empower the certified nursing assistants (CNAs) who are so vital to patient care. The CNA career ladder options include CNA II (peer mentor), CNA III, job coach and medication aide II. Qualifying CNAs will be progressively trained in a manner designed to foster the kind of peer-to-peer mentoring that can make a positive difference and enhance job satisfaction and fulfillment, as well as provide an increase in monetary compensation. “I believe a CNA is one of the m...

  • Nov. 5 Election A Mixed Bag

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Oct 9, 2013

    The upcoming municipal elections are featuring contested seats, write-ins and shoo-ins. Glasgow Mayor Dan Carney, who is seeking a third term, has competition from an 18-year veteran of the City Council, Becky Erickson. Glasgow Wards 1 and 2 are both having three-way races for the City Council. Incumbent Neil Chouinard will not run again in Ward 1, but Nancy Schoenfelder, Stan Ozark and Shawn Andersyn are vying for the job. In Ward 2, incumbent Melanie Sorensen is facing challengers Doug Nistler and Curt Clampitt. Dan Carr is the shoo-in for... Full story

  • No Driver's License Required? St. Marie Man Makes His Case

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Oct 9, 2013

    City, county and state officials received a 25-page “memorandum of law” from a St. Marie man on Monday that painstakingly outlined legal reasons why the government has no right to require that he have a driver’s license. Terry-Lee, as he styles himself, quoted scores of legal opinions that he said established his unfettered right to travel on public roads as long as he was not using the road for gain (engaged in business for profit). He concluded that applying for a license is forfeiting the basic right to travel. Along the way his memor...

  • Council Discusses Proposed Fire Hall

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Oct 9, 2013

    The Glasgow City Council agenda Monday night included a new building for the Long Run Fire Department and two water issues. Long Run firefighters have been shuttling between the City Council and the Valley County commissioners, trying to get permission to add a new building at their current location on Lasar Drive. Long Run is a county fire department, but it has a long-standing agreement to maintain its fire hall on this piece of city land. According to Mayor Dan Carney, Long Run was formed in 1988. Dan Taylor acquired a 40-by-100-foot buildin...

  • Fired Up

    Oct 9, 2013

    Gage Anderson, 5, was the first child to climb into a truck Tuesday during the annual display of fire equipment in the Shopko parking lot for National Fire Prevention Week. Tyler Malnaa, who serves on both the Glasgow and Long Run fire departments, told Gage to press on a floor pedal – and he was almost lifted off the seat by the booming air horn.... Full story

  • Opheim Sports

    Janet Bailey, Courier Correspondent|Oct 9, 2013

    The Opheim School’s athletic co-op agreement with Scobey will terminate at the end of this school year. The big question for the Opheim area is whether they want to enter into another three-year agreement with Scobey and, if so, which sports? This is the question posed to the Opheim school board, especially in regard to girls’ basketball. The Montana High School Association, which sets game schedules, needs a decision from Opheim for their early December meeting. This means Opheim will have to decide by Nov. 28 – the probable date for the N...

  • Man Charged In Fort Peck Office Burglary

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Oct 9, 2013

    A man is in jail in Glasgow, charged in the burglary of the Fort Peck Post Office last year and for damaging the rest area west of Glasgow. David Michael High, 39, is facing one count of felony theft, two counts of misdemeanor theft and two counts of misdemeanor criminal mischief. He has made an initial appearance in Justice Court and the case will be sent to District Court. He was brought to Glasgow last week after he finished serving a sentence in Missoula on felony charges of theft and forgery. A number of mailboxes were broken into at Fort...

  • Commissioners Set County Levies For 2013-14

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Oct 9, 2013

    The Valley County commissioners set all county levies in September. This year the total county-wide levies are 85.74 mills, slightly more than last year, which was 84.3 mills. According to Commissioner Bruce Peterson, the increase is due to two things. The new county-wide taxable valuation came in at $25,891,793, which is $122,000 higher than last year. Also there was an increase in the three-year average of the Consumer Price Index, which counties may divide by two to increase the mills without going to the voters. The value of one mill in...

  • Federal Shutdown Hits Here

    Samar Fay, Courier Editor|Oct 2, 2013

    There’s no one answering the phone at the Glasgow Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management. “No one is available to take your call because of the government shutdown,” a recorded message says. A recording at the USDA office intones, “This office is currently closed due to the lapse in federal government funding.” The voice says you may leave a message. “Your voice mail will be returned as soon as funding is restored.” There might be no posted county commodity prices in The Courier, which the FSA provides, for the duration of the shutdown.... Full story

  • Now That's Progress

    Oct 2, 2013

    Wednesday evening, Sept. 25, brought in over 250 community members to celebrate Frazer School’s adequate yearly progress (AYP) accomplishment for the 2012-13 school year. The school made a 20 percent gain in reading and math and also was above the AYP attendance threshold of 80 percent, with the elementary at 87 percent and the junior high and high school at 81 percent. Students performed, cheerleaders cheered and the administrators praised and congratulated the school community in the Frazer g...

  • FWP's Lewistown Bison Discussion 'Civil And Articulate'

    J. Holt, For The Courier|Oct 2, 2013

    Wild bison were the topic of a Sept. 26 and 27 meeting hosted in Lewistown by the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks. FWP Director Jeff Hagener invited people representing the interests of rural communities, government agencies and bison introduction advocates to “explore some common values,” asking, “Is there anywhere we can go as far as middle ground?” The meeting was open to the public, but the discussion was held “at the table,” moderated by Ginny Tribe, an out-of-department facilitator, who introduced herself by saying, “I...

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