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  • Flood of April, 1907

    Mar 11, 2015

    With spring on the way, flooding season comes around the Valley County area. Glasgow and the surrounding commmunities are no stranger to floods as history has recorded several such events over more than 100 years. This photo was taken in April 1907 and is a view of 3rd Avenue South and 6th Street South. While it's clear the town wasn't nearly as developed as it is today, they were probably grateful for the wooden walkways.... Full story

  • Veto Or Not, Pipeline Talk Big Here

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Mar 4, 2015

    The Valley County Planning and Zoning Commission held its first public hearing on work force camps proposed by TransCanada during the Keystone XL Pipeline project. Valley County would house two of the four proposed work camps in Montana, one near Hinsdale, the other between Nashua and Fort Peck. The meeting lasted a little over two hours. A little over a dozen residents showed up to the public hearing, and an additional 10 employees of TransCanada and Target Logistics were at the meeting to help... Full story

  • TransCanada Pipeline Officials Visit To Make Their Point

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Mar 4, 2015

    Only a week after the presidential veto, TransCanada officials made their rounds talking with local officials and groups in town. Bud Anderson, an employee of Western Energy Planning who is an independent contractor for TransCanada, met with the city council on Monday, March 2. He updated the city council that that the lawsuit in Nebraska allowed TransCanada to obtain the remaining land needed in Nebrask for the pipeline, and that they currently have over 80 percent of the land for the pipeline there, and 100 percent of the land in Montana and...

  • Reading Dr. Seuss

    Mar 4, 2015

    Hannah Toavs and Summer Garfield of East Side School read to Lilly Earls on Dr. Seuss' birthday. The students walked across the road to Scottie Daycare and read several books by Dr. Seuss on Monday, March 2.... Full story

  • Downtown Planners Looking For Feedback

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Mar 4, 2015

    Picturing what you want downtown to look like might differ from what your neighbor wants. Getting an idea together that will fit the entire community is a challenging task, but Matthew Rohrback of Land Solutions, the company that won the bid on the downtown revitalization plan for Glasgow, said that so far that process has been fairly smooth. They met with the planning board and discussed what's in store for the plan. Their first step has already started to take shape, assessing the needs of the community through interviews and public input....

  • Mountain Bikers Falls On Lake Ice, Rescued

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Mar 4, 2015

    Dispatch received a call on Sunday for a rather unusual reason. The local caller, Tim Ogrinc, alerted dispatch that he had fallen off his mountain bike and possibly broken his hip. What made this unusual is he was actually out on the lake with a mountain bike that had studded snow tires. The call came in close to 1:40 p.m. He told dispatch that he left Duck Creek and went out for a ride and on his return he fell on the ice. With his dog by his side, he told dispatch that a snowmobile or four wheeler with a sled might be able to retrieve him....

  • Suspect Tied To Meth In St. Marie

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Mar 4, 2015

    A traffic stop in Roosevelt County turned up a suspect that the Valley County Sheriff's Office had been searching for in connection to a drug arrest in August. Humberto Medina-Villarreal, 28, had a warrant in Valley County. He was charged with two counts of criminal possession of dangerous drugs, one a felony for meth, the other a misdemeanor for marijuana, with the intent to sell. The warrant was issued over six months ago tying him to the arrest of Antonio Hernandez, 31. Both are believed to be key persons in drug trafficking through Eastern...

  • Good News For Border Patrol

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Mar 4, 2015

    The Opheim Station Border Patrol employees are probably breathing a sigh of relief today. Yesterday, Congress finally agreed to pass the bill to fund Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through the end of the fiscal year, Oct. 1. Threats of a partial shutdown came last week, but an extension was signed off only hours before a possible shutdown for another week, making this Friday the deadline. The House finally voted, 257-167, on the bill and it's on its way for a signature from President Obama. The Senate passed the bill Friday, 68-31,...

  • Two School Board Seats Up For Vote

    Mar 4, 2015

    The annual Glasgow school election will be held Tuesday, May 5. There will be two, three-year openings for the Glasgow School District Board of Trustees this year, as the terms of Alison Molvig and Nick Dirkes are set to expire. Petitions are available at the School Administration Office located at 200 7th Street North. The deadline to apply is Thursday, March 26 at p.m. For further information regarding the election, contact Kelly Doornek at 228-2406.... Full story

  • Laura Rebekah Lodge No. 19, 1899

    Mar 4, 2015

    This photo is of Laura Rebekah Lodge No. 19 members taken on June 18,1899. From left to right, starting in the back, are Louise Doddard, Nellie Enright, Anna Tryberg and Nellie Russle. In the the front are Mr. Doddard, Walter Shanley, W.W. Newton, Frank Fryberg and Jas Wedum. The organization started in February 1895. The name Laura was given to the new lodge as a memorial for someone who had passed away. In the beginning, 45 charter members were voted in. The organization disbanded in 1904. In... Full story

  • Voices Of Glasgow

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Feb 25, 2015

    Glasgow gets a voice. Radio broadcaster Aaron Flint paid a visit to Glasgow and broadcast live from Farm Equipment Sales. He interviewed whoever he could get on air during the hour long broadcast and still wasn't able to fit in everyone around to chat on the show "Voices of Montana," the only radio show broadcast statewide. There was a lot to talk about and obviously a lot going on in Glasgow and the area. Valley County Sheriff Glen Meier was the first up on the show. Flint asked about crimes... Full story

  • Finding Greener Pastures: Woody Baxter Moves On

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Feb 25, 2015

    He's probably more than just a local legend, more than likely he's part of many stories that are shared around the globe. A straight forward personality and a witty sense of humor could keep you on your toes with one local man. Many outdoor enthusiasts in the area may have met this individual and probably sigh with envy when it comes to some of his true tall tales. Woody Baxter, our local Fish, Wildlife and Parks regional state park and fishing access site manager in Glasgow, is setting out his...

  • Students Pass A Cup To Help A Classmate

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Feb 25, 2015

    It's the small things that count sometimes. A few bits of change can add up into something bigger and a few small efforts can help with a bigger problem. Local Glasgow High School students have been working on continuing their efforts to help fellow classmate Nik Herman. Denise Herman, Nik's mother, explained that last April Nik was diagnosed with kidney failure, more technically IGS Nephrophathy. The 16-year-old sophomore has had a rough year. He's spent time in Poplar being trained to work dialysis equipment at home. He's still attending...

  • Stolen Property, Drugs In Vehicle

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Feb 25, 2015

    A suspicious vehicle call turned a little more serious as deputies responded on Wednesday, Feb. 18. Dispatch received a call close to 8 p.m. about a suspicious vehicle hanging out around Agland Co-Op in Nashua. The caller stated that there were two men, but one was in the bar not drinking, playing the machines, while the other was sitting in the vehicle. Deputies took the male in the vehicle into custody and after taking him to the Valley County Detention Center they found meth in his possession. They decided to obtain a search warrant for the...

  • President Vetos The Keystone XL

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Feb 25, 2015

    True to his word, President Barack Obama vetoed the Keystone XL Pipeline bill that passed both the House and the Senate in the last month. Those votes were not enough to overcome a veto. He released a veto message to Americans. “The presidential power to veto legislation is one I take seriously,” he said. “But I also take seriously my responsibility to the American people. And because this act of Congress conflicts with established executive branch procedures and cuts short through consideration of issues that could bear on our national inter...

  • Nashua Man Federally Charged

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Feb 25, 2015

    A Nashua man went to his first arraignment on Tuesday, Feb. 10, and stood before U.S. Magistrate Judge Johnston in Great Falls. He entered a plea of not guilty. According to an information release from the Great Falls federal courts, Jeffery Helm, 60, is charged with two counts of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute oxycodone and morphine, and distribution of oxycodone and morphine. The release said that if he was convicted, Helm would face up to 20 years in prison, $1 million in fines and three years of supervised release. The...

  • Want A Piece Of History?

    Feb 25, 2015

    The Glasgow School Board met and passed a resolution on Wednesday to help get rid of some of the obsolete materials and objects in the old Irle Elementary School. Principal Rachel Erickson said that they were cleaning out the basement of the school to prep a staging area for the items that might stack up. The list will be posted to the school website and the public will have a chance to go down to the school and take a look at items so they can make an offer. Before the school can get rid of items, they have to give the public two weeks to... Full story

  • Standing Room Only

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Feb 18, 2015

    Several head nods and greetings could be seen at the Glasgow Stockyards on Thursday as the first bull sale of the season took place. It was packed enough to leave interested parties standing wherever they could fit. It seems that the interest in what bulls might go for may have brought several spectators to the Wittkopp Angus bull sale. Reports coming in from analysts say this would be the year for the bull. The cow industry will see another year of high numbers with the worldwide herd down and... Full story

  • Not Your Average Valentines

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Feb 18, 2015

    It's a tradition that isn't gone yet. For generations, students have been hand crafting boxes and envelopes for Valentine's Day cards to find a home. Often those Valentines include candy. Memories of construction paper, doilies, scissors and glue will forever remain. But this year in Glasgow takes that idea up a few notches. Rather than hearts and shoeboxes, you could find dragons, Spongebob Squarepants and a bucking bull, that actually moved every time a card was placed in it. Fifth graders at...

  • Talking Energy, Sage Grouse Not Easy

    Michael Wright, Community News Service--UM School Of Journalism|Feb 18, 2015

    A chicken-sized bird has gotten energy industry advocates and conservationists, Republicans and Democrats working together to prevent it from becoming the next native Montana species listed as endangered or threatened: the sage grouse. “This isn’t a political winner for any politician,” said Sen. Brad Hamlett, D-Cascade. “You’re tasked with the responsibility of looking out for the best interests of the state.” In this case, that means balancing energy interests and conservation to keep the vulnerable aviary species under state control. Th...

  • Knudsen's Energy Proposal

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Feb 18, 2015

    Last week Speaker of the House Austin Knudsen presented House Bill 402 to the House Appropriations Committee. Knudsen is proposing a bill that would give a little more back to the eastern Montana areas directly impacted by the gas and oil industry. Gov. Steve Bullock proposed his own infrastructure bill this session that would use $45 million from bond sales to help our side of the state with water and sewer systems, and roads and bridges that are in need of repairs or upgrades. House Bill 5 proposes $391 million in cash and bonds to help...

  • XL Pipeline Facing Obama Veto

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Feb 18, 2015

    With a public hearing coming up for man camps in the county, the Keystone Pipeline project is still in the shadow of a presidential veto. The House passed the bill after approval in the Senate last week on Wednesday. The votes, 270-152, were still not quite enough to overcome a veto. A total of 281 votes would have been enough to overcome the threatened veto. With the Obama administration fairly vocal about a veto, lawmakers decided to wait after a short recess before placing the bill on Obama’s desk. President Obama has stated that the S...

  • Unemployment Rates Keep Falling

    For The Courier|Feb 18, 2015

    FOR The Courier Montana’s unemployment rate continued its decline in December, down 0.1 percentage points to 4.2 percent. The unemployment rate has decreased by over a full percentage point during 2014. The U.S. unemployment rate declined to 5.6 percent. The U.S. unemployment rate remains over a point above Montana’s rate, but has also decreased by over a full percentage point over the year. Valley County is no longer in the top 10 for the lowest unemployment rate, it rates at 11, with an unemployment of 3.1 percent. Over the last year it’s gon...

  • Cameraman

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Feb 11, 2015

    There's a few days to wait for the anticipated opening of Sean Heavey's photo gallery in downtown Glasgow. The opening has been months, one could even say years in the making. Heavey, a local photographer celebrity most known for the "Mothership," has kind of been working toward this in a quiet way. The grand opening event will take place on Friday, Feb. 13. Local Outdoor Life Editor Andrew McKean will be there for a book signing, and the Wheatgrass Arts & Gallery will also be showcasing their a... Full story

  • More Than A Fair Idea: 20 Years Of Science

    Bonnie Davidson, The Courier|Feb 11, 2015

    It was actually a big year as the Glasgow Kiwanis Club marked their 20th year hosting their annual science fair. It was also the first year that the science fair was in the brand new media room for their displays. The science fair was held over the weekend where three teams of four judges looked at the displays to see if the projects demonstrated the scientific method by comparing things in and experiment. This year 35 students presented 23 projects from fifth, sixth and eighth grade. Charles...

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