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  • Glasgow High School Educational Trust Receives Baker Memorials

    Linda Allie, For the Courier|May 24, 2017

    To all of those fortunate enough to call him family or friend, the late Donald J. Baker's generous spirit was well known. Now, thanks to his extraordinary bequests to numerous Montana foundations, that spirit will become a living legacy in perpetuity. One of those foundations, the Glasgow High School Educational Trust, is honored and humbled to announce the receipt of $732,791.70 ($34,886.27 to be added to an existing endowment within the trust in the names of L.J. and Jean Baker, his parents,... Full story

  • Memorial Program Features GHS Speakers

    James Walling, The Courier|May 24, 2017

    This year’s Memorial Day program from the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars will feature students from Glasgow High School. They will discuss various American memorials they visited on a recent trip to Washington D.C. The program will begin at 10:30 a.m. at the Glasgow Civic Center. Vietnam era vets are encouraged to sign in at the door to receive pins commemorating their service. Those eligible for the honor have dates of service ranging from Feb. 1961 to May 1975. Veterans from all branches of service are qualified to receive a p... Full story

  • Special Election Set for Thursday

    Dane Osen, The Courier|May 24, 2017

    Election Day for the special election for Montana’s at-large congressional district is set for Thursday, May 25. This will be the first election held since the recent change in voting districts in Valley County, where voting districts were aligned with house districts and the number of precincts were reduced to three. All in-person voting, no matter where you reside in Valley County, will now take place at the Glasgow Civic Center. Valley County Clerk and Recorder Lynn Nyquist also added that they will be hand-tallying the votes for the e... Full story

  • Downtown Venue a Good Fit for Quist Event

    James Walling, The Courier|May 24, 2017

    A packed house welcomed Rob Quist at the Loaded Toad coffee shop and Sean R. Heavey gallery on May 18. The Democrat is challenging Republican Greg Gianforte and Libertarian Mark Wicks for Montana's at-large congressional district seat in the upcoming special election. Speaking to area voters, Quist outlined his positions on healthcare (supports the ACA, with improvements), women's reproductive rights (pro-choice), and land use issues, distinguishing himself from Gianforte on the latter issue by... Full story

  • Glasgow's Swing Choir Performs at Ridgerunners

    Dane Osen, The Courier|May 24, 2017

    Glasgow's Swing Choir did not disappoint at their annual spring concert held May 18, at the Ridge Runners Club. The performance has become quite an attraction, with this year's concert drawing almost 400 people. The performance featured the choir's take on several pop songs that spanned several generations and genres. The energy from the group had several in attendance leaving their seats and dancing as the troupe performed masterfully. A lot of time goes into preparing for the gig. Swing Choir... Full story

  • Working Artist Reitler Represents the Region

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|May 24, 2017

    Cat Reitler (formerly Sugg) is a talented local artist who creates unique pieces here in Glasgow and throughout the state. Her original prints are available for purchase through Amazon, which allows her work to be shipped to other parts of the country as well. She recently created a piece for the Montana Warriors on the Water auction coming up on Saturday, July 15. The painting features a bull elk over the Missouri Breaks. After her formal arts schooling, Reitler owned and operated the Goodkind... Full story

  • Free Tree Day Meets Goal in an Hour

    May 17, 2017

    Former county commissioner Dave Pippin told the Courier that organizers of the 10th Annual Free Tree Day donated over 1,100 trees to area residents in under an hour on May 11. Pippin said that Shelly Mills, Ron Canen, Bob Steele, Jolene Cotton and the rest of the volunteers and business sponsors who make the event possible deserve the community’s thanks.... Full story

  • Quist Set to Visit Glasgow

    May 17, 2017

    Democrat Rob Quist will be in Glasgow from 4-5 p.m. at the Loaded Toad coffee shop on Thursday, May 18. The candidate for Montana's at-large congressional district seat will meet with voters and supporters at the cafe and the neighboring Sean R. Heavey gallery downtown. The event is free.... Full story

  • County Brief:

    Dane Osen, The Courier|May 17, 2017

    Last week during their weekly Discussion and Decision Meeting, the Valley County Commissioners had quite a few things on their agenda. The first item of the meeting concerned county employees purchasing tax liens. During the discussion, Commissioner Bruce Peterson expressed his concerns on the matter, stating that county employees would have inside knowledge and would have the edge on these properties with tax liens on them. The motion passed two to one, allowing county employees to purchase tax liens after they had been made available to the... Full story

  • Wicks Takes Questions on Land Use, Negative Ads

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|May 17, 2017

    When we reached Mark Wicks by phone, he took a break at his Inverness cattle ranch. “I like to try to get a little work done,” he joked, adding, “I need to check my cows and make sure they’re where I left them.” From there, we started in on questions relevant to the Libertarian candidate’s bid for Montana’s at-large congressional district seat. Asked about the American Prairie Reserve’s attempts to introduce “free-roaming” bison in Northeast Montana, Wicks responded, “It worries me.” “As a rancher, I’m in a position where I could have the same... Full story

  • Vets Gather to Fish Fort Peck

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|May 17, 2017

    Montana Warriors On The Water (MWOTW) will be hosting a fishing trip on Fort Peck Lake from July 10-15. Fifteen former and current service people from across the country will be guests of this trip and all expenses, including airfare, will be provided by MWOTW. These guests will enjoy four days of fishing at Hell Creek, followed by a boat trip across the lake to Fort Peck, where more fishing will be enjoyed as well as other arranged activities. On Friday, July 14, there will be a Vietnam... Full story

  • Several Bike Safety Workshops Offered in Glasgow

    Dane Osen, The Courier|May 17, 2017

    With summer nearing and the temperatures rising, people of all ages are again beginning to ride their bicycles. While biking is a healthy mode of transportation, it still poses potential hazards and risks that can be minimized through helmets, being cautious, and using your bike in a safe manner. There will be several workshops and classes offered in Glasgow aimed to teach children how to safely ride their bicycles this summer. The Glasgow Police Department will be teaching students at Irle School in grades K through two on May 30 and June 1.... Full story

  • Adding to the Ladder Truck

    May 17, 2017

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  • Annual Blood Screening at Valley View Home

    May 17, 2017

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  • CASA Recruiting More Volunteers in Valley County

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|May 10, 2017

    Thursday, May 11, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Program Director Mark Douglass will be in the community room of the Valley County Courthouse from noon to 7 p.m., to answer questions and provide information about CASA and its mission. Douglass intends on providing as much information as possible about being a CASA advocate and what the responsibilities entail. There will be no schedule or course of events, and Douglass was adamant that, “Walk-ins are not only welcome, they’re encouraged.” CASA advocates are volunteers from the local... Full story

  • Valley County School Election Results

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|May 10, 2017

    Valley County schools conducted elections on May 2 for trustee vacancies and levy requests. In Glasgow, there was a three-person race for two positions on the Glasgow School board. Voters re-elected the two incumbents, Suzanne Billingsley and John Daggett, to three-year terms. Also on the ballot was the general fund levy to finance the district’s general fund in the amount of $71,273.83, which failed by a vote of 636-963. In Hinsdale, there was a trustee election featuring three candidates for two positions. Jared Albus and Keith Beil won t... Full story

  • Area Causes Receive Donation

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|May 10, 2017

    Donald J. Baker, son of L.J. and Jean (Pattison) Baker, died unexpectedly of natural cases on Jan. 8, 2016, while enjoying a hunting trip in Mexico. He was born in Glasgow, and graduated from Glasgow High School in 1960. He went on to receive a master’s degree in architecture from Montana State University. He was also the design architect for the Northeastern Montana Veterans Memorial. In May 2014, he established a trust which designated most of his estate to Montana-based charities and causes, with a number being located in Valley County. Over... Full story

  • Gianforte Talks Close Ties with Trump

    James Walling, The Courier|May 10, 2017

    Greg Gianforte came to town for a campaign event at Farm Equipment Sales on Hwy. 2 in Glasgow on May 8. Gianforte is the Republican candidate to fill Montana's at-large congressional district seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. The seat was vacated earlier this year by Ryan Zinke, following his confirmation as Secretary of the Interior. The aspiring congressman arrived with Senator Mike Lang and House Speaker Austin Knudsen (HD36). The latter provided a brief wrap-up of the legislative... Full story

  • Prairie Ridge Donates to VVH Activity Department

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|May 10, 2017

    On May 4, members of Prairie Ridge presented Valley View Home's activity department with a check for $500. The funds were raised during Prairie Ridge's annual quilt show in March, where the public was able to roam the halls and admire beautiful handcrafted quilts. During this event, a meal was provided for a cost and people also had the option to donate. In April, Our Redeemer Lutheran Church of Nashua held a monthly taco feed where proceeds were donated to VVH in order to complete projects... Full story

  • Art Square Silent Auction Returns to Glasgow

    Tess Fahlgren, For the Courier|May 10, 2017

    Wheatgrass Arts and Gallery's second annual ArtSquare Auction is back! Twenty-six pieces of artwork can be seen in store windows all over town, including Soma-dis Deli and The Loaded Toad. These 6"x6" canvases can be bid on at a minimum of $25 at Wheatgrass between 10-5 until Friday, May 12, 10-2 on Saturday and at the ArtSquare Auction event. Funds raised will benefit Luke's 100, a fundraising organization for Valley View Home, as well as Wheatgrass Arts and Gallery. Local art can only survive... Full story

  • Blues & Brews Festival

    May 10, 2017

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  • Boot Drive a Big Win for Carnival

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|May 3, 2017

    On April 28, members of the Northeast Montana Fair Board and volunteers from the community took their positions at downtown intersections to accept donations. Over $6,200 was raised. The boot drive was one method of fundraising approved by the fair board to help pay for this year's carnival. According to fair board member Louise Lemieux, the boot drive was a suggestion due to the success of other drives such as Block of Bucks. "Doing this type of fundraiser really brings awareness to the... Full story

  • County Brief

    Dane Osen, The Courier|May 3, 2017

    This week, Valley County Commissioners approved the purchase of four used Self Contained Breathing Apparatuses (SCBA) for the fire department. The SCBA’s to be purchased are certified and have a seven-year life span. The equipment will cost $1,600. The commissioners also committed $3,000 to the Valley County Fair Board. The funds will go towards repairs in the bathrooms at the fair grounds. Funding for this project were accumulated through the option tax.... Full story

  • The Special Election Comes to Town

    James Walling, The Courier|May 3, 2017

    At press time, the Courier has learned that Republican congressional candidate Greg Gianforte is scheduled to visit Glasgow on Monday, May 8, at Farm Equipment Sales on Hwy 2. According to FES’s Sarah Partridge, the event will be a barbecue and should run from 5-7 p.m. Montana House Speaker Austin Knudsen and Senator Mike Lang will be on hand to support the candidate and Representative Casey Knudsen (HD33) will assist in providing a wrap-up of the 65th legislative session. Gianforte is also scheduled to stop earlier on Monday in Malta at the G... Full story

  • Valley County Health Department Receives Award

    Michelle Bigelbach, The Courier|May 3, 2017

    The Valley County Health Department received the Healthy People 2020 award for meeting the national goal of 80 percent coverage of immunizations in Valley County. This is a great accomplishment as Montana immunization rates are 68.1 percent and the national immunization rates are 72.2 percent. Assessment, Feedback, Incentives and Exchanges (AFIX) is a continuous quality improvement process designed specifically for immunizations. AFIX is part of the clinic reviews conducted by the Montana... Full story

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