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  • Flood Pictures October 2016

    Oct 12, 2016

  • Flood Pictures October 2016

    Oct 12, 2016

  • Flood Pictures October 2016

    Oct 12, 2016

  • Flood Pictures October 2016

    Oct 12, 2016

  • HLRC Appoints Murray, Bids Farewell to Rude 

    Mark Hebert with PCN, For the Courier|Oct 5, 2016

    When Health Management Services (HMS) announced they were prepared to submit their letter of resignation and step away from managing Phillips County’s Hi-Line Retirement Center at a public meeting two weeks ago, members of the new-look HLRC Board of Directors didn’t balk at the offer. The agreement with HMS – which lasted just over 17 months – ended on Sept. 30 and the HLRC Board is now working towards revoking a request to have HLRC decertified as a nursing home, in attempts to become exclusively an assisted living center. With HMS’ departure...

  • Autumn Comes to Hinsdale

    Dane Osen, For the Courier|Oct 5, 2016

    Taking in the sounds and sights in Hinsdale at the Fall Festival on Oct. 2 was truly a delight. It was my first year attending the annual get-together, which is now in its fifth year. With plenty of cotton candy and ice cream on hand, the children had plenty of energy, whether it was for a round of musical chairs or to try their skill at a catapult-style target game dubbed punkin' chunkin'. There were also several local merchants displaying various goods as well. Sierra Holt and her husband...

  • City Council Brief

    A.J. Etherington, For the Courier|Oct 5, 2016

    The topics dominating the discussion at the City Council meeting held Oct. 3 were the hiring and projected hirings of Glasgow Police Department employees, city union negotiations, and City Council transparency. Other items discussed were the Levee Safety Committee’s meeting with Senator Steve Daines, whose assistance will be needed in securing federal funding, in the tune of millions, to update the Milk River Levee Assistant Chief Gault’s opening word during his department report to the council was “busy”. Gault commented on overtime use, of...

  • VCCF Funds Improvements at Boy Scout Park

    A.J. Etherington, For the Courier|Oct 5, 2016

    On Aug. 20, 18 Boy Scouts and Scout supporters came out to assist Troop 861 Life Scout Garret Paju with his Eagle Scout Project at Boy Scout Park. The project consisted of stripping the current asphalt roof from the park's shower house, patching holes in the roof and placing a new steel roof on the structure along with other maintenance around the park. It took the group of volunteers the better part of the day to complete, and some final touch-ups were made on Aug. 21. The funding for the...

  • Senator Daines Tours Eastern Montana

    Dane Osen, For the Courier|Oct 5, 2016

    Senator Steve Daines made a stop in Glasgow while on his tour of eastern Montana. Glasgow marked the Senator’s second stop on a 650 mile long tour that will undertake in three days. After flying into Malta on Oct. 4 to begin his tour, Glasgow was the second stop out of the 15 planned destinations. The Senator took time to address a crowd of 20 local leaders, business owners, ranchers and members of the press at the event hosted by Farm Equipment Sales. The Senator addressed local concerns on issues as well as national ones. The Senator met with...

  • Tour the Recently Restored Great Northern Caboose

    Oct 5, 2016

  • National Newspaper Week October 2 - 8

    Oct 5, 2016

    This year, we mark the 76th anniversary of National Newspaper Week (Oct. 2-8). The annual observance celebrates and emphasizes the impact of newspapers in communities large and small. To mark the occasion, we are offering a special!...

  • Click to View the 2016 Scottie Homecoming Parade

    Oct 5, 2016

    The Glasgow (Glasgow, MT) High School Scotties paraded through Glasgow on Sept. 16, 2016, in celebration of their Homecoming week....

  • Homecoming Festivities Highlight School Board Meeting

    Georgie Kulczyk, The Courier|Sep 28, 2016

    The Glasgow school board met for their regular meeting Sept. 21, with all trustees attending. During the public comment period, after a brief introduction from GMS Principal Mike Zoanni, Bryon Gustafson spoke to the trustees. Gustafson identified himself as the youth pastor at the Evangelical Church and explained that because he is active with the community youth and he often goes to the middle school and has lunch with the kids, he wanted to introduce himself to the board. Gustafson also noted that Sept. 28 they will be holding a “See You a...

  • Countywide Literacy Project Takes Shape in Frazer

    Georgie Kulczyk, The Courier|Sep 28, 2016

    In a coordinated effort with the Valley County Friends of the Library, Courier editor James Walling and contributor Ginevra Kirkland selected Frazer to launch a new literacy project this past week. Boxcar Road Books is aimed at serving Greater Valley County, which, according to Walling, "lacks even a single bookstore." The pair set up the project's first distribution point at Tribal Express II in Frazer on Sept. 26. The shelf is the first of four planned for locations around the area. They will...

  • Protecting the Pines

    Dane Osen, For the Courier|Sep 28, 2016

    In an ongoing effort to curb fire hazards at the Pines Recreational Area members of the Pines Community Project, along with Long Run Fire Department Chief Bob Hanson, hosted a meeting on Sept. 27. Approximately 20-30 people were in attendance. The preventative measure was the brainchild of Hanson and Fire Warden Dan Carney, hatched to mitigate the abundance of fire fuels. In the meeting, Hanson outlined what had been accomplished by local firefighters in conjunction with the Department of...

  • Valley View Home Discusses Recent Planning Session

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Sep 28, 2016

    In a press release provided to the Courier, Valley View Home’s Karly Kruckenberg, administrator, outlined discussions from a retreat/strategic planning meeting held Sept. 17. The attendees included VVH board members and “key management staff” at the facility. The release focused on the attendees review of VVH history and reduced funding, which was caused, according to Kruckenberg, by reduced state Medicaid reimbursement. Kruckenberg discussed the recent state survey of VVH without mentioning the three immediate jeopardies reported on previously...

  • Latest Additions in Staff and Services at Valley Vet

    Sep 28, 2016

  • HLRC Adds, Replaces Board Members in Malta

    Mark Hebert -Phillips County News, For the Courier|Sep 21, 2016

    Following a nearly two and half-hour meeting with over 20 members of the public, The Hi-Line Retirement Board of Directors replaced three current members of the board and voted in a new member to fill a vacant spot during a private, executive session. Howard Hammond takes over a vacant spot on the board, Bob Ziegler replaces Bob Maxie, Susy Johnson replaces Rick Mikkelson and Michelle Smith replaces Ken Wiederrick. Mikkelson said nothing else was decided at the executive meeting. “Their goal, if I may say, is to do everything they can to k...

  • Table for Six Expands Palettes, Dining Options

    Dane Osen, For the Courier|Sep 21, 2016

    Chef Dyan Carlson has been wowing clients and patrons at Table for Six for the past three years. Carlson offers appealing meals from a wide variety of culinary styles and traditions, complete with an informal lesson on how to prepare them at home. It's clearly a recipe for fun, as many local devotees can tell you. Relying mostly on word of mouth and social media, her classes have a tendency to fill up quickly. Fair warning: Carlson's classes are aimed at adults, and colorful language is pretty...

  • Law Enforcement Brief

    Dane Osen, For the Courier|Sep 21, 2016

    The Glasgow Police Department is working together with the Billings Police Department in the ongoing burglary/theft investigation involving Adam Kelly. Kelly is currently being held in Musselshell County and GPD likely will be filing charges within the week. Citizens are urged to report any missing items from their homes and garages to the police, as only an estimated 20 percent of recovered items have been claimed. The majority of the thefts occurred on the lower north side of town, but there were also reports on the 900 block of 3rd Avenue...

  • Grainery's Stockpiles of Wheat a Show of Low Prices

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Sep 21, 2016

    If you have driven passed the EGT Grainery near Frazer recently, you may have noticed the large piles of grain being stored in an open field near the bins. According to Tracy Sibley of EGT the piles are the result of a low demand for wheat oversees causing them to stockpile the wheat rather than ship it to their facility on the west coast. “Basically the worldwide market is flooded with wheat, and there is so much out there,” said Sibley. She discussed the global wheat market’s success with producing wheat this year commenting that usual...

  • City Council Brief

    A.J. Etherington, The Courier|Sep 21, 2016

    Just following the opening and prior to the bustle of normal business at the City Council Meeting on Sept. 19 the Council voted to approve the City Volunteer Fire Department’s purchase of a 1997 Pierce Fire Truck for $145,000. Chief Brandon Brunelle told the Courier that the truck is in excellent condition and that the consulting mechanic they hired to look at the engine told him it was, “in immaculate shape.” Chief Brunelle stated that Pierce Fire Engines are among the best trucks out there and that this particular model was an “105 foot crank...

  • Constitution Week Sept. 17 - 23

    Sep 21, 2016

  • Homecoming Parade

    Sep 21, 2016

  • 2016 Homecoming King and Queen

    Sep 21, 2016

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